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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. i prayed when Dusty was getting ready to kick the field goal in the Rose Bowl against Michigan. except it didn't feel right bc the Thailand Boxing Day tsunami had just happened a few days before. so i clearly told God to ignore everything i was about to say, to pay no attention to my prayer...then i prayed the shit out of that kick. it worked! or it didn't. whatever.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  2. On 10/31/2023 at 2:59 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Better hope so, there are a shitload of Republicans in Texas who want to arrest any woman, regardless of age, who leaves the state for an abortion.

    i'll repeat my offer... if any surly member or their loved one needs help exercising female body autonomy, i've got a guest suite available on the burgeoning underground railroad here in CO, just DM me.

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  3. 8 hours ago, LateAughtsHorn said:

    One of the reasons I was sad that Mensa turned out to be a fraud is because his douche-tasticness would have have annoyed everyone that hates us like no other coach we've had if he actually won. 

    i mean 'ok cool, hook 'em' was pretty awesome lol

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  4. tons of kids, just like last year. but i bought more candy this year so i didn't run out! 😊

    had two of the blow-up dinosaurs that just crack me up for some reason, they're so funny looking 😄

    easily 20+ Spidermen, by far the most common costume.

    only one Barbie which honestly shocked me, i would have put money on that being the most popular costume this year!


  5. 4 hours ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    Texas might be the farthest gone state in the "union," which is crazy when you think about some of the states. But yeah, there's a less horrible group of Republicans that will fix shit if the Dems would just help them get elected! Great fuckin plan ygifs





    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. On 10/25/2023 at 7:44 AM, Hank Kingsley said:

    This is a great press conference/interview with Scorcese, Leo, DeNiro, Gladstone, and Chief Standing Bear 


    noticed he introduced all the white men as 'Monsieur' so-n-so, the Osage gentleman as 'Chief', and she was just 'Lily Gladstone'. 

    maybe i've just grown too 'tuned in' or sensitive bc of the subject matter here, but that stood out right at the beginning. 

    i think slorch and others may have expected and would have preferred the 'original' version of the story that Scorsese imagined. i have no doubt it would have been excellent, maybe even a better 'movie'. but it wouldn't have been the right story. this is the story that needed to be told.

    Lily said it very eloquently... we needed these specific voices that are HUGE and respected and command attention from the world (Scorsese but also DiCaprio, Deniro) to get people to even pay attention and learn about this, to remedy "why the hell does everybody not know this story??"

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 59 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    No doubt.

    A question about US engagement with Israel right now, re the present war.  Do you think that US pressure has resulted in Israel taking a more aggressive course of action re Gaza, or a less aggressive/more measured course of action than Israel otherwise would have?  And yes, I know the response is "we shouldn't offer any support and should kneecap Israel," so stipulating that response....is US diplomatic engagement in the past few weeks helping to ratchet the military acts of Israel UP, or DOWN?

    that's the answer, right...Biden admin got them to slow down on the hostilities some, i swear i read that yesterday. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Surly Bevo said:

    Chandler's death has got me thinking about Jennifer Aniston's cold studio nips. So that's nice.

    I know it's popular now to trash the show.  Was it the greatest comedy ever?  Nah?  But it was pretty solid, especially for the first 3-4 seasons and Perry's timing and snark were a reason it was.  

    i like to rewatch easy sitcoms to go to sleep, full seasons...Seinfeld, Cheers, etc. i had never done a rewatch of Friends at all, not even syndication, but all the Matthew Perry stories the past year or so got me kind of interested in a 'what i know now' kind of way, so i recently wrapped up a full rewatch.

    i was surprised it was a lot funnier than i remembered, i found myself chuckling quite a bit. his appearance did change drastically season to season. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. 5 hours ago, C-Man said:

    It's not his fault that the majority of the electorate in this state is so rock-head stupid or has mastubatory tendencies to all things assault-weapony that he felt he had to tread carefully in order to have a CHANCE at winning an election. This state fucking sucks in many, many ways.

    this is correct.

    c'est comme ca.

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