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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. 16 hours ago, A-Tex Devil said:

    I really like this show, but I hate the stupid “frame Tyler to save Nate” arc.   It belongs in a different show that is dumb and I wouldn’t watch.  

    agreed. that's the only part that really feels forced and out of sync with 'kids today'. the sex, the gender/sexual orientation issues, the booze, the drugs, the social media, etc...all ringing TRUTH bells based on most of the teenagers i know. 

    sorry to you parents lol

  2. also going next month, staying in a house above zephyr's cove

    sister is turning 40, feeling adventurous

    anybody have any experience with hot air balloon tours? 

    what about the mountain coaster in heavenly?

    have noted food recommendations

  3. On 5/17/2019 at 8:16 PM, mchookem said:

    so...i need some advice. apologize in advance for the long post...

    my mother died back in January (some of y'all may remember my question in CYHMWT about probate).

    she lived in west Houston, off Barker-Cypress.

    probate hearing finally scheduled after memorial day. we spent about $8K fixing up house (basics- paint throughout, new carpet, some repairs). had a family friend serve as GC so nothing extravagant. all appliances staying. 

    it's a cute 3/2 in a working/middle class neighborhood. PITA HOA so generally nice curb appeal, but lots of renters and immigrants (just fyi, not a problem at all, great neighbors).

    ANYway...as soon as my lawyer filed i started getting letters and have probably received no less than 25 - investors, cash offers, quick close, 'as is', etc. 

    i was actually toying with just a Redfin/zillow type listing as i thought it might be easy, but comments above have me second guessing. 

    sister and i are both in austin so we need something that will go smoothly. neither of us knows a realtor...

    any suggestions? just bite the bullet and pay full realtor cost? do you just cold call one? 

    i'm wondering about all these letters of interest, too... they say 'as is', but since we've done some work now will they try to lowball us?

    this is not the kind of hood where someone was gonna come in and 'flip' it into a high dollar turnaround, that's why we went ahead with some basic work. 

    my husband and i bought one home in central austin when we first got married and have never moved - i don't know anything about selling a house! i'm starting to stress, and the fact i live 150 miles away is making it worse...

    basically i'm just looking for some guidance on where and how to start :(

    i posted this at the end of May.

    i closed the deal last week - while on vacation in Florida - last friday! over asking price. 

    add me to the list of VERY satisfied customers of Phil and Thad with REI!

    they made it so easy, even when the first offer fell through. time from first listing to closing was literally less than 30 days. unbelievable!

    thank you guys so much... and i will be using them again in about a year when we get ready to sell our Austin home! 🤘


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  4. i really like how they are portraying Cal Jacobs. our first intro (in the hotel with Jules) and then the macho speech to Nate in the flashback really set him up to be this physical, potentially violent man, like someone who might literally kill to keep his secret. he initially seemed so strong and on the edge...

    but then the interaction with Jules at the carnival, throwing himself on her mercy, begging her, and the motel encounter this past episode, so sad and lost, trying to make a human connection; puking at the high school bc he was so freaked out...

    his son has serious violence issues, but Cal is just kind of sad, living this alternative life in secret. totally not what i expected his character to be like.

  5. did i miss all of Celeste's sexual conquests?? i knew she had the one... but i was caught offguard by the volume in the courtroom. that and Mary-louise actually having her followed i thought were pretty big reveals. 

    to be clear...a single mom (or any woman) can have all the anonymous sex she wants as long as it's not endangering kids, which it clearly is not. ML's grounds for child removal remain ludicrous. 

  6. so do we have numbers for all the top candidates to compare who kicked ass in the $$ department post-debate? i've seen Pete's, Kamala's, and Beto said he made his goal, but i haven't seen a total. 

    Biden, Bernie, Booker, Castro? 

    also... there's a lot of 'B's in this race lol

  7. regarding the human feces concern, here or elsewhere... serious question, if it's unavoidable (given current policies, not that they're aren't better solutions)... does it not make sense to maybe put port-o-potties in some key locations, particularly where there is a concentration of homeless? 

    to be clear, current solution and policy change sucks...but i'm thinking about the reality...if it is what it is, at least for now, at least that might help keep human excrement off the public thoroughfares.

  8. 25 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Never hurts to take a look back. 


    gotdamn i want to share this so badly. along with Mayor Pete's eloquent takedown of 'Christians'. 

    i just...fuck, what's the point. the people that need to understand it just won't. ever. 

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