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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:



    What a terrible law.  First, citizen's arrest statutes are just dumb to begin with.  But placing evaluation of a felony, fleeing, and probable cause in the hands of civilians is moronic.

    Fair enough. The summary I read left that out.  License to kill. 

    Guys in street clothes with guns start chasing me. I defend myself, because well, there are armed men chasing me. My defending myself give the armed men legal grounds to kill me. 

    Fuck this fucking country.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Apparently under the Georgia Citizen Arrest Statute and self defense laws, if you have probably cause to believe someone committed a felony, you have the right to arrest them using your weapon.  And if they attack you and try and take your weapon, you can respond with deadly force.  That is what I read.

    So I would like to see the video of what happened.  And an explanation of their probable cause.  Same as I would for any cop shooting someone who attacked them while in the course of arrest.

    Maybe the law should be changed.  I would not argue.  I would probably say limit it to violent felonies.  And I certainly would not be attempting to arrest someone for a burglary personally.  I think it was stupid.  But it very well have been legal under the law.

    Wrong. To effectuate citizen's arrest, the crime must have been committed in your presence or with "immediate knowledge" of the crime. Not probable cause. Certainly not, "hey that guy running looks like a description I have heard of a criminal."

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, crash_davis said:

    these dudes probably had wet dreams of this very scenario. have gun, will vigilante, will extra vigilante against black males


    Shit, every time there's a story about a crime posted here, tons of posters describe in detail how they would have killed the perpetrator should they have been present.

    • Like 5
  4. 1 minute ago, Homercles said:

    What?  Who is questioning the utility of public education?  I’m dying for my kindergarten kiddo to get back into school because my wife and I just don’t get the same level of work done when we are part time teachers on top of our day jobs, and the kid needs socialization to be a well integrated member of society.  

    I don’t get how ‘The Left’ boogeyman comes into play...many of us are desperate to have childcare during the day in the form of mutually-beneficial school.  

    You must not be that familiar with the far right. They hate "government" schools. Hell, I've already seen multiple gleeful predictions on this board that perhaps the shutdown will open parents' eyes on the evils of govt education.

  5. 3 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Trump tweets for states to be “liberated”. Dumb asses like Kemp tell everyone to get back to work, and now Trump claims he “strongly disagrees?”  What the fuck is that bullshit? 

    Umm, he's an insane person?

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    people are seeing the NY/NJ are half the numbers and the other places aren't blowing way up like expected.  The NorthEast + Mich is still hot but not boiling.  the rest of the country is willing to take a chance with a slow open and a more educated populace about social distancing.  I think that is why they kept the schools closed.  everything they do is in packs/groups/large groups and they don't have the faculties "en masse" to understand certain situations.

    Slow open with social distancing?

    Open movie theaters, restaurants, and bowling alleys!

    • Like 2
  7. 41 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

    None of this makes sense to me. How is it negative?  Are we talking physical real life inventory?  As in if I had 5000 gallon tank truck someone would pay me to roll in and fill my