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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Not so sure of that. When asked if he'd like a ride, they'd eventually move on to the next person after listening to his rambling response that fails to answer the question
  2. I think GRUHorn should kill himself. Good thing he's been banned, otherwise I might get in trouble
  3. Pimphand? Confined? He's been spreading his mental illness on this board for years.
  4. lol Imagine believing that the guy who did all of the above presents "no danger" and will not attempt to hold onto power. Just mind boggling stuff.
  5. Maybe you were sleeping in 2020, but he spent 3 months trying to steal the election. Does that ring a bell? Does that one not count because he failed?
  6. I plan on insulating my windows, obviously
  7. They were doing that in Altadena and Pasadena before the Eaton fire. My buddy brought a bunch of steaks over to put in my fridge as they cut power to his neighborhood hours before the wind really started to pick up. It's actually looking like the power was inadvertently left on in some regions. I read a story about a couple in North Altadena who were told to expect that their power would be cut. They were surprised to see it still on when the winds hit. Like an hour later there was some sort of explosion of sparks right at the base of a tower in the mountains near their home. Edit: pretty sure @Sbbruin had his cut prior to the fires
  8. Pacific Grove is on my short list when my kid's out of the house. Prices are surprisingly reasonable, given the location. I've also got Berkeley on the list for that same reason.
  9. I think 2020 BLM marches and protests will be viewed mostly favorably, although I guess that depends on who ends up writing the history books. A sitting governor pardoning a convicted murderer because he had the "right" position, should go down as one of the darkest days in this already awful timeline.
  10. About 2/3 of Americans had an unfavorable view of MLK in 1966, according to the Pew Research center.
  11. He's not. At least by any serious person. He's been picked because he kissed the ring and is anti-Vax, which became a pillar of the GOP platform in 2020. Nothing more, nothing less.
  12. also, and I'm sure they've got top men on it, was it maybe her time of the month? edit: oops, wrong thread
  13. Out of curiosity, I looked up the Idaho Dairymen's Association. On the front page of THEIR OWN WEBSITE they proudly boast that "90% of on-dairy jobs are filled by foreign born labor." Trump may have been right. I'm not sure I can handle all of this winning. Might OD eventually.
  14. there are times when the simulation angers and saddens me. this is not one of those times
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