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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Black Friday special: 2 day cruise of Galveston Bay on a repurposed trawler
  2. That's what I keep getting told. Been here for 16 years now and still waiting to experience my first.
  3. Every time I'm in Texas, I'm asked when I'm moving back. The last time the conversation came up, it was on the heels of everyone discussing what kind of generators they bought for their house for the next power failure. All living in the "energy capital of the world."
  4. Here's a real life example I came across today https://edsource.org/2024/tackling-the-student-mental-health-crisis-in-rural-central-valley/722582
  5. No, no, no. That's not how it works. As Trump supporters will tell you, you are not supposed to take anything he says seriously. Makes one wonder why you'd vote for someone when every policy consideration is the mystery flavor.
  6. Imagine Obama and Holder pulling the below in 2012 had Romney eked out a win. You'd have been calling for the public hanging of all involved. You know it. I know it. Everyone here knows it. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840.260.0.pdf You either think the election was stolen and are too stupid to continue engaging with, or you approve of the above "lawfare" because it helps your side, and can be dismissed as a partisan troll.
  7. Interesting. Not sure how anyone can view the actions of Trump and his admin between 11/6/20 - 1/6/21 and NOT come to the conclusion that he was trying to illegally install himself as the president, but you've had 4 years to rationalize that one, so whatever you gotta do, I guess.
  8. yeah, we all know that the republicans had to adopt the "Everyone is always committing multiple felonies every day!" position once their God-King was indicted. go sell that shit somewhere else, Johnny.
  9. is auburn gonna make cups to commemorate their 4OT thriller?
  10. damn had no idea that Bondi is an acid attack survivor
  11. Found one in the wild. Guy comes on /r/askLosAngeles to inquire about how to obtain affordable health insurance now that his income has increased, making him ineligible for Medi-Cal. His shock at having to pay several hundred dollars a month made me wonder, and a quick review of his comments revealed he's an immigrant pending asylum who spent election night trolling the libs. Had to find out the hard way that if the ACA goes, those numbers are only going way up.
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