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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 2 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    I live up here.  Give me ten cops and four red necks and I’ll clear those 7 blocks.  These people are lovers not fighters

    Well no shit. Cops are killers.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Some good news if you like a delicious, contemporary, deconstructed twist on the cheeseburger with some light misuse of position on the side. 


    57 States


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  3. 12 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    Who was that on shaggy who kept saying trump was trying to bring the country together and the “libs” just didn’t understand and would be proven wrong?

    vincecoltyoung or whatever?

    I don't know, but there's a prolific poster who rarely ventures into CR. He's kind, empathetic, and articulate.

    He said that Donald Trump would go down as the greatest president in our nation's history. He has since retracted that, but my god. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    i am not ignoring it. there can be multiple causes for the spike. protests will definitely have an effect. so was relaxing restrictions before lowering the curve. like i said, mid-may we started trending in the wrong direction, which is two weeks after may 1, when we began relaxing. now we are going to see more effects of mass gatherings, ie, the protests, as well as people all over abandoning simple steps such as face coverings and social distancing. crowded restaurant patios are probably another cause. 

    we are headed in the wrong direction.

    This. So in a country of hundreds of millions with the majority of the population living in states that have opened things up without requiring masks or distancing, the blame falls on the shoulders of several hundred thousand protesters?

  5. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    There's a really good burger place in Capitol Hill called Li'l Woody's. It's not located in The Chaz but I'm sure they'll set up a trade agreement with The Chaz very soon. 

    Interstate commerce!

  6. On 6/9/2020 at 1:09 PM, TornACL said:

    I just had the sliders set to dynamic so it'd get easier or harder depending on how I played. Since I hadn't done MLB in a few years figured I'd go that route. 

    I can hit at HOF/HOF+ fairly well, but my teams offensive ranking and power ranking sucks, so it feels like I score 2 or fewer runs way way too often. 

    I would love to be able to set the skill at HOF but then adjust a few sliders to get the games a little more high scoring. I haven't looked to see if there might be a good suggested slider setting somewhere online. 

    I cannot lay off any change up in the dirt, can't hit for shit with RISP, and if my leadoff man walks, it is fucking guaranteed that the next guy up will hit into a double play. Like it happens, no lie, at least 80% of the time. So fucking frustrating. 

    Yeah, I found this community that is all about Franchise sliders. https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/mlb-show-sliders/

    I tried a few of them, but in the end have just started tinkering with them myself to try and establish a difficulty that will result in realistic stats and performance. I have both pitching and hitting set at HOF and have tinkered with the settings based off of some of the things I found in the threads on Operation Sports.

    The double play epidemic is real. I've started trying to swipe second with runners who have no business stealing just to try and avoid the DP.

    What's the deal with player stamina? I'm like a month in and I'm having to rest my players like every 4th game. How in the world am I supposed to play a 162 game season with people losing so much stamina? I realize that MLB players do take days off, but jesus christ, at this rate my stars are going to end up playing like 110 games each. 

    To avoid swinging at off-speed in the dirt, I pretty much take any pitch that doesn't start in the top third of the zone until I have two strikes. This leads to better counts and thus better pitches to hit. Playing DD has helped a lot with that because when a human opponent realizes you can't lay off the slow stuff in the dirt, that's all your gonna see the rest of the game until you can start laying off.

  7. 17 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    lol think about how fucking triggered @Johnny Sack and the rest of the trumpkins are watching these statues come down and these institutions being re-named.

    Some NASCAR driver just fucking retired bc spectators are no longer allowed to fly the Confederate flag. Amazing

  8. 7 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    anybody wanna tell Ivanka that "American Psycho" was written such that her idol is supposed to be gay, but not outwardly so...much like Jared.  NTTAWWT.

    Also, that election night photo.  Is it me, or does Mrs. Pence look like a younger, more handsome version of Buddy Hackett?  

    I mean, even without that angle, isn't the character a narcissistic serial killer with a massive inferiority complex? Am I misremembering here? What's to like about the character? He has a fancy job?

  9. Just now, wildcat09 said:

    Fascist body count = tens of millions

    Antifa body count = 0, but someone called Trey a racist once and antifa doesn't like racists so it must've been antifa, so antifa are the real fascists

    It would be hilarious if millions of people didn't think essentially just like this. 

    You're missing his point. His point is that anti-facists are the actual facists for refusing to consider the facist point of view. Or something like that.

    • Like 5
  10. On 4/22/2020 at 6:06 AM, TornACL said:

    Anybody else buy it? 

    Enjoying it here so far. I know there are a lot of complaints out there about fielding issues. The thing that drives me crazy is that the second you get a 2 or 3 run lead, it's almost guaranteed that the next inning one of your fielders will boot a ball, lose one in the sun, etc. Then your pitcher will lose his shit and start floating every pitch over the plate to get hammered. 

