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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. thank you for bumping... search function is jacked!

    anyways, all i wanted to say was wtf with all the transfer chatter 😄

    started seeing it after ksu game and now it's popping up everywhere 🙄 reminds me of all the 'Worthy's transferring!' chatter last year lol...yeah, how'd that turn out? 😄 so many so-called experts seem to not even know what redshirting is lol.

    clickbait headlines and wishful thinking from enemy camps.


    tenor (4).gif

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  2. 🙄 ok allow me to restate...she's not literally going to blow anything up. that was a hyperbolic joke.

    but i could see her getting involved in altercations with either counter-protestors or law enforcement that could end up with her hurt or in trouble. she was already pepper sprayed or gassed or whatever by APD back during the 2020 summer of covid and BLM, and she was just barely out of high school then. 

    ironically she almost was committed her freshman year but that was related to the eating disorder/harm to herself. she's not actually violent...just really impassioned, highly focused, and rn she's super angry at the situation. 

    i told her to write my number on her arm so she could call me if she gets in trouble. haha. 😐

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  3. if you live in a city that promotes recycling (scam or not) you definitely get into the habit. i honestly feel bad now, like 'i don't know what to do with this bottle/can/paper!' bad when i'm visiting my family in podunk east Texas and they're just piling up the beer and White Claw cans for the trash dump. it's weird how your psyche gets trained. 

    if i still lived in Texas and had to live thru the summers i'd just have to give the middle finger to the 'Ercot urges conservation!' messages.

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  4. personal rant, feel free to skip...so i feel like the gen z person in my life is close to off-the-rails on this topic and i'm really worried she's going to end up arrested and/or expelled in the middle of her senior year of college for crossing a line in her efforts to protest. she is beyond passionate at this point 😒

    her enthusiasm is right in line with her Type A/ocd/eating disorder mental issues... she grabs hold of something and gives it 1000% and just won't let go. she's also a leader so she's actually organizing some shit this weekend...i don't even want to really know details but ngl... i'm worried how it might turn out. i actually admire her passion and commitment, and i don't think she's even wrong (i share many of her sentiments)... but not if she ends up sabotaging her future. 

    a sample - 'i can't sit back and lavish in my cushy american privilege and future while innocent men women and children are bombed and their history erased! that's horrifying and i can and will sacrifice so that they can have a chance. those kids deserve to grow up as much as i do!'

    she and her mother haven't been speaking for a while (nothing to do with this, mostly her moms alcohol/histrionics) and her dad is a wet-brained moronic maga-type (i mean thank god she doesn't actually drink, amirite)... i'm literally the only one she talks to. luckily we are super close, and she does listen to me, i spent the morning counseling her on how her skills and resources could be put to good use in this effort in productive ways versus... whatever she's got planned. but this is a topic she's honestly probably more informed on than i am so i'm not sure what to say or how. i have to freakin google half the shit she talks about so i can at least try to discuss it... but of course some of it is just horrible and i don't know what to say. i read this and the other thread to try and stay informed of developments. but i stg if i have to fly to Texas to bail her out i'm gonna lose my shit 😳 any words of advice??

    tl/dr my niece is damn near radicalized and may blow something up this weekend, what should i tell her to get her to not? lol (kidding. sort of. 😐)

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  5. saw this black mamba while bike riding in Denver today!


    actually saw three of them... so tiny. they are definitely enjoying sunning on these still warm days. managed to pick up one... who proceeded to pee all over me 😝😁

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  6. this was a fun game! just a gorgeous day. Army absolutely dominated Air Force...surprise! we were with the AA members of West Point c/o '91, club level access...stadium is nice, good bar and food was pretty good. 

    Charles Brown (chair, JCS) was on hand to promote the oldest living Tuskegee Airman to Colonel - James Harvey, 100 years. also the paratroopers coming in at the beginning was very cool. 





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