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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 27 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    It's fine if you support the troll job, but as troll jobs go it was pretty weak. They used the shot of him making fun of a handicapped reporter out of context. That was Trump being an asshole, not Trump being unwell. And they didn't use a single audio clip of Trump being incapable of speaking. They used the toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Ha ha, that's funny in a 'Look at that dufus' sort of way, but it's not a sign of him being unwell. Trump provides so much good material that they could've used but they were just lazy in their production of that spot. 

    If a bunch of ex-GOP never-trumpers want to spend their money getting in the gutter with DTJ and attacking him with ads designed to enrage him, that's fine by me. I actually think they misused those clips on purpose. Fishing for a reaction.

    • Like 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    What the fuck are you babbling about?  I've been pushing completely abolishing the public sector unions, which would, in a single swoop, gut the departments and remove any remaining semblance of influence they have.  It would utterly neuter them in a single sweep and irrevocably change them structurally forever.  Apologist?  Fuck off...


    So no more endless, narcissistic bloviating from Brisket?  What will we all do.  Perish the thought we actually fucking question why only three officers get sick when SS turns over hundreds, if not thousands of orders a day.  I'm sure the irony isn't lost on anyone following these threads how often Brisket endlessly calls into question the validity of LE investigations, but now takes this one as gospel.  

    Take the loss and move on. There will doubtlessly be more pro-cop propaganda for you to post in the near future. 

    Chin up, maybe somewhere right now a barista is writing "pig" on a coffee cup.

  3. 9 minutes ago, BornOrange said:

    So you're telling me a non-racist song that was introduced at a racist event is interpreted as being racist.

    A song that unifies people.

    But many of those who find that song offensive listen to music that uses "the N word" and use "the N word" in conversation with their colleagues.

    A word that divides people.


    Wow. A take from 1997.


    • Like 2
  4. Perception is reality. Pick this hill to die on with black, young men and see what happens. Those same black men happen to be the lifeblood of the program. There are also black boys who can play this sport really well who are watching. You think you've seen negative recruiting? Ha.

    I see both sides. Only one side controls whether or not this University fields a competitive football team, which - for purposes of this board - is all that matters.


    • Like 5
  5. 21 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    consider me whelmed, all those games looked like they could be on PS4. We'll see if there is any actual improvement to gameplay

    Did you catch this footage from up thread? I don't disagree with your above take, but I don't think these new trailers are really utilizing the full potential. 

    On 5/14/2020 at 1:50 PM, Foosters said:

    Yeah, the footage starting around the 7:30 mark is bonkers. 

    Here's the same footage on Vimeo which I understand doesn't compress the file as much as YouTube. Full 4k experience.

    I think its safe to say that this surpasses a lot of the expectations.


  6. 2 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    I live up here.  Give me ten cops and four red necks and I’ll clear those 7 blocks.  These people are lovers not fighters

    Well no shit. Cops are killers.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Some good news if you like a delicious, contemporary, deconstructed twist on the cheeseburger with some light misuse of position on the side. 


    57 States


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  8. 12 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    Who was that on shaggy who kept saying trump was trying to bring the country together and the “libs” just didn’t understand and would be proven wrong?

    vincecoltyoung or whatever?

    I don't know, but there's a prolific poster who rarely ventures into CR. He's kind, empathetic, and articulate.

    He said that Donald Trump would go down as the greatest president in our nation's history. He has since retracted that, but my god. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    i am not ignoring it. there can be multiple causes for the spike. protests will definitely have an effect. so was relaxing restrictions before lowering the curve. like i said, mid-may we started trending in the wrong direction, which is two weeks after may 1, when we began relaxing. now we are going to see more effects of mass gatherings, ie, the protests, as well as people all over abandoning simple steps such as face coverings and social distancing. crowded restaurant patios are probably another cause. 

    we are headed in the wrong direction.

    This. So in a country of hundreds of millions with the majority of the population living in states that have opened things up without requiring masks or distancing, the blame falls on the shoulders of several hundred thousand protesters?

  10. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    There's a really good burger place in Capitol Hill called Li'l Woody's. It's not located in The Chaz but I'm sure they'll set up a trade agreement with The Chaz very soon. 

    Interstate commerce!

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