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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. 50 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    The more I think about this game, the more peaceful I feel.

    This is the last game we'll ever play in this shit conference that profited off of us at every turn, resented us for it, and fucked us every chance it got.

    And we have a chance to go out as the conference champ, the same way we came in.

    I've always liked Okie Lite, in a my-enemy's-enemy-is-my-friend sort of way.  But I hope we embarrass them worse than we did to Colorado in this game once upon a time.  It's not really personal, Cowboys.  This is a goodbye hatefuck from Texas to all of you.

    Come and get it.

    Gundy talking shit about Sark, winning 'coach of the year' out of spite, and now a dead longhorn.

    gawd i hope they end up like these punks...




    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. i feel like i was left home alone a lot starting at like 15 maybe. my maternal grandfather was sick/dying (heart disease) for what seemed like a couple years, so my parents pretty regularly traveled from Houston to Palestine during that time. they would take my sister, as she is 9 years younger and was thus still very much a young child. but at some point they determined forcing their teenage daughter to miss school and spend every spare moment around death and dying wasn't great.

    however... leaving their teenage daughter home alone regularly probably also wasn't great. it didn't help that during this same time period their marriage was literally disintegrating. they had a lot of adult stuff on their minds and were just not particularly...attentive 😐

    let's just say...there were a lot of shenanigans. but to be fair, there were a lot of shenanigans when they were home as well. did i mention they weren't very attentive? 

    gawd, it's honestly amazing i didn't end up (fill in the blank). 😜


  3. 6 hours ago, RPM said:

    Ebon Moss-Bachrach is outstanding. He's flown under the radar giving solid performances in The Royal Tenenbaums, American Splendor, John Adams and No Hard Feelings. This show has given him the platform to show his range. Cousin Ritchie is going to shine as Maître d'. 

    he also shoved his face in Allison William's ass. so he's got that going for him 😄

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. saw it today. caveat: prior to this i really knew almost nothing about Napoleon beyond his and Josephine's great love affair, his defeat at Waterloo, and his exile. so with those eyes... really enjoyed it! no idea of accuracy, i assume the featured battles happened somewhat as depicted as far as victories/defeat/casualties. wtf with invading Russia in the winter lol. battle scenes were awesome and easy to follow. Phoenix was terrific, he always portrays pain very well. Kirby was also great.

    i could see if you weren't expecting so much focus on his personal life, or would have preferred a more in depth biographical take, how you might not appreciate it, but i found it a well balanced story even 'hollywoodized', and i enjoyed his portrayal. it's obvious from his writing that he was deeply in love.


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