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Certifiably Surly
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  1. And drew up a pretty damn good punt block. Somehow fucked up the actual blocking part though
  2. you can put him on ignore for free. can't do anything about the idiots still falling for his schtick and quoting him though....
  3. Were the University of Washington players pleased when they committed to DKR only to see him bail after one year? Was he forced to abandon "commitment and loyalty?" That's not a criticism of Royal, mind you. I'm just sick of this the separate standards for players vs. everyone else involved in the sport in any other fashion.
  4. Not sure how we're gonna do it, but someone needs to workshop "gluttonous slob" into one of the many existing aggy thread titles.
  5. Don't bring positivity to our weekly post-win whine and cry session
  6. What are the odds that Pronghorn followed this guy's twitter?
  7. I, too, attended Pepperdine Law School. Should i do a AMA?
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