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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Ignatius

  1. 57 minutes ago, ousux said:
    1 hour ago, jw4381 said:
    Savion's package should be more of a true zone read rpo kind of thing. It's kind of one of those things that Sark exhibits his stubbornness that will drive surly off a cliff one day. I hope to see him improve, as I'm an eternal optimist...

    The last time it was used Red was supposed to pass according to Sark. Of course mishandling the ball kinda killed everything on that one.

    Yeah for all the bitching among the KICK THE FG SARK crowd, that was a brilliant play call. If Red doesn’t drop the ball JTS easily gets the first and very well might have scored…

  2. 3 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    There is a legitimate possibility that Yormark is intelligent enough to realize that the only shot the conference has in terms of getting some of that sweet, sweet CFP largesse is if Texas wins out. I actually think that's why the officiating seemed closer to decent against TCU. It's $6M to the conference, I believe, should a team make the CFP. Is that enough to matter? I don't know. It's enough to give pause, however. 

    I realize the unfunny consensus on this board is that Yormark is a thoughtless imbecile and that Texas will always be fucked with Big 12 officiating. Those posts can be spared. We all get it. Just throwing out the possibility that a rational human being might look at circumstances as they're presenting themselves and say "maybe we should just focus our 'fuck yous' for OU since Texas has a chance to make all of us some money?"

    Yormark seems more competent and forward-looking to me than anyone who’s run this show since we joined. If he’d been in charge the whole time we might not be leaving. That said, fuck him for his Tceh booster club bullshit…

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. The one long sleeve one short sleeve thing is stupid and I’m not a fan of the bowling ball red helmets, but I do think the blue jersey and pant combo is sharp and I like the style of the numbers. That with a white helmet and red/blue logo (kind of like some team that used to play here) is something I could get behind….

  4. 4 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    Was shocked we didn't go after Chase Young. Is he a FA after the season?

    We only have $4MM in cap space this year and the 5th most in the league next. No point in restructuring deals that chip into the latter to roll the dice on a talented guy who can’t stay healthy. I’d rather throw all of that $$ into a Greenard extension…

    2 hours ago, Fud said:

    Their defense is too good for them to completely collapse 

    Most likely; more wishful thinking than a prediction…

  5. If Cleveland completely collapses now that Watsons out for the year and that last DeShaun pick turns into Keon Coleman/Chop Robinson/Kool-Aid McKinstry, the decision to send our pick to Arizona instead of Cleveland’s is going to be some genius-level shit…

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  6. 19 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    About 90% of the national college football podcasters think we’re losing in Ames. “Classic trap game. Prove it Texas.” Blah, blah, same bullshit we’ve heard since 2010.

    Are you implying that mindset has been bullshit since 2010? Some might consider it a profitable betting strategy…

  7. 18 hours ago, Dnaguy said:

    I always liked watching a game, having a burger, and getting beers at The Tavern.

    But I’m an old now so idk what’s hip anymore.🤷🏼‍♂️ 



    I haven’t lived in Austin since 2018 so no idea if it’s still the case, but they used to put every TV upstairs on the Georgia game, so if we played at the same time downstairs would get crowded early. Bunch of jerkoff dudes but they brought some hot tail with them…

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  8. We should be able to help the bullpen through trades of guys who are position-blocked. I think Duran will be a solid middle infielder but we’ve got no openings there. Same story for Justin Foscue, though he probably fetches a little less. I would absolutely not include Sebastian Walcott in that group…

  9. 1 minute ago, Hmbre97 said:

    Ok, hypothetical. If we win out and make the Big XII champ game, would you rather see OU again or OSU?

    I’d rather see OU but I will never ever ever ever root for them to root for them to win a game under any circumstances…

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  10. 5 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    fucking kick the mother fucking field goal you fucking fuck WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK.......FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK

    when will this fucking fucker fucking learn

    KICK THE FUCKING FIELD FUCKING GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you keep a fucking team down damn it.....you wear their fucking asses out....they get a big play and they are still down by a lot because YOU TAKE THE MOTHERFUCKING POINTS FUCK

    you fuck off the points because of fucking stupid fucking no fucking reason and you give them life....they make a big play and they are that much closer......it is the end of the game and you are bigger and stronger, but they are still in it because YOU FUCKED OFF POINTS FOR NO FUCKING REASON

    you want them to look up tired as fuck and see they still have a long way to go not "oh shit if we get points here we are close"


    That FG was less ‘automatic’ than the two kicks they fucked up. If the kicking game goes to form in this game we lose by a point in regulation…

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