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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. 17 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    The thing is, there is no “intellectual” involved. You want to see how hopeless it truly is?  Go read this thread, or as much as you can stomach anyway.


    These people are like attack dogs.  They’ve been trained, groomed and brainwashed by the right wing hate engine to see everything different from them as the enemy.  All the master has to do is dog whisper “sic’em” and there you go.

    i am friends with two aggies. one is married to my best friend, the other is a co-worker.

    they are both super chill dudes. progressive, non-conformist, funny, smart, great to hang out with.

    they both talk shit about football and general university rivalry.

    i do not understand how they came out of that school. like there's a misfire in the matrix. 

  2. just got home from 35mm at the alamo

    i loved it! beautiful picture. Brad was Brad, consistently cool and awesome. Leo was outstanding. i laughed throughout. Spahn Ranch scenes were heavily ominous. ending lived up to Tarantino standard.

    really great movie. not sure where i place it yet... definitely above H8, Django and the grindhouse stuff.

    you can feel how much he loves movies. 

    the ending, the last shot, did suddenly make me feel odd. the smallest of coincidences - a pissed off drunk guy yelling get off my lawn - and how different the story turned out. not sure, just made me think of 'what ifs' in life. 

    will watch again. definitely top tier QT.

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  3. my niece is a senior this year. she's wicked smart, has a good resume and has worked hard, but not top 10% so UT is out.

    (as an aside...Anderson HS doesnt rank outside of top 10%! not sure how we're going to work around that, but i thought it was odd)

    anyway,  we've visited aTm (she thought it was weird and she hated it ❤ lol), TxState (she liked it but if i see pics of her on surly i'm gonna hunt some mfers down haha), and UTSA which she loved. 

    we're visiting UNT in September. thing is, art is her thing. competitions, NAHS, all her spare time, volunteers at Laguna Gloria, etc.

    none of the other schools have 'moved' her as far as sparking something from a career/academic/passion standpoint. she liked the size and closeness of TxState, the housing and amenities at UTSA... i did some research on UNT and they seem to have a very good and diverse fine arts program, including internships in various fields and help with job placement and stuff. i'm kind of hoping something finally sparks her there...it's farther from home but i think if that's the direction she really wants to go she needs to be at a school that takes that seriously. 

    may also look at TCU, i know they have one of the best arts programs in the state...but she only has public school tuition paid for so she'll need to get a lot of aid money.  plus, she's pretty cynical about religion so i don't know that she'd fit.

    anyway... she'll do great wherever she goes, i just want her to be inspired.


  4. 10 hours ago, Dutch said:

    Tthe scene at the cafe is a masterclass of holding the audience in deadly tension: The absolutely abrupt transition when Goebbels says "Ah, Landa!" Music change.  We remember Landa from the farmhouse, how he dealt with Msr. LaPadite. The whole strudel order.  Then the Nazi bastard offers her a smoke.  [Pause while intently staring at her] "I did something else I wanted to ask you [pause while intensely staring at her] but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was."  A masterclass of holding the audience in deadly tension.

    that's a bingo!

  5. 3 hours ago, MidTexHorn said:

    Odd. Every Canadian I've met hates the guy. In Ireland last year, I drank beer with a couple Canadians for a couple hours and we all agreed that Trump is disgusting and reflects horribly on the US. Every other person we talked to about Trump over there felt the same. England may be different.

    we had a french exchange student living with us last year (working on her phd at Jackson school).. she actually made me feel not so bad...

    i'd feel horrible, some stupid,  disgusting shit we'd be watching had happened one (EVERY) day and i'd say 'you know he does NOT represent the majority of americans, more people voted against him than for him! please tell your friends at home that!'

    and she would say they knew, none of them actually thought he 'was America', that they commiserate with the 'beautiful people of this country'. 

    i'm sure some are reading this and thinking 'fuck those Europeans, who gives a shit what they think? 'Merica, fuck yeah!'

    well, I care. i'm embarrassed for my country. GWB was dumb and easily manipulated and made some terrible, terrible mistakes, but i believe he is kind and had a good heart at his core. Trump is a gross, disgusting, evil imbecile with a shriveled turnip for a heart. 

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