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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

    Brotha, do you dispute the fact that you're statistically much more likely than me (average white guy) to be murdered by police? If you agree that that is correct, do you see it as a problem that we as a society can remedy?


    Sorry, the best he can do in response is a tweet about AOC.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    You sound like Tahoe and the gang from 5 years ago. Same end of the world shit, worst POTUS ever. 

    No more bitchy than the posters complaining about this thread. 


    So you're not interested in having a discussion.

    Ok, have fun doing whatever this is.


  3. 47 minutes ago, tchookem said:

    Not trying to pick a fight, we are clearly on the same side, but what about Texas's treatment of teachers leads you to believe that they view us as anything other than expendable?

    In fact, my inner conspiracy nut sees all this as potentially being used to push the homeschool/privatized public education agenda.

    Oh, I agree. I've been saying for months that essential = expendable. And, as someone who is on the front lines, you have a much better grasp of that relationship than I do. My wife is a teacher (not in TX) and she is dealing with the same stresses and questions leading into the fall.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, tchookem said:
    28 minutes ago, mdmost said:
    Surely, we're going to see some teachers' strikes in August and September. 

    Teachers can't strike. Striking means losing your certification.

     I'm not sure some of them would care. They would be striking so they don't die.

    And even if they do care, its a big game of chicken. Whats Texas gonna do? Decertify all striking teachers and . . . what? 

    Keep the schools open with guide dogs running things?

    • Like 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Surely, we're going to see some teachers' strikes in August and September. 

    Sure hope so. 

    I'd love to see strikes in every industry at every level.

    I've already lost one colleague. More will come. The show must go on.

  6. 8 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    well it is the NYT.  the reality is no one knows yet.  in 2 weeks we will know about Texas/CA/others. yes keeping it away from the olds is and has been the key from day o


    2 hours ago, J.R. Juniors Junior Jr. said:

    from the article:

    At that rate, Texas would have almost exactly 15,000 deaths.  We'd be freaking the F out. OK, maybe not Dan Patrick.

    And yet this site was super dismissive of everything that was happening in NY. 

    Several on this board spent a lot of time explaining why NY was an anomaly and lecturing the rest why this whole thing was overblown.

    Wishful thinking only gets one so far.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

    I didn’t think we knew each other and I don’t appreciate you getting so personal about how incredibly lazy I was before law school.

    splitters unite

  8. 3 hours ago, Message Board User said:

    and this is what pisses me off the most.

    As a parent I have 2 choices:

    1) Send my kids to school, where they will essentially be guinea pigs to see how this virus affects school age kids and likely bring it home to me, or

    2) Keep my kids at home, do the distance learning thing, and it'll be another year of wasted education.

    Yeah, it really sucks. Both wife and I are considered essential so our choice has essentially been removed. Guess we could get a nanny, but if wife and I are out there among high risk populations, then the kid's getting exposed anyway. 


  9. 34 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I would not be shocked if they were trying to reference "Christ of the Ozarks" in Eureka Springs, AR but got the Rio predecessor instead, because they're stupid.

    Christ of the Ozarks - Wikipedia

    FitLump Jesus

    • Like 4
  10. 27 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    The one thing you got correct was that spreadsheets are for fun.  I don't really think you are in a position to patronize me, though.

    One of us is likely agenda-driven.  I mean ignore the stats for a second and just think about what your position is.  We saw increased social distancing during this time from everyone but the protesters (per the paper you posted).  Large social gatherings are known to be superspreading events.  We have a surge of cases that just so happens to coincide with large social gatherings.  What's the reasonable interpretation?  You're missing the forest among the trees.

    "Everyone but the protesters?"

    One of you is agenda-driven?

    • Like 2
  11. 22 minutes ago, Texaspython said:

    This is just so dumb, county jails are not penitentiaries. I’m sure all these people bonded out after a night in jail on misdemeanor charges.

    Not only this, but we're to believe the inmates have taken the side of the the folks trying to maintain the current criminal justice system?


    Hmmm very curious.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  12. 2 hours ago, Bruh Man said:

    Remember when some of the bros were trying to make the case that Biden being a down-low pedophilic monster would eventually torpedo the campaign....haha  good times. 

    No Bro here, but I'm still waiting for the disinformation to really start flying: deep fake videos, photoshops, etc. They wont officially be sanctioned by the campaign and will start in troll farms somewhere overseas. But they will be encouraged and amplified by the President and White House. Just asking questions, right?

    • Like 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I keep forgetting to pick up a bottle of champagne to keep in the fridge, in the event that he dies. Think I'll grab one tomorrow. 

    I haven't had a drink in 12 years but I might do the same.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Nicole44 said:

    Fuck socialists! The thing is...what y’all duck fuck dipshit whore licking mama’s fat ass have to eat whatever is on the table numb from the womb cum stains...y’all have to depend on government. Run by who? If we just get the right ones in there? Socialism only works if you have one race. I am so sick the fuck out of hate America. Y’all try several races. Basically, social dipshits have decided to use the BLM  For their own reasons. Name one successful government that has this?!! You can’t. Canada is not even close. 

    sorry for the rant. I’m just pissed. Goddamn what is wrong with people!!!!!!!!!!

    take the Chaz out they killed a 16 year old kid. He had a life. Not a rap sheet as long as his arm. Just sayin!

    I'd like to hear more about these numb tables and womb cum stains.

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