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Everything posted by Treefidy

  1. What happened on the wide side? By my count there’s only 1 DB over there with Worthy and Whittington. They guy floating after Whittington stayed in the middle with 3 defenders in the middle covering Sanders and Blue. 6 on the line and 1 on Mitchell. 2 of our best receivers with 1 guy covering to the wide side seems like the mismatch we wanted
  2. I get it, but I think it was on me. I wore the same shirt for every game except OU. Half time of that game I caught a snap and changed, but it was too late. Yesterday I had a lot of shit going on and didn’t realize I was not dressed appropriately until late in the 2nd. Needless to say, at that point I knew what to expect, a heart breaking end to a close near win. I’ll do better next season. And scotch. The 53 year old stuff and plenty of it. Still drinking in fact.
  3. Maybe lizard man is their Pellini and they are about to go full Nebraska
  4. I grew up watching bowl games and I will always love the bowl season. Holidays, family drama, booze, and lots of food. And lots of football. New Year’s Day was the day every team with any stake in a MNC had their chance to show out, questions and controversy abound. Things change and the old bowl system is now defunct, we can keep the major ones as tie ins to the 11 meaningful game playoffs, but the rest don’t have much of a future. I will miss the old bowl system as flawed as it was, but I sure as shit won’t miss a growing number of games like tonight. Playoffs will give us more, better football to end the season so here to change.
  5. FSU should have been pissed at UGA for losing to Bama, otherwise this ass beating would have been in the sugar bowl. The committee would have taken the easy out and selected the 4 undefeated champs, so I for one thank Bama for shaking it up and hope we can repay them by taking them down a second time this season.
  6. That was a weak OPI call, and a soccer worthy acting job by the DB. Pedo can fuck right off but I can’t stand the soccer flopping dramatics
  7. Damn there’s a lot to unpack in those pics at first I thought the Christmas tree was in the bathroom, with the shower curtain and all. someone was taking a picture of a purse and caught meat pimp and his current slice in the background? They still make Dorian countertops? Is the a Houston burb thing? A countertop ice maker….. right next to the freezer with and ice dispenser? man, this could go on for hours.
  8. They seem to think there’s another roster returning next year. You know, like all the Missouri valley and Midwest/rustbelt players they have been stacking. There’s little doubt they will find some improvement over what they showed tonight among the incoming transfers, it would be hard not to. They really just need help at QB, OL, DB, LB, TE, and receiver. Add a little more depth at DL and they should be set. Coaching might improve but that’s still a big ? As the staff has yet to be assembled. At this point the best they can hope for 2024 is to be competitive in most of their games as next years schedule is the easiest they will have for the foreseeable future.
  9. That jump pass drill really was shitty
  10. In a gold trans am he used his aggie money to purchase just for the occasion…. Oh and doughnuts on the grass just before his exit. do we still have an RTF program? This needs to be a movie
  11. Jesus in life, in Katy, working in insurance for 6figs, the house is king. It’s the asset. In fact, it’s the main asset of me and all my wealthy friends. I don’t actually understand how mortgages work but I’ve got something called PMI so I’m a baller. Damn it’s good to be rich, life in the fast lane. fucking goober.
  12. Damn dude, let me help out I’m hangry, I’m hungry, have you noticed my 5 head, I have agoraphobia and a pocket full of Xanax, I’m a ventriloquist, she has her hand up my ass, I banged everyone here except…, EastTx box face, anyone seen my 6 head, run away if you know what’s good for you, I kill chickens, pass the weed man
  13. so what happens if scheduling stays the same for the next several years, Elmo’s 3rd year is going to look like this when they get the flip side of the conference G5 G5 G5 Vandy Kentucky Tennessee Ole Miss OU UGA Bama FCS UT
  14. He has to be the worst, sounds like he’s dipping Vienna sausages while having some of the worst takes and opinions on air. in some tangled edge of the multiverse Keith Jackson is still alive calling Texas games with Joel Klatt.
  15. Plus to outsiders it makes them sound like our little brother, similar to Michigan St, Miss St, Oregon St, Washington St, Mobliehome St, etc. And…demotes A&M to the podunk ag school of Texas, the reality they have been desperately trying to change for years. I mean, they claim the A&M no longer stands for what it stands for, despite the constant bragging about the engineering dept, the hall of champions being full of meat judging trophies, plus multiple courses in chicken farming & other forms of animal husbandry. You know, agricultural and mechanical focused studies.
  16. I agree they almost certainly wouldn’t leave the SEC out, but if UGA won the committee wasn’t bumping FSU for us. It would have been real clean at that point to just take the 4 undefeated, plus our biggest win would have taken a serious hit. We needed the 1 loss door opened one one of the 3 games beside PAC, and a UGA win took 1/3 of our paths away 100% of the time.
  17. I think the deal should be…. If we get in, Imma bans him for being wrong and mucking up the thread But if Bama gets in instead of us, everyone who said UT gets in negs him to Bolivia for being right and mucking up the thread
  18. Jesse talking up the FSU defense as “elite championship level” is on par with him talking up hot date between a bunch of senior citizens.
  19. Did Plumber get a big NIL deal this week from FSU?
  20. My ears are bleeding from FSU band version of boomer sooner. Fucking shut the fuck up
  21. That’s not gumbo, that’s boudin and oysters the morning after
  22. Truck load of dildos… $85,000 Repairs to tractor trailer…$50,000 Clean-up after you realize your payment crashed on its way to the wrong Stoops brother… $15,000 Hiring Elko instead after deal falls through…. $120,000,000
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