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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Everyone involved in both of those incidents was white, dipshit….
  2. I’ve always parked in one of the surface pay lots east of the Rangers ballpark(s) along Randol Mill. It’s a bit of a hike but not too bad….
  3. Apparently locations won’t be known until Monday, but look at your credit card charges - if it’s $300 per (plus $30 total), you’re in the upper level…
  4. The bleacher setup at the one on Riverside sucked shit…
  5. I just wanna be sure. I don’t wanna be kissing fucking Nat King Cole over here….
  6. It ain’t the best place in the world, but it’s definitely not the worst. Bartenders here are pretty chill and pour heavy if you prove to be the same…
  7. If we do go to 16 with the SEC and B10 guaranteed half the slots (which seems inevitable) I like the idea I heard floated of the SEC ditching the CCG and instead having 3/6 and 4/5 play-in games for their final two spots. You give your best two teams a week off and most likely the combined TV money from the two play-in games at least equals (if not exceeds) what they get now for the CCG….
  8. After 31 fucking years of playing fantasy, and losing in the championship 7 times, I finally won my league. There’s hope for the Bills and Vikings this year after all…
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