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  1. I feel like Quinn committing to Texas just closed the door for what 10 plus years of misery. In my mind he was the player that flipped the script before he ever even took a snap. Thank you Quinn you balled out and always represented Texas the right way. I will always root for your success.
  2. For the game will Texas be in burnt orange or Icy whites?
  3. Muhammad played like he had the flu don’t remember him ever struggling like that before today.
  4. There is also a real chance we win a National Championship. Lift your chin Nancy and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Hang on to that cigar maybe you will get to smoke it with the rest of us in January.
  5. I hope we don’t have to count on our kicker to tie it up
  6. Of course I am not implying he is the only reason we won but he damn sure is the only one with a thread dedicated to bashing his ever mistake
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