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Everything posted by Tobias

  1. yeah, feel a lot of similarities to Bakhmut, some differences due to it being a front-line stronghold since at least 2014. the overall scale, though it hasn't gotten much press over here, has seemed a lot higher (jesus there's been a lot of 1000+ removed from action days over the past month). on a long enough timeframe with ongoing western support it seems like an unfortunate blip, but idk i'm feeling a little bit negative about its place in time/momentum compared to bakhmut or prior and with the seemingly current wane in material support. not trying to be a little bitch - i know this effort has come at the expense of a ton of of russian resources, but i'm getting a bit bummed out thinking about the fact that we don't seem to have the stomach/support to take russia down to whatever number is close enough to 0% capacity to make it all meaningful. for the guys over there fighting their asses off, i think i'll be a little sick if the reality ends up being that this adds to shit freezing and ceding donetsk/luhansk on apparent momentum
  2. not gonna be a popular comment, but Avdiivka situation seems not ideal, particularly last few days? talk me down
  3. i have some interesting news for you...
  4. if you think you're gonna trick me into posting in the sports boards more than like 2x/yr you're out of your goddamned mind
  5. no idea if it’s still the “thing”, but msi afterburner still the most common in my circle. don’t love it but it works
  6. Metroid Prime remaster has been very fun - didn’t play the original fwiw. Surprisingly non/existent “hey I’m playing this on a switch and it’s kinda hitching” situations
  7. that game was fucking ugly, might as well have been 5-0
  8. CS is a conservative city in a conservative state, Denver/I25N are the outliers
  9. Tobias

    Concept Albums

  10. @SydneyCarton this is 100% what i expected to find in here
  11. glad to hear things are on the up, jd 👍
  12. es oficial
  13. i mean, also probably stuff to do with STR...
  14. how's the sith raid looking for you guys @Masshole Horn? we're trying to improve our focusness
  15. "you people" smdh
  16. yeah, definitely follow a game plan with ships... and good job realizing when a guild sucks ass
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