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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts
  2. i think you have your Richards/character names confused... Richard Belzer was in Homicide. and L&O. and was also a comedian. and also died recently (well, one year ago).
  3. i love this movie sooo much.
  4. some of the greatest emotional impact scenes on tv. 84 Emmy nominations, 20 wins, puts it up there with the blue bloods. pun intended lol
  5. i know we're all mostly immune to it by now...but every once in a while i still get a wave of OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS DISGUSTING MALIGNANT SOCIOPATH WAS ACTUALLY OUR PRESIDENT 😝
  6. i want to commend your patience and willingness to try to break thru the bullshit propaganda wall in these responses. i doubt it will do any good... but you've done a good job trying to reach thru the noise, at least in this little microcosm. who knows, there could be an actual open-minded lurker or two who will read your responses and actually accept reality.
  7. my husband started Medicare two years ago. he has a number of 'maintenance' health issues. Medicare has been thorough, seamless, and quite frankly excellent. i kind of can't wait. *shrug*
  8. i know why... https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe
  9. i mean sure, every genz person i know just loooves them some Trump, they can't wait to vote for him again, or for the first time. the girls are especially fond of him! they aren't hyper-tuned to misogyny or bigotry or social injustice at all, i mean it's not like genz is known for being particularly woke or anything...
  10. Texas...land of fire and flood (and freezing in recent years) with a dozen days of absolutely perfect weather sprinkled around. 😝 lol
  11. "the misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed...the hate of men will pass, and dictators die..." good speech tho
  12. i for one am pretty impressed with the display and acknowledgement of all this data showing just how great Americans are doing right now with regard to wages and outpacing inflation. seriously! that should make a certain decision about eight months from now a really easy choice, not to mention allow @StassneyHorn to justifiably gloat! 😄
  13. having said that, I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet!
  14. this entire universe could easily dominate this thread.
  15. endless choices here, but this one will do.
  16. i never read the book nor saw the 80s version so i don't know the story that well...but i loved part one. about to sit down and rewatch to refresh my memory. we're experiencing this one in theater. much excite.
  17. "that can't be, that's inside the room..." i can remember the reaction i had in the theater to this one 😳
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