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Everything posted by ApocalypseTexas

  1. Who the fuck is the analyst on tv that can’t keep Bamas cock out of his mouth
  2. So if Georgia wins over Bama what do y’all think will happen. Who will be left out?
  3. Not an X and O guy but I will give it a shot to try and get the focus back on the game. can not allow the big plays that will happen to turn into TD. Force ou to try and score in the red zone we excel there advantage Texas. I think BJ Foster is crucial to our success use his elite quickness to force Ewok to quick decisions. On offense I think they do what others have been doing. They will blanket LJ and play a safety over the top of CJ. This should open the middle allowing Duverany deep and Beck shallow to control the middle of the field. Duvernay should have a record breaking game. Control the clock with the run game and keep the foot to pedal the entire game. Most important play the damn game to win don’t play not to lose.
  4. Anyone that watched the Kansas game and then hired Charlie Strong deserves what they get and anyone that did not watch that shit show of a game and hired Charlie Strong deserves what they get. The simple incompetence of that one game still amazes me.
  5. This last play you can't really coach that you either have it or you don't. That closing speed and explosion is elite. This guy is going to be incredible to watch over the next couple years.
  6. ApocalypseTexas

    I want OU

    I don’t give a shit which one I am excited we play Kansas last game on the season with something big at stake. Win vs Kansas bring either one of those teams on they both deserve a Texas size ass kicking! 🤘
  7. Back to Ingram yes he should start!!
  8. Please watch and get back with us on your statement. Dude you need a memory refresh. https://youtu.be/4STT5jIE1O4
  9. I was wondering when someone would start a post on this sec bullshit
  10. Texas Defense making average to shitty QB’s look like heisman candidates week after week.
  11. I laughed at this post earlier now I am thinking OP has a legit point
  12. Unreal how bad the big 12 Officials are this Tech vs Ou game is worse than the Texas game
  13. Is it a good thing he is not getting a head coach job or a bad thing?
  14. On both sides these guys are epic bad who the fuck calls defensive holding twice on interior defensive lineman in a game? Fuck these refs
  15. Watching Texas football is like working your 7th 12 hour shift in a row just draining mentally and physically.
  16. Have to hand it to Sam wow we get him for two more years!
  17. I have to say Sterns has a lot to learn his tackling is pure crap and angles bad. Great ball skills but he needs work. This defense man it’s been so bad for several weeks now. Is it youth or scheme?
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