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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 8 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    At least 350 around Katy, evidently, and reporting zero deaths.  Somebody show she's lying or hiding even one patient dying of heart block and it's open and shut.  I'll hang up and listen.


    Yeah, someone show this guy that the witch doctor isn't telling the truth.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 56 minutes ago, ousuxndallas said:

    If history holds true, there will be a response to the Marxist/communist violence. And it will likely be groups of far, far right people that start rounding up agitators, and taking things into their own hands. If the Marxists can't self police, and the local governments don't keep them in check, then it falls to the feds to intervene. If that is rejected, history shows us the ensuing response will not be favorable to the Marxists. Examples abound in Central America and Eastern Europe post WWII.

    Pick your poison. Be careful what you wish for.

    And in a functional state those far right terrorists would be rounded up and charged with all sorts of crimes that would ensure they never step outside a Federal prison again.

    Do you think this administration would charge those people?


  3. https://newrepublic.com/article/158584/donald-trump-devouring-country

    Every day unfolds in the shadow of this sour and soggy fact—that recursive and stubborn idiocy is at the heart of why the federal government has effectively and intentionally abandoned the management of a (still) rampaging pandemic because the president thinks it’s both boring and a loser of a campaign issue. This blank, militant incomprehension of the world at large is also the chief explanation for the new battalions of uniformed state agents loyal only to the president who’ve been dispatched to kidnap and gas protesters in American cities because the president saw statues being toppled on the news. Living with the knowledge that we’re being governed by a bottomly malicious dope who actively and openly wishes much of the country ill is unsettling. There is a basic presumption of good faith built into the broader American project: Presidents might be right or wrong, but they are at least supposed to try. But that is not where we are, because that is not the kind of president we have. And so all of this is still very much being worked out from one moment to the next, as Americans try to figure out how to live in a country so manifestly abandoned.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, dbecks said:

    I'm relatively new to this game, but the aforementioned John Oliver episode (and one of my closest friends from high school going WAAAAY off the deep end lately) had me going down the rabbit hole on QAnon. 

    My favorite subsection:  JFK Jr. is not only alive, but is a huge Trump supporter(?), and is planning on replacing Pence as VP before the election.  Not sure what excuses I've heard about him not showing up yet, but I'm sure it's on par with Trump "wishing well" to Ghislaine Maxwell today.



    That's just a semi-insane Q branch. The real good stuff is to be found in the alien and time travel Q multiverse.

    That said, I've always had a soft spot for the John-John disciples.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Veerbone said:

    Simply going by the thread topic, not going to spend an hour reading 19 pgs, but could someone give me the Cliff’s notes here?

    Im struggling to identify Portland as anything but anarchy much less the President’s gestapo.

    Out of curiosity, where sources are you relying on that have you identifying an entire major city as "anarchy?"

    • Like 2
  6. 58 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Do you not see the problem with being presented with over a dozen cases of someone being a dangerous idiot and the only thing you bother to respond to is "HEY WAIT A SECOND. In this one example he wasn't being a dangerous idiot."

    Who gives a shit?

    "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client may very well have killed 14 of the 15 people he's accused of killing, BUT WAIT A SECOND he didn't kill that one. You must acquit. Thank you."

    Wulaw is this board's Susan Collins. Lots of folks fall for the principled conservative shtick.

    • Like 3
  7. Just now, Nicole44 said:

    So it appears like a narcissist type. Wonder if there was a trigger. (By that, I mean the victims did nothing wrong). Studied cases where homicides happen basically since my friend was murdered. It’s just very odd though. To go after the target (obviously planning was involved) and not follow through. 

    Everyone's got a plan until your staring into the eyes of a 20 year old drawing his last breath.

    • Like 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    Did losing the case ruin this guys life? Did his losing cartel client kill his family?

    That's a lot of hate for a losing case.

    He's a "mens-rights" attorney. Lots of hate is a requirement for that.


    Hollander described himself on his website as an anti-feminist. “Now is the time for all good men to fight for their rights before they have no rights left,” it said.


  9. 2 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    When the public is dealing with lawlessness, property destruction and violence by insurgents, they will run to the safety of the police and the apparatus of the state no matter how flawed they may be. That is what I mean by people choosing law and order. No one is running into the arms of antifa to be their protector.

    But when the right kills people (I'd argue more egregious than property destruction, but I can't calibrate your moral compass for you) it's just an isolated incident or lone wolf. When the left does it, better round 'em all up.


    • Like 5
  10. This isn't Texas related, but wanted to let you guys know that you're not alone. It's a nation-wide urban vs. rural split. 

    I drove through CA recently and stopped in a few small towns to get gas. Not a single mask in any of the stores I went in despite every store having a "mask required" on the door.

    • Like 5
  11. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    These federal police are using chemical weapons against American citizens peacefully demonstrating blocks from any of the federal buildings.

    I am offering zero commentary on whether or not this is good or bad. Who can even know? Certainly not me!


    But wait.... here's a unverified tweet claiming that Antifa was planning on turning the march into a massacre!

    Also, as so explicitly stated above by @MillerEP, the ends justify the means.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Because that's what these people are doing. Writing twitter posts. Not parading around trying to start shit in para military gear like a bunch of insecure 8th graders. They're actually acting quite similar to the police force that they're "protesting". Horseshoe theory of politics and all that.

    Is that what all the people they detained were doing? 

    If so, why did they let them go without any charges or citations?

    Is every protester violent? 

    DHS said yesterday they are going to be bringing these tactics to other American cities? You ok with that? If they came to Houston or Dallas and did this?

    Bugaloo boys and other far right extremists have recently committed murders and sought to unleash carnage in order to trigger a war. Should non-violent far-right protesters expect to be kidnapped because they share some beliefs with the terrorists?

  13. 1 hour ago, Shaggybevo said:

    Yall keep your eyes out for accounts of these illegal, they are absolutely illegal, actions of Antifa. It IS happening and it could happen to any of us.

    These Antifa goons are setting a very bad precedent by not identifying themselves. A precedent leading to any group of thugs to don black camo with Marxist markings, and begin terrorizing the public.

    I'm ANTIFA. I'm coming for you.

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