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Everything posted by Treefidy

  1. In the BCS/playoff era there’s only 2 teams who have won national championships from outside the new SEC footprint, USC and fOSU. That’s 24 years with 12 different teams. As much as I have disliked the SEC bias and built in advantages of scheduling and pre-season rankings, there’s little question that the best teams are usually in the region. There’s already a perception the SEC is the best football conference, and that will just grow stronger if they were to separate and remove any chance to compare. There’s quite a few teams who won’t be content being perceived as D2 or having an asterisk next to their championship. I think it’s more likely there will be a big shakeup in the next few years than the SEC splintering away from the rest. With all the money at stake and NIL, an NFL model seems more likely in my opinion. Something like a slimmed down SEC/ACC conference and B1G/PAC with regional divisions N/S/E/W . It does seem that’s the most likely outcome, but it would be funny as hell if it simply split down the middle with an SEC and SWC…. Because aggy. College station would sink into the soft, tear soaked earth
  2. He’s just protecting that 100M. He must play innocent and ignorant of the truth, and he sure as shit can’t support an illegal Super secret NIL program. The rubes will get restless soon and start looking for cause as their only way out of that absurd contract. They paid recruits and called it NIL, burn another program to the ground but collect all the money from that contract. He’s a cuck and reall grates on the nerves if you hear him yap, but I’ll give him props if he fleeces aggy for the full 100M.
  3. It will be funny when the SEC bitch slaps aggy again, when they have all teams “vote” on proposed pod alignment and they are told to vote yes to being in our pod. it will be even funnier if they decide to take a stand at that’s the hill. I would imagine after their tantrum over our invite, the wrench they threw into playoff expansion, the last recruiting cycle, and repeatedly showing their ass has shortened the leash measurably. It would not be difficult for the SEC to replace them with a program that adds more value.
  4. Historically that should be our pod if that’s the conference format, though I think it ends up East/West to avoid something like UK/Tenn/Vandy/USCe or whatever. Whatever the case I’m guessing we get stuck with aggy. They really think highly of their sports prowess, yet they actually contribute next to nothing to the SEC national championships count. Bama, LSU, UGA, UF, Tenn, Barn, and Ark all contribute to football. UK, UF, Arky, and LSU to basketball. LSU, USCe, Vandy, UF, UGA, and MSU to baseball. Basically, they are better than Ole Miss and Mizzou when it comes to contributions to major sports championships. In my opinion NSUs 2021 baseball title and aggy 1939 year of magical magic is a push at best. found this humorous: Prior to joining the SEC in 2012, Texas A&M claimed national titles in 1919, 1927, and 1939, all allegedly awarded by multiple selectors that no longer exist. Future SEC member Oklahoma, set to join no later than 2025, officially claims 7 national titles, with 11 more unclaimed titles. Future SEC member Texas, set to join alongside Oklahoma, officially claims 4 national titles, with 5 more unclaimed titles.
  5. Pairs the thumbs with Charlie’s index finger and you can redefine cliches about doing nothing. Standing around picking your nose with your thumb up your ass, yet you could still lend a hand.
  6. I know this is in jest but it’s Texas and in the general course of business you encounter Aggies regularly, I freely admit to having some close friends who made poor choices in their youth, we even trade lake houses with a family whenever they want to go to lake Austin or we want to go to LBJ. These are really good people who we enjoy getting together with….. unless there are other Aggies around. It’s bizarre, their cultish insecurities really come out when they get into a school. While alone we can discuss football and everything about it, but add another cult member and it quickly devolves into anger toward “snakey” and how they were lied to and shown such disrespect by allowing us into “their” league. They hitched their wagon so tightly to the SEC, their feelings are genuinely hurt.
  7. I mean, Bellytat is a huge Douchebag. But USC is a historically better program than OU and Southern California if infinitely better than mobilehoma. He peaked out at OU and moved while he was still able to upgrade, got more money and a rich fan base that’s getting thirsty again. Hes easy to dislike but that was a smart move by a guy with a smart agent. Would you rather be a mid sized fish in the pacific or the big fish is a murky pasture tank with several sleeveless meth heads drinking natural light while noodling for dinner?
  8. Ehh, Are you calling me on a cellular phone? I don’t know you, who is this? Don’t come here, I’m hanging up the phone. Prank caller, prank caller!!
  9. I have a hard time understanding how aggy could lack any sort of roster player NIL they could point to, yet they land a class of recruits who had guys actively looking for money, and somehow those rubes think that what they did was in any way legit. Actually, it’s aggy so I understand why they can’t critically think, it’s all the others who believe they were were ahead of the curve and beat everyone to the punch with all their oil money. Will there be any repercussions for their blatant disregard for rules? The most satisfying thing would be for them to completely get away with it, yet fail to win anything of consequence. They are going all in and that might just crush their souls.
