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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. Just now, Captainant said:

    The idea is that we would use contact tracing and widespread testing to have visibility into the growth, movement, and spread of the virus so we can react in a targeted and less broad way. 

    You know, like how we beat smallpox. 

    But for some reason, we have not prioritized that on a national level, so we have to address it on a state by state basis with either dangerous uncertainty or significantly restricted social contact. At least, that's only if we want to take the danger of the pandemic seriously and as a real threat, and not put potentially millions of lives in peril. 

    This is weird. Your post implies some sort of mitigating steps? I was under the impression our choices were: 1) do nothing - save the economy! or 2)everyone lives in a basement until 2022.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, ouflak said:

    Was just watching Bayern Munich play versus Union Berlin live right now. The only people in the stands are players, coaches, and stadium personel. The players and coaches in the stands are all socially distanced and wearing masks. Yeah I'm sure we can make that work in college football. Eerie seeing this though. Was just flipping through the sports channels and saw the word 'Live' (hadn't seen that in a while) and had to investigate. Soccer's not really my game though, but this gives a glimmer of the near future.

    My understanding is that the players were required to quarantine for the 7 days preceding the game. That could make college football difficult to pull off, but yes, it is a glimmer of hope for the future.

  3. 4 hours ago, gmr548 said:

    The divide on our team (also professional service firm) is pretty much whether or not you have kids. If you have them, you want to escape them. If you don't, fuck the office.

    In response to an article about the end of working offices, someone hit the nail on the head:

    As long as men continue to have and raise children, there will be offices away from home.

  4. A colleague of mine is about to go to trial ( or was before Covid-19) for a second time on a death penalty eligible murder of a police officer who was killed during a no-knock warrant raid. Cop was shot by defendant who kept a loaded shotgun under his bed. Jury acquited him of first degree and locked on second degree. It was very refreshing to hear the jurors side against LEOs.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Alvin89 said:

    I'm sure he was wildly different then.

    He was. There have been numerous articles written in the last couple of years about how something totally switched inside him. Quotes from long-time friends and colleagues. If you are going to try and contribute, at least have basic understanding of what it is you're talking about.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah, the footage starting around the 7:30 mark is bonkers. 

    Here's the same footage on Vimeo which I understand doesn't compress the file as much as YouTube. Full 4k experience.

    I think its safe to say that this surpasses a lot of the expectations.

  7. 53 minutes ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    Pardon me while I turn the thread into my facebook post, since I don't have facebook.

    TLDR (you'll need it): Not anti-science, but turning into what I describe as a fatalist.

    I moved my family to a place where they knew nobody back in December.  For a few weeks, the kids only had each other to play with, and there was lots of grieving for their missed friends and locales.  The townhome we rented is in a great location, but no immediate families with kids their ages in the area.  School finally starts up (the schools in the area were one of many reasons I wanted to move here), and they were accepted by peers immediately and started making friends quickly.  Daughter got invited to birthday parties, and they were even getting playdates set up when boom, no more school/pandemic closure time.  So back to only having each other.  We put in an offer on a house at roughly the same time, not knowing how bad things were about to get.  Ignorance, desperation, I don't know.

    Fast forward to this week and we're finally starting the move in process.  One day I was there with my son and we thought we'd skateboard the street and I see sooooo many kids playing together. I think, hmm, they can't all be from the same family.  This area is a pretty small subdivision and there would be no reason for through traffic.  You go into the neighborhood only if you live there, really. Next thing you know a giant gaggle of kids run up to me and start introducing themselves, asking questions, e.t.c.  Eventually their parents start walking over and doing the same.  If there was no pandemic going on, you'd think I moved into a Norman Rockwell scene with a forest background. Most of the kids were girls, and younger, but then there is a boy my son's age and I just couldn't help it, I let them visit, play.  For my son, after all this time cooped up, well, I imagine it was like water to a thirsty man.

    As I talked to the parents, I realized I myself have been lonely too, and I was so happy to get all these friendly welcomes and just talk to some friendly adults in person.  Adults who know the area, who have kids, e.t.c.  I didn't want to offend in any way, so I tried to crack a joke about "so, not quarantining the kids, eh?"  The answer was essentially "we don't go anywhere, and they all know each other." 

    Now, I KNOW that's not a great answer.  I KNOW the safest thing I could do is keep my kids cooped up.  But having them in their new place watching all the neighborhood kids play in the yards from the windows, well I'm not enough of  a Kurtz I guess.  I'm a fucking softie.  So I confess, I let the son walk off and talk to his new friend (kids make friends so fast).  The next day I let the daughter run with the other girls.  

    I KNOW that's not smart. But I want you all to know that its not political, at least on my part.  Its tiredness, its loneliness, its wanting my kids to have some joy in these dark times.  And its a fatalism thing.  The area I'm in has had 0 deaths so far, that we know.  The testing is of course, minimal.  But if this thing is so hyper contagious that we're all about to get it anyway (or maybe had it and don't know), at some point I find myself finally giving up, a bit.  I don't plan on going to mass gatherings.  I don't plan on eating in a restaurant in person.  I shaved my head a few weeks back, so I don't care about haircuts.  I wear my mask when I shop for groceries or go to Target.  But not only do I not want my kids to be lonely, I'm tired of not knowing anyone myself in this place I've been in for six months.

    If letting my kids play with the neighborhood kids is going to give it to me, then I'm getting it.  If talking outside to my neighbors is going to give it to me, then I am getting it.  I'm not anywhere close to ever voting for a Republican, much less a Trump (although as a lefty a lot of Dems don't please me either).  But I feel like some here would group me with science deniers/ak-47 protesters.

    Confession over.

    SIAP. Letter to the NYT from parents chronicling their difficulties parenting during this time. Makes me feel better about job I'm doing, but I acknowledge that I've been dealt a much better hand than most.


  8. 2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:


    Wow.. why the hell is Los Angeles saying 3 months?

    LA has over half of all of California deaths, so they are working with a different set of facts. Also, that headline about 3 months is misleading. The Health Director simply predicted that it is unlikely that ALL restrictions would be lifted in 3 months time. I'm not sure that is any different than we already knew.

    • Like 3
  9. Some good news out here in CA:


    She had cautioned for weeks that San Francisco would be slow to reopen. But at a news conference, she said the city’s next phase meant that 95% of San Francisco’s retailers would be allowed to open starting Monday. Warehouses and manufacturers are also allowed to reopen, but the city has imposed a limit on the number of employees allowed in each business


    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Somebody posted a tweet regarding the playbook and its contents.  I posted a link to the playbook for those who were curious as to what its contents were.  That was really the extent of it.  Bozo thought it was a good opportunity to post a "burn it down" quip (which has become largely decontextualized at this point), so I asked if he read the link. That sufficiently summarizes it. 

    Playbook GIFs | Tenor

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  11. 6 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    I'm thinking if they really are taking it pretty seriously shouldn't they be able to flatten their curve in less than 5 months?

    I should hope so. Seems like deaths per day has started to drop. We were up near 60-90 deaths a day. Now, its like 20-40 I think?

    Also, should point out that the tweet that started all this from the LA times is misleading. 


    “Our hope is that by using the data, we’d be able to slowly lift restrictions over the next three months,” she said. But without widely available therapeutic testing for the coronavirus or rapid at-home versions that would allow people to test themselves daily, it seems unlikely that restrictions would be completely eased.

    So, she's not saying that full lockdown will continue for 3 months, only that its unlikely that restrictions will be erased entirely in 3 months time. That's a pretty big distinction.

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