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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. still drunk TOOL halfway thru PNUEMA FUCK Y'ALL WE WON!!
  2. bring it, bitches @THUJONE i saved myself for you 🤘
  3. so these are called Gumbo Greens. i was skeptical bc both my gumbo and my greens are already perfected, but my mate saw this recipe and really wanted me to give it a shot. roux not quite as dark as my gumbo but basic process was the same...roux, trinity, sausage, spices... greens, broth...then a smoked turkey wing. simmered for at least two hours. outstanding! friend who doesn't usually even like greens had seconds.
  4. that's just... that's too much, the damn doors open 🙄 good grief.
  5. i have long maintained that spending my entire childhood, from as early as i can remember, watching Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, and The Electric Company, usually several times a day, was absolutely crucial to my mental and intellectual development and my eventual success in life. ❤️
  6. started at 13 (insane!) sneaking my mom's Tareytons which were just god awful 😝, you'd think that would have deterred me but nah lol. quit in 2009, picked them up again after a couple of years (so stupid 🙄), quit for good 2018. other than a couple years in the 90s when i was cosmopolitan and smoked Virginia Slims and then Capris, was mostly Marlboro Lights then Ultra Lights when those came along. we went camping for the first time in over a decade this year... we were laughing at all the Marlboro Buck$ gear we had in our camping supplies 😄 because smoking and outdoor adventure activities go so well together! 😜
  7. that was no 'versus'... what a letdown, i woulda put money on the mongoose!
  8. ahh maybe this is what drunk incoherent Welshy was babbling about last night 🤔
  9. i do agree that 'well the Palestinians elected Hamas so FAFO!' is a bad faith position in 2023.
  10. okay i guess? (i wouldn't know)...but how is that perspective wrong? 🤔 what Israel has done to Gaza is horrible. it has undoubtedly made Hamas' goals easier. but no country on earth would let 10/7 happen without violent retaliation. we certainly didn't. i don't know what Ben Shapiro or Piers Morgan have said but i don't think it's a talking points conspiracy to state what is a pretty logical human position.
  11. i can't believe they didn't even mention Whitmire's full scale dismantling of the Texas Youth Commission in 2007. i lived that. he made his side piece the conservator lol. it was rough.
  12. speaking of Big Egg...around here, there is literally a $4.40 difference between pasture-raised certified-humane brown eggs at Safeway (8.99) and Trader Joe's (4.59). i mean wtf is that shit 😡
  13. if there's something strange on your capitol steps who you gonna call? GHOST BUSSES!
  14. the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of school children and Walmart shoppers. duh.
  15. Lost in America and Mother are tied for me. absolutely hilarious.
  16. i mean... is someone arguing he's not a dictator? we are talking about chinese China, right?
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