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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. so far i've booked a renovated seaside farmhouse literally a 15 minute walk across the road from Utah beach memorial. this will put us within two hours (or much less) from the American cemetery, Omaha beach, Bayeux, La Cite' de la Mer, Mont Saint-Michel, and who knows where else. we're doing 3 nights here, seems like a good place to use as a home base for a few days and omg is it lovely!! 🤩 dad and sister did finally get their roundtrip tickets, yay! 😜 having a hell of a time getting them to engage in actual itinerary planning, no surprise 🙄 so i'm now working on the first week or so in Germany by myself...overnight spots likely Kitzigen/Wurzburg, Munich (Dachau), Stuttgart/Heidelberg... then crossover to France at Strasbourg and head west. do we have a Germany thread too?? i'll look...i'm open to any suggestions on any of the above, or that general region (south/southwest) of Germany. i've got a few old ass castles on the list 😁 but if there's something we shouldn't miss in the area lmk! dad keeps talking about the Eagle's Nest, which should be reopened for the season by the time we're there. it's...something. but given the map and our timeline, i think we'll let them do the swing over there after they drop us off, when they are on their way back to Frankfurt. i mean i think i'd prefer an extra day or two of museums and delicious food with an evening stroll around the Champs Elysee to seeing Hitler's hideyhole at this point 😊
  2. our Texas boy seems to have hit his stride of late, good for him! 🤘
  3. the fact they had to rely almost exclusively on nothing but their eyeballs 👀 for just about everything - formation with their fellow bombers, attacking fighters, navigation, identifying targets, hell even the landing gear coming down successfully! - that's pretty insane to think about. it's amazing they were ever successful!
  4. i love Deadpool/Ryan Reynolds and have seen both of the previous movies. and i saw the original XMen way back whenever it first came out, so i'm aware of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. but as i've mentioned here before... that's about it for me and Marvel (actually think i saw the first Spiderman, first Ironman, then agreed to accompany my mate to Wakanda Forever to be nice lol). anyways, just not my scene, man. so i hope this one doesn't require the full breadth of MCU knowledge in order to enjoy it! 🙄
  5. i think he literally hates Obama so much and is so obsessed with Obama making fun of him at the 2015 WCD that in his mind he has convinced himself he actually did beat Obama.
  6. yeah, don't be dissing Tool motherucker!
  7. if Democrats were bigger assholes we'd all be better off.
  8. "1 out of 10... i'd definitely eat some. fuck i hate myself!' 🤣
  9. the dead know only one thing...it is better to be alive.
  10. sounds to me like Biden's clever ruse worked on the special counsel. he's a mastermind!
  11. World War II: From the Front Lines
  12. i'm probably way behind on this one, i don't know how many years ago it was released...but the World War II series is incredible, primarily because the footage is absolutely astounding! 😮 we ended up watching sort of in preparation for a WWII site-seeing trip to Germany and France we've got planned with my dad in a few months. i have never seen footage this extensive, plus they colorized a lot of it, so it's just mind-blowing. i'm legit shocked that this much footage even exists! anyways...it's really, really good.
  13. i'm still researching and planning... but may i just say, AirBnB prices for countryside/actual seaside places in and around Normandie (i.e. Caen, Asnelles, Colleville-sur-Mer, etc) are... absolutement incroyable 😮 i'm sure late May is still low season and the weather won't be ideal... but still, holy crap at the quality you can get for...not a lot of money, i'll just put it like that. i mean, 'super hosts' and 'guest favorites' even. wow. and i think about how much we have paid for 3-4 nights in Port A or South Padre over the years 😆😊
  14. wait... who the hell are these people and did they just physically attack some poor guy on the street for being an immigrant?? like, seriously, is that what's being broadcast here, and nobody did anything? what the actual fuck??
  15. by contrast... this was episode 4 of season 1 lol https://youtu.be/vnRTITzYnXs?si=iJqEtQCXtfVMEnOP
  16. what in the hell is this douchemobile 😂 https://www.rezvanimotors.com/rezvani-models we saw one driving in Denver last night and were like 'wtf is that??' then i googled it and we were absolutely cracking up... "Rezvani. When a Humvee doesn't compensate enough." 😆
  17. yes? i mean car keys and kitchen knives and matches and household chemicals are not expressly designed and manufactured to kill people. seems a pretty clear and easy distinction.
  18. 20240205_223749.mp4 great show as always. i give the edge to the 2022 San Antonio show just bc they played nearly every one of my favorites. and the texicans know how to fucking rock 🤘 everybody at the Denver show looked exactly the same - 'Colorado rugged' 😆 ETA: also, while waiting around to leave for Tool tonight... we bought tickets to Gary Clark Jr. at Red Rocks in May! i mean that sounds fucking awesome lol.
  19. truth. also Pnuema, my workout wrap up song on the treadmill. drum solo climax me:
  20. mchookem


    as the (step-) grandmother of a queer, black, young woman...i concur 😊 i have worried about how challenging life will be for her... she graduated college last spring so is just starting out, and that's a lot of 'strikes'* right out of the gate...female, black, queer. she seems to be doing okay so far, we just try to offer support when we can and advice when she asks! *obviously i don't mean we think they are strikes, but we know the realities of this world.... you know what i mean 😕
  21. going tomorrow night here in Denver! my third time... this is fucking awesome! 🤘😄 also...got tickets for Black Pumas here in June.
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