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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. catching up now, we wanted to wait until all the eps were available before starting the season. agree with above, the Diana saga and conclusion was tremendously well-done. i am not a royal-phile (or whatever you call it) in the slightest and her death barely registered with me at the time, but the show got me choked up about it. i'll say the recasting of the princes despite no break in the timeline was totally jarring, especially Harry! he was still supposed to be 12 and he suddenly looked 18...weird choice, but maybe that was related to the strikes or something? *shrug* anyways... we're up to ep7, three to go... i'm assuming we'll get some 9/11* drama, and then didn't she lose her mother and sister at nearly the same time shortly after in 2002? that's got to be impactful. it's amusing how they are portraying Charles as such a forward thinker, open to change and encouraging modernity...and now the Brits all think he's too old and wish it was William. *i chuckled when Blair responded to W's election with something like 'well i'll be the elder experienced one now and be able to steer him'...yeah, how'd that work out Tony? lol
  2. well stated. Dazed has been mentioned in this thread as GenX's movie, and it is...but as far as being one of the 'high school' movies for that generation, it misses with me. i was in college when it was released and first grade when it's set. John Hughes hit the money spot again and again.
  3. so the headline is and then the last paragraph says i guess prosecutors can just change their mind?
  4. great, now y'all are fucking up my 'not so bad' thread!
  5. yeah, i mean the leadership of Texas could work with the federal government to try and come up with humane and orderly methods to try and relieve any excessive burden the state is shouldering, whether that be additional funding, manpower, cooperative policy making, whatever... but that's impossible when one of the parties involved is literally only interested in putting on a show for its resident assholes and would rather fling shit and ship families without coats or even shoes to fucking Chicago and New York in the dead of winter or, you know, just let people (yeah, people) die. ...and you know they laugh about it.
  6. ...he also ignored this question posed repeatedly: "once again if the Federal Government isn't protecting the border, who is making the arrests?"
  7. whatever it's called it better have this guy!
  8. i do think the way people consume the product has affected interest...but i also think it has a lot to do with the product, especially movies. i used to have seen almost every film that would be nominated for something...but there was a point several years ago where i realized i hadn't seen any of them, so like who cares? there have been a few years improved, and the current crop is pretty stellar imo...but when it's been a bunch of dark/depressing or exceptionally weird selections, it's hard to care. i do often use the nominees and especially winners to find new TV shows... Schitt's Creek and The Bear come to mind.
  9. i just finished it...
  10. well...unfortunately BCS ran into the juggernaut that was Succession this past year, which i can't really be mad about bc damn it was fucking good tv. super happy for Culkin as he absolutely killed it this final season and deserves all the awards...and it's the type of role he may never see again. just never was good timing for slippin Jimmy or Kim 💔 anyways...Emmys are so much better run than the Oscars lol.
  11. i started it after it won so many GGs last week...only on ep4 but it's definitely got me hooked. one of those 'uncomfortable but can't look away' watches. oh...and Netflix.
  12. how did i miss Treat Williams dying?? motorcycle crash, wow.
  13. haha i didn't even remember making this thread lol Beef and The Bear cleaning up so far. still hoping BCS finally gets some recognition later.
  14. absolutely cleaning up at the Emmys, every category it's been nominated in 👍... should be a lock for best 'comedy' later, although yeah, what's with the category 🤨 lol. anyways...well deserved!
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