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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 3 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Fuck you.

    Robbing a fucking train is wrong.

    Smashing a forklift into a Best Buy is wrong.

    Looting stores in NY is wrong.




    No, fuck you man. Guy spams the board with Laura Ingrahm, Andy Ngo, Jack Poseibic and Tucker Carlson. Made a post arguing there's no racial bias in the criminal justice system

     Dude clearly has an agenda. Which is fine. In the CR. 

    But keep white-knighting for the racist troll you fucking clown.

    • Like 8
  2. 46 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    I am sure mr. floyd's ex wife is hurting, for herself and her daughter, but the issue with fatherless families is not police killings, criminal or otherwise.

    Right. They're in prison. In large part because of a racist criminal justice system.

  3. 1 minute ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    I’m going to preface this by saying i haven’t read this thread and I don’t know exactly how this works...

    Have the other 3 officers involved in the incident been charged with anything? Is there anything they can be charged with? That’s what made that situation so egregious. You have your “one bad apple” as pro-cop guy will say, but then you have 3 guys that could’ve easily stepped in and prevented a murder. That seems like a microcosm for a lot of police precincts. What is it about the culture of police officers that make it to where they rarely ever out one of their own? Im not even trying to call anyone out, I’m genuinely asking the question. That is clearly the biggest issue, and in most people’s opinion, where the change needs to happen. Right? I know it’s not that simple, so what exactly am I missing? Because there are plenty of precincts around the nation where EVERYONE knows the bad apple, yet they are still employed.

    If a civilian slowly choked the life out of a victim while 3 of his buddies stood by making sure no one interfered in the killing, they would all be charged with murder as an accomplice or accessory.

    • Like 3
  4. 4 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    What sucks is I think testing is going to go way down these next few days. Hope not but MN had 50% drop today(yesterday) in tests vs the last few weeks. I still have an idea what the numbers are if we put up regular test numbers




    Testing also may go way up in a week or 2 after the first brunt of protestors get sick




    2020 is one big mindfuck for the history books and it’s not even half way over yet, and there’s a thing going on in November

    The city of Los Angeles closed all of their testing centers. Seems like a "fuck you" to the city.

  5. Just now, Doc Reeves said:

    This is less like Kent State and more like Tiananmen Square. Many things could happen, but the worst case scenario could touch us all. 

    I don't disagree. Just sharing reaction from a previous incident when the State killed protesters. Not saying we'd see similar sentiment today.

  6. 1 minute ago, Continental Op said:

    They just lit up a peaceful protest with tear gas and rubber bullets.  Is that "defending the Constitution"? 

    Imagine Obama calling in tear gas and rubber bullets on the tea party protests. Now imagine Slorch's brain watching that.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

    These are dark, dark times and most Americans don’t even understand or realize the peril that we are facing. If US solders start shooting US citizens, it’s going to be bad but could potentially irrevocably fracture our country. 
    I just hope some of us think about that before cheering on the death of their countrymen.

    Divided our country will die. 




  8. 2 minutes ago, Bruno Sardine said:

    And he could show you 100 videos of nonviolent arrests of minorities made by cops. That was his point. Speaking of dissembling.

    Yeah, minorities, what's the deal? Most of the time when we target your communities and arrest your people at rates exponentially higher than others, we do it non-violently!

    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    like all the people blocking highways?  Its way more than 5%. the people speaking and marching peacefully need to wait, they are getting drowned out anyway and we can't isolate the idiots/thugs.  they are going to have plenty of time to march and speak.

    Blocking a highway is not a violent protest. 

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