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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 43 minutes ago, Pancho said:


    Based on everything we know about trump, his campaign, and his losing the election and 1st debate, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all planned. 

    He and his people are gold medal winners at lying. 

    There's no way he's complicit in a scheme that makes him look weak.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, threesheets said:

    Down over 50% from the last 2016 debate. 

    Right. That's why he clearly stated the SECOND HIGHEST ratings of all time. I'm sure his last debate was the highest rated show on any television ever.

  3. 4 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

    No, I agree with the guy's blog. I'm assuming you didn't read it, so here's his recap:

    You pay what you legally owe, and not a penny more, there isn't a real mechanism for paying it back if you do. If he did anything wrong we'd be hearing about it a long time ago. Does it seem low? Yes, but that's actually the norm. CPA's jobs are to protect their client's money, and "loopholes" exist for that reason. "Loopholes" were put there by congress over many decades to encourage certain behaviors and discourage others. Also, the NY Times never actually released any documents, so nobody has any way to verify if what they said is true or not, or if we're looking at only some claims or all of them. They claim they did it to "protect their source," because as the accountant who wrote the blog says, it's a Felony for them to release them. So we only have their word over Trump's in a classic he said she said.

    This is fucking embarrassing.

    Are you for real?

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  4. 6 minutes ago, cdain3 said:

    Halftime adjustments will determine if I say fuck this team for the rest of the year. I'm only 28 but I'd rather not have these motherfuckers take years off my life.

    Good luck.

    Almost every year for the last decade, I give up on this team and spend my Saturdays in the late fall doing shit outside. Then, I watch the bowl game and see some freshman flash and think "holy shit, next year is our year." 

    Spend the off-season reading about how athletic and talented everyone is, and how the team is unified and determined.

    Then, it's late October and we're 5-3 and we're losing to west virginia in the 3rd quarter, and I turn off the TV wondering how I got tricked again.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. Image

    This is the LA Co. DAs memo from today explaining their decision not to prosecute the KPCC reporter.  You may recall how the LASD went on the offensive, accusing this reporter of all sorts of things that are, well, lies.

    No one will be disciplined from LASD and life goes on. Reporter got to spend some time in jail because some meathead deputies thought it would be funny.  

  6. 1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

    You want a different outcome, you need to try to change some of the law. Hopefully LeBron and some of these athletes were watching him today. Acting outraged at an obvious outcome, without realizing why it happened is just inciting violence. 

    Get mad at the war on drugs or other things that lead cops down the path of this kind of thing happening. 

    Is this a serious post? 

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