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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Ignatius

  1. Just now, Rockethorn1978 said:

    Yea after we won I didn’t text bama fans like we own the world now. When we won two titles and went to 4 WS I wasn’t looking for rangers fans to text or talk too. I didn’t give a fuck. 

    You realize what this thread is for right? Nobody’s posting any shit on the Astros season thread….

  2. 3 hours ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    Lullz. Except they kept winning after they(Astros, Red Sox, Yankees, dodgers and yes the rangers) cheated and went to 3 more WS and won another. If they cheated and that’s why they won they proved dumb asses like you wrong. Enjoy your hand job you give your fellow ranger fans for I guess possibly making the playoffs? But until your shit stain franchise makes 4 in 6 years and wins 2 there is no thread of hate just a. Ton of envy for what your team will never have.

    I heard a lot of this a couple of Saturday nights ago in Tuscaloosa…

  3. Angels without Ohtani, Trout, and Rendon, played like shit since the trade deadline, roster essentially gutted. Man if there were ever a team primed for a sweep, it’s these chumps.

    Sweep this series, have Seattle take 2/3 from Houston, and the last 4 against the Ms don’t mean shit (for us anyway)…

  4. 1 hour ago, HtownHorn said:

    I love Tank Dell. Loved him at UH. We need another WR just like him. Worthy would be the guy. Worthy, Dell, Collins, and Metchie. Then take Sweat or Sanders in the 2nd round.

    I don’t think JTS is gonna see Round 2…

  5. 4 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    What I mean is, yes we could lose the rest of our games this year against them, but that would put them ahead of us (likely) and a tiebreaker wouldn't matter. 

    There are 4 teams within a game of each other vying for 3 spots. With no more 1-game playoff, the tiebreak is huge…

  6. 10 games left, tied in the loss column with Seattle and Houston. Last off day tomorrow, then it’s fuckin go time. Really, really, really need to take 2/3 at home against Seattle at the worst. Arizona keeps winning, which helps us - Astros looking at closing on the road against two teams trying to make the playoffs…

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