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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. Quote

    She even tries to explain his continuing flattery of Mr. Putin, describing a conversation with him after the Helsinki meeting.

    “To his credit,” she writes, “the president soon issued additional remarks, saying he had misspoken.” She adds: “I was glad he made that clarification, and I understood what he had been trying to do. He was trying to keep communication open with Putin.”

    She also credits Mr. Trump with learning from the experience of Charlottesville, and handling synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh and near San Diego “with great sensitivity and appropriateness.”


    Ms. Haley’s loyalty to Mr. Trump’s view of the world has been rewarded with a presidential endorsement. “Make sure you order your copy today, or stop by one of her book tour stops to get a copy and say hello. Good luck Nikki!” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter.


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  2. 43 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    You know if this were a "normal" election I would agree with you that the Democrats should answer. It's not. This is a president and GOP that has adopted constant lying, distorting, and gaslighting as a policy. Not typical politician "you ask me if the sky is blue? Well, there are lots of ways to answer that...", but full blown "the sky is pink!" type lying. Everything is lying, attacking, and distorting. So if you're the Democrats, why are you going to make an intellectually honest attempt to have a conversation about a very nuanced issue that requires critical thinking, when the other side of the conversation has no intention of doing any of that? 

    You don't get to call someone out for not coming to the table for a conversation when you are wholly incapable of and unwilling to participate in rational conversation. They can demand honest discourse when they give it back instead of defaulting to lying and gaslighting almost 100% of the time. Until that happens, they can go sit at the kids' table with the idiot rednecks that have bought the bullshit they're selling.

    You want to know why Biden isn't answering you? Because you don't deserve an answer.

    Today, the sitting president of the United States accused his political opponent of ordering the murder of Seal Team Six, and @GRHorn wants to know why that opponent wont give a straight answer to a question.



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  3. 5 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:

    This says it all

    "Derek Warehime came up with the idea"


    Wait a minute. Is that the one we hate or was that the wide receivers coach. Theres been so much hatred with coaches i get them confused now 

    we hate them both. he's the one who apparently took such an offensive shit in a recruit's bathroom that the kid committed elsewhere.

    fitting when you think about it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, nineliveslost said:


    I havent heard this , but that is funny and not in the feel good funny, more the laughing to stop from crying funny . Lord have mercy 



    Come game day at the stadium, the players walk up to a shiny silver canister in the middle of the locker room and drop in their chips.


    "The biggest thing the chips have done for our team is provide a tangible example for everyone in the program to show they’re all in,” Herman said Thursday. “We tell the guys all the time, you don’t win games on Saturday, you win with your relentless preparation starting on Sunday. The chips represent the completion of that work week. When your chips go in the bucket on Saturday, you’re saying I’ve put in the work, I’m prepared and ready and I’m going to give everything I have for my teammates, these coaches and this team today.”


    • Haha 2
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  5. 1 minute ago, Wally Pryor said:

    I don't know about a pee chart but swinging around sledgehammers, toting baseball bats on the team bus, sporting gold teeth and oversized jewelry, kissing players, mocking an opposing team's QB (albeit deserved) and god knows what else this clown does are gimmicky, and simply weird.   At $7MM / year, it's comical to be displaying and (I assume) relying upon candy-ass shtick to help produce results instead of focusing on things that matter.  Like planning, scheming, instilling discipline and a slew of other things.  Things real coaches do. 

    We can focus on results.   And it'd be easy to say none of the above would matter if Herman was successful.  But he's not.  He's showing to be an unbridled failure.  The bizarre things he does are just indicative of someone who, instead of focusing on and prioritizing things that matter,  is the definition of a fraud. 

    Mensa, indeed. 

    The first time I saw him doing that "put all your chips in!" motivational thingy during 2018, I knew. Fucking players, suited up with helmets and pads, carrying plastic casino chips to put in a pot before they walked onto the field.

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  6. 28 minutes ago, 936horn said:

    I honestly am not sure I can be bothered to give a fuck about the next couple years if we whiff on Meyer

    That's where I am. Oh, we made it to the Poinsettia bowl this year with Dick Slampson as our coach? No thanks. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    “Locked down for the curve flattening period.”  Isn’t that what we largely did? Anyway, on that note, siap. 

    Will Govs Newsom or Cuomo listen to the scientists now?

    1) that's not what that individual said. Read your own link

    2) is that scientist speaking for the WHO? IS that the WHO position?

    3) The WHO actually does have a guideline for when countries/jurisdictions should "open up." As I'm sure you can guess because you're super smart, our nation meets none of the criteria. So, if 9 months in you are NOW interested in what the WHO has to say, you will be upset to learn that the USA is failing spectacularly using their metrics. 

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  8. 34 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    So BMDs hate that the fact they got in the ear of Mike Perrine and told him you have to hire Tom Herman?  But now they now really hate Tom, and CDC because of that?


    Thought BMDs liked CDC?

    We have several cliques of BMDs. One group gets a turn to pick the coach and the others sulk. Then, when that coach gets canned, the groups reverse roles and the sulkers get to pick our coach.

  9. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    We get it. Terrorism is a partisan issue for you. I'm sure you look into ISIS's political motivations before condemning them when they blow up a school in Afghanistan. 

    Thank God the FBI doesn't see it as a political issue like you do.

    I wonder if you're even able to respond to this without getting overly political or if that would just blow your mind to comprehend.

    The terrorists were looking to kidnap and kill a politician because her political decisions upset them. 

    That's not speculation. That's what they said.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

    As it pertains to this debate, she wasn't. She shot down the green bill, and shot down raising taxes on anyone making under 400k. Her only far left statement was believing that women should have the right to choose what happens to their bodies. Unless I am missing something she kept it pretty close to home.

    Weird that an evangelical like Pence would sidestep the question about Roe if it's such an unpopular, far-left position.

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