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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. i am only friends with two aggy - one is my best friend's husband, the other is a dude from work. 

    you would not guess it...they are cool dudes who do not fit the stereotype in appearance, politics or intellect. they do not whoop or say howdy, they are capable of self reflection and laugh at many of their brethren. they both make fun of texags and are embarrassed by the corps.

    only area where they 'go aggy' is football. 

  2. i love this one and The Towering Inferno. 

    i always thought the set designers did a fantastic job with the world being upside down, lots of little details that really brought home how disorienting it would be. the ship was an actual character.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Deej said:


    LOVE them. old school and kinda dumpy, but top notch care. everybody i've ever referred there has been super satisfied. 

    forever grateful...elder Dr. Simmons came to our house 10 years ago to put one of our babies down. Dr. Toth has been a lifesaver twice, literally.

    i'll look for Penny's pic next time 🙂

  4. b_t, not that Pete has a chance in hell, but Joe most certainly does...i'm curious which would upset/disappoint you more if they won the nom?

    not being snarky, seriously interested in your opinion, as you seem to be the most vociferous critic of both of them on this site. if it came down to those two, who would you choose? 🤔

  5. 19 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    saying that the framers of the constitution knew they didn't have all the answers, so they had a system for updating and correcting it (and using slavery and civil rights as examples) was said to please the audience he was speaking to?


    yeeaah... this is the kind of thing i just can't get worked up about. it seems trivial considering there are bigger fish to fry and all that.

    but everybody has their own threshold for what is tolerable. this doesn't even move the needle for me. 

  6. we'll be there...taking dad to the bowl game, he enjoyed the txtech game so much. hotel near the riverwalk was impossible, so we're staying about 15 mins down the road, didn't want to be on 35 at midnight on NYE.

    can you still park in River Center mall garage? we went to the '98 ccg and parked there, was an easy walk...if not, may just uber.

    let's end the season on a high note! 🤘

  7. well after the WORST.CHRISTMAS.EVER last year (post #44) this year pales in comparison...

    sister got shitfaced last night so was hungover, my prime rib and homemade mac&cheese were excellent, and i successfully neutralized a brewing teen girl/single mom confrontation/screaming fight/meltdown.

    merry christmas! 😁

    • Like 1
  8. University of Houston has a lower acceptance rate. i know this bc my niece just got accepted to UH. 

    she did not apply to aggy. i took her on a tour last year. she thought the campus was ugly, the 'special family' spiel was weird and cult-like, and she was confused/amused by the corps.

    bless her heart.

    • Like 1
  9. it's not corruption, it's reality. it's also kind of shitty, but it's how the game is played. she's not wrong about it being unfortunate, but i don't hold it against any of them - they need money and a lot of it, all of them. 

    Pete did a good job with his homework, because i personally did not realize Warren had taken the same kind of money previously and that her current stance was relatively new. 

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