    Started off slowly in Franchise mode but now getting into the swing of it and sitting at 23-20 with the Giants, 6 games back of the cocksucking Dodgers. 


    So I started a franchise the other day after exclusively playing Diamond Dynasty the last couple of years. Do you fuck with the sliders? Aiming for that middle ground realism, but right now I either crush everything or get two-hit.

  11. 3 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Possible motives for posting this tweet: a) You truly believe this is a valid point, or b) you're trolling over public political gestures as a response to a man's murder by the State. Either way, there's something deeply wrong with you, and you should seriously consider self-reflection.

    Now now. Its not his fault. That's the material he's being given to work with.

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  12. 1 hour ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Carrie Maxwell of Bakersfield, California, had grown very disturbed by the sound of protesters near her home on June 5th. She could hear “profanities” being yelled as protesters marching against police brutality and racism engaged with Trump-flag waving counter-protesters and grew frustrated when police said there was nothing they could do.


    Anxiety, why do you always get the best of me?

  13. 6 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    He won't frame it as quitting.  He'll say there's a coup or the Deep State is threatening him or some shit that makes it sound like leaving is his only option.  And then he'll run to OAN and claim that THIS is actually the more important position, a place where he can REALLY tell the public what is going on.

    But I hope you're right, the thought of him losing is something that gets me through the day.

    Wonder what happens to Qanon under any scenario in which he is no longer in office on Jan 2021?

  14. 55 minutes ago, zork said:

    US population by year:




      Population Yearly %
      Migrants (net) Median Age Fertility Rate Density (P/Km²) Urban
      Pop %
      Urban Population Country's Share of
      World Pop
      World Population U.S.
      Global Rank
      2020 331,002,651 0.59 % 1,937,734 954,806 38.3 1.78 36 82.8 % 273,975,139 4.25 % 7,794,798,739 3
      2019 329,064,917 0.60 % 1,968,652 954,806 37.7 1.85 36 82.5 % 271,365,914 4.27 % 7,713,468,100 3
      2018 327,096,265 0.62 % 2,011,509 954,806 37.7 1.85 36 82.2 % 268,786,714 4.29 % 7,631,091,040 3
      2017 325,084,756 0.64 % 2,068,761 954,806 37.7 1.85 36 81.9 % 266,243,516 4.31 % 7,547,858,925 3
      2016 323,015,995 0.67 % 2,137,685 954,806 37.7 1.85 35 81.7 % 263,743,312 4.33 % 7,464,022,049 3
      2015 320,878,310 0.76 % 2,373,367 992,343 37.6 1.88 35 81.4 % 261,287,811 4.35 % 7,379,797,139 3

    Deaths caused by cop by year, as reported by WaPo:

    2020   465

    2019   1003

    2018   991

    2017   986

    2016   962

    2015    994

    Yearly police caused shootings/deaths per year divided by yearly estimated USA population

    (to true up shootings/deaths and population covered)

    (wapo tracker started in 2015):

    2020   465    indeterminate

    2019   1003   .000003048

    2018   991      .000003029

    2017   986     .000003014

    2016   962    .000002978

    2015    994   .000003097


    Of the 5401 people killed caused by the police in that time period since 2015

    (according to the WaPo database):

    3101 had a gun or  57.4%

    933 had a knife or 17.27%

    143 presumably used their vehicle as a weapon  or 2.64%

    193 had a toy weapon or 3.57%

    352 were unarmed or 6.51%


    Gender breakdown of the 5401 people killed by police nationwide from 2015 till present according to WaPo:

    5162 were male

    237 were female

    2  were unknown gender

    Police must really hate men.  /S


    There is more here:






    Maybe you missed my earlier post. I'll post it again for you:


    I worked a couple years in a courthouse that served primarily a Latino area of town.

    All criminal fillings were misdemeanors in this particular courthouse.

    What I saw was a systematic war waged on that community. I saw hundreds (yes hundreds) of criminal arrests that began with stops for bicycle code violations - riding the wrong way on the street, riding a bike on a sidewalk, or riding without a headlight.

    I saw pretextual stops of both pedestrians and cars daily.

    I saw police and sheriffs routinely lie in reports. I caught two cops on the stand committing perjury. When they realized they were busted (by their own dashcam nonetheless) they laughed on the stand. Quick NG verdicts and cops were back on the street that day. Defendants spent over a month in jail waiting for those verdicts. DAs office does nothing to lying cops because their union pumps money into the DA's election war-chest.

    Fuck police

    They've waged an insidious war for decades. Sorry your feelings are getting hurt.

    Notice how I didnt come across a single case of police murdering someone. Would you say the above is acceptable?  Would you say that its police brutality?

    My experience is the norm is minority majority communities. 

    The police target people of color. End of story.

    • Like 2
  15. Just now, Hank Scorpio said:

    Every time I see a slogan or hear and ad I immediately start screeching WHO DID THIS WHO DID THIS until they escort me out of the bus station. 

    doublemint gum | Tumblr


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