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Certifiably Surly
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  1. He's not cheering them on, per se, just saying that ethnic cleansing is necessary for peace. Makes tons of sense when you think about it.
  2. does Ted Cruz need to change his last name too?
  3. Well yeah. Internet trolls aren't exactly known for having things to live for.
  4. Welcome to the Internet everyone! What we're experiencing is commonly referred to as a "troll." As you may have noticed, he once again succeeded in derailing the thread and making it about him. You can minimize his impact by ignoring him or refusing to be baited by his obvious attempts to derail the conversation. The more you know....
  5. Hayden suggested it to Kaeden. But then Brayden and Jaeden got involved, and before you know it, Grayden and Aiden had also joined the club!
  6. My daughter's 3rd grade class has a Ukrainian boy. Mom, dad, and kid all here since 2022. Lovely family. Guess they have to go back. Maybe I should have them reach out to @HellesBier so he can explain to them why this will be good for them.
  7. my favorite airport
  8. anybody got Bill's number to call and check on him?
  9. actually, it had been dropped for the last 20+ post until you brought it back up.
  10. doling out hard truths... 4 months later....
  11. Well, to be fair to Derka, the conversation had worked its course, and then a day later Post Oak drops this: Very few posters on this board who aren't going to respond to that.
  12. lol In what I'm sure is a wild coincidence Fox News ran an article today comparing Obama's treatment of Bibi in with Trump's treatment of Ukraine, NATO, and the UN. Because we all have functioning brains, we see that there's no real comparison, but very sad to see that this is the best "both sides" they can come up with.
  13. Did you choose this gif with the knowledge that he's written this book?
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