  10. I agree with this yet don’t understand why anyone would want to withhold NIL info if things are above board. Like the stupidity of aggy who think collectives trumpeting their deals are the dumb ones, meanwhile they are the real brain trust with their secret, innovative deals. It’s astounding most of them fail to reconcile the illegality of enticing recruits while having a mercenary class sign up for super secret unpublished NIL deals. Isnt it the case that a student seeking financial aid must show a tax return or parents return if a dependent? I admittedly know nothing about how the athletic scholarships are structured but it seems like there has to be a way of checking income from NIL deals. Of course an athlete could simply pay their own way and school compliance departments are not created equal, so that’s likely a dead end. I completely agree that NIL deals need to be published, thats probably one of the most important steps toward figuring this out.
  11. How much do you have to hate OU as a QB legacy QB and to enroll at UT then later transfer to Nebraska?
  12. You get what you pay for. At least he will have the aggy network to help set him up in the 77449 zip code with a nice tract home and a well placed insurance sales job.
  13. Oh but UT wasn’t in the SEC when they hit 2k, so aggy will always be the #1 SEC team to reach 2k wins. Advantage aggy The hall of champions is filling up fast with all these championships they are creating.
  14. well, Bama didn’t pay players, the boosters paid players. And they didn’t pay “A player”, they paid all the players. It’s all in the wording. I once did this with code enforcement from city of Austin, these 2 dipshits came out and started harassing me about some patios and covered space in my yard because of impervious coverage. “Did you build this patio and outdoor kitchen?” No, “I” did NOT build this outdoor patio and kitchen. (A guy named Jose and his guys built the patio and kitchen) ”You’re trying to tell me this patio was here when you bought the property?” I’m telling you, all of this stone was right here on the property when I bought it. (The stone was, in fact, on the property, it was field stone the guys uncovered and and used for the patio. They accused me of lying to them, I accused them of being dumbasses.
  15. Not to mention they would also be breaking state law if they did actually set up LLCs for incoming recruits…
  16. On the right side you would need a beam running parallel to the diagonal rafters where there is no web, that prevents the rafters from sagging in the middle. The ends of the beam should be supported by purlin braces which are similar to the diagonal webs in that the angle down and bear on the bottom chord, but only at a location where their load can be directed down to the slab, like a load bearing point in a wall. If the purlin is above, for example, a header beam below, then the additional force likely means the header beam is now undersized. Draw a straight line below the purlin and make sure it is directly supported to the ground. the size of the beam is determined by the span and how many rafters it’s supporting. 2-2x12 with 1/2” plywood will technically span a garage door opening with loading from above, though LvLs are preferable. As you mentioned the garage is below I would assume the minimum span possible to hit 2 walls below is 20-22, depending on direction, possible more. That’s going to be LVLs and probably double 14” which is going to cut o your headroom. In the space intended.
  17. What kind of roof do you have? It is possible to cut the trusses but the bottom chords do not appear to be substantial enough for loading. Trusses generally use smaller lumber than when stick framing because it’s designed to shift loads in ways yo might not even think about. the upper chords or rafters want to sag in the middle, so the diagonal webs push against one another where the meet. The bottom chord acts as a tie helping prevent the ridge from flattening out which is what it wants to do. This keeps the ridge standing up where it’s supposed to be and the center vertical support holds the bottom chord up from sagging under the weight of the diagonal web loads and ceiling loads from Sheetrock below. Your bottom chords look like 2x4 or at most 2x6 but either way they would not be sufficient alone to span an open space without help, much less with your shit stacked on top. Now, all that said, most everything is engineered with redundancy involved and cutting one web most likely won’t cause the roof to collapse. I would be more concerned about the bottom chord being too thin to support much additional weight.
  18. Cmon it’s aggy. You know what they meant and it has nothing to do with her outfit. She could be wearing farmer overalls and work boots and they would still have a problem. Aggys fucking suck
  19. Tire worn out in the middle, sign of aggy over inflated ego.
  20. Zipper? Hell, the kid down the street caught his sack in between the Chan and his crank sprocket when we were jumping curbs in 2nd grade. He didnt have a free wheel so he was completely fucked. His older sister spun the pedals forward and ran it all the way through, definitely hurt his pride more than any lasting damage but it sure traumatized me seeing that shit.
  21. It’s Oklahoma, so like $132 for gas and a half ounce of meth for the drive. Plus driver probably picking g up some riding lawnmower parts for his USLMRA racer on the way back.
  22. Having money isn’t the only thing to factor or Harvard would rule CFB. Amongst universities with the highest number of high net worth alumni we are inside the top 15. The combined wealth of just around 2200 of our richest alumni is like $450B. Harvard has over 13k height net worth alumni worth a staggering near 4T. Michigan, Cal, USC, and Stanford have more richer alumni worth more than ours, fortunately Stanford doesn’t really give a fuck about football. Willingness to spend, that’s the key. You have to have some alumni with money, sure, but they also have to be willing to spend. Aggy is exhibit A for what a desperate fan base with some money can do.
  23. No doubt, they have like 17 of the top 100 in the class. They have some good gets, and there might be a few of them in the portal in the next year or 2 when they don’t get enough playing time. When you get the best players you can only expect to have them for 3 years, look at Bama and their half a dozen or so SRs on the entire roster. Seems like roster management was a problem for fisher at FSU
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