my niece is terrified. ive been talking her down all week... but then she had a run-in on campus with some jabronis (only verbal, but basically the same 'your body, my choice!' bs...gotdamn i wish i'd been there 😡).
i tried to get her to 'they're just stupid boys' but she's literally feeling terrorized, which i guess she is, and that seems to be the point. so...i went ahead and suggested she get a gun. she's shot out at my dad's many times, she's pretty comfortable handling a firearm, and a small pistol is all she needs. in fact...i suggested she carry lol (would have to be conceal carry on campus, i assume). i mean at this point i'm all for whatever it takes for her to feel safer until she can gtfo out of Texas.
like i said...i now accept that we are who the world thinks we are. unlike an apparently huge chunk of this country, i am capable of taking in new data, letting my amygdala kick it around a bit, and then changing my position. @fattyflattie would be proud 😜...murder dildos for everyone!
i mean...fuck it.