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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. anybody have refrigerator issues with their parents? parents are divorced, each live alone, both just hit 70... and every time i visit either of them the first thing i do is start going through the fridge, throwing stuff away...

    WHY do you have 4 things of cream cheese!? this mayo expired 8 months ago! omg this bell pepper is growing something. wth is in this container?

    my MIL is 84 and its the same with her.

    is this a common thing? i try to think, maybe it's about growing up poor or in the country, they don't want to throw anything away... but they keep buying MORE of the same thing!

    gross 😝

  2. i don't mind Austin's growth. traffic is still nothing compared to Houston, geographically it's still not very far to anywhere. so many better restaurants than there used to be. interesting people, i hear at least 5 different languages at HEB. and the insane housing market is going to allow me to retire (early) next year when we sell our central Austin home.

  3. ASSC co-ed flag football for two years.

    supposed to be all fun and games... except average age of our team was 15-20 years higher than all of our opponents, and they took this shit WAY too serious.

    the last season i managed to strain the shit out of my achilles. i mean, i killed it, walked like a complete zombie dragging my foot for almost a month.

    have had physical therapy, cortizone, prescription strength Aleve, use KT tape regularly...its been over two years now and it still gives me fits. I'm just resigned to it hurting for the rest of my life now.

    the one good thing is i have an excuse to buy pretty high heeled shoes, as flats are the worst for it. 😊

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