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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. i think Taylor refused to put her music on Spotify? but i can't remember exactly why. i could be wrong but i think i remember something about that a few years ago...🤔
  2. this is bothering me...once in the diner, his final one in Butch's apartment...the third?? he just had to 'take a piss' at Mia's... 🤔
  3. is that being filmed from Mexico? what a weird issue for him to insert himself in... did he learn nothing from Dr. Oz??
  5. sigh. why is everything just so gotdamn stupid?
  6. ohhhh seeing as how i've watched The Talented Mr. Ripley at least 20 times and think it's Matt Damon's best work and i own/have read Patricia Highsmith's entire Ripley series...I AM EXCITE!! 😁
  7. posting some of this here, copied from the Italy thread, bc suddenly i'm hitting both (along with Germany) and i have no idea what i'm doing 😄 we're going mid-May. family trip, Germany first. we're doing some WWII sites, renting a car and heading to Normandy. my French exchange student lives in Brest, she's going to meet us somewhere, i think we're just going to tour some of the countryside around there, i still need to do research on what to see (other than WWII sites which my dad is planning). at least 2 days in Paris (we actually love cities)... then we were going to just drive back to Frankfurt and fly home... but then my mate said something about 'too bad we're not going to visit Italy' and I was like...pause... actually, we can do whatever we want to do lol. so now dad and sis will take car and head back to Germany/home and we're gonna add another 4-5 days and probably fly home from Rome. i'm already on top of booking the train Paris>Rome. i mean i figure we will likely never be back there again so there are some musts in Paris and Rome. Florence seems to be the other stop folks recommend the most. anyways...we've been talking about this trip for a few years, but not actually doing anything for it. then my dad had shoulder surgery, then fell and broke his leg last summer or we might have done it in the fall. bottom line... i purchased one-way tickets Denver>Frankfurt last weekend, so this is happening one way or another 😆😮 i'll be perusing both threads from the beginning in the coming weeks...i really want to keep this pretty relaxed without a hard itinerary, but i know train tickets and some sites will need prior purchase. downloaded the Trainline app, felt super fancy 😋 j'ai etudie' le francais pour sept ans, en l'ecole secondaire et a l'universite'. je sais assez pour dire 's'il vous plait, parlez lentement?' 😄 je vais essayer...meme si c'est terrible 😆
  8. oh yeah? well i am also going to Italy, in late May. and it's totally impromptu...family trip, Germany first. my dad lived in Kitzigen and i was born there. we're doing some WWII sites, renting a car and heading to Normandy. my French exchange student lives in Brest, she's going to meet us somewhere, i think we're just going to tour some of the countryside around there, i still need to do research on what to see (other than WWII sites which my dad is planning). at least 2 days in Paris (we actually love cities)... then we were going to just drive back to Frankfurt and fly home... but then my mate said something about 'too bad we're not going to visit Italy' and I was like...pause... actually, we can do whatever we want to do lol. so now dad and sis will take car and head back to Germany/home and we're gonna add another 4-5 days and probably fly home from Rome. i'm already on top of booking the train Paris>Rome. i have no idea what i'm doing, never visited anywhere overseas 😜... but i figure we will likely never be back there again so there are some musts in Paris and Rome. anyways...we've been talking about this trip for a few years, but not actually doing anything for it. then my dad had shoulder surgery, then fell and broke his leg last summer or we might have done it in the fall. bottom line... i purchased one-way tickets Denver>Frankfurt last weekend, so this is happening one way or another 😆😮
  9. i mean it's not like he's subtle about out.
  10. American Animals... as i continue with my new Barry Keoghan obsession lol. this one also had Evan Peters who is on quite an impressive little run. good little movie, interesting story. neat approach of interspersing the real life guys throughout. enjoyed the Oceans 11-type imagining of the caper...not quite how it turned out haha. i do hope they were/are all able to establish productive and happy lives post-prison, i def got a sense of real remorse and regret from all of them, these were dumb boys not natural criminals.
  11. Denzel is on that list. I don't think that's accurate. he's very Christian (like, a real one, with extensive philanthropy and such) and he's very critical of MSM...but rumors of him leaving the democratic party were debunked years ago. that list is pretty suspect.
  12. well at least he's not paying 60%!
  13. Trader Joe's...pasture raised, certified humane...$4.49 https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/pasture-raised-large-brown-eggs-062124
  14. i don't know what's happening but it's 64 in Denver today and i'm here for it ☀️😎 looks like more of the same the next five days at least!
  15. my god, the food 🤩 everything else is cool too lol
  16. yo...i just bought our tickets to Frankfurt for May, you should go then lol 😆 dad also wants to hit Austria.
  17. part of me sees this and just wants to laugh and say 'cute, fatty still likes to play war like we did with sticks back in the old days, bless his heart i hope he has fun' but then i think how many are actually into this play-acting to the point they lose the concept of reality and someone gets hurt/killed. Rittenhouse, Perry, etc., and it's really just all pathetic and terrifying.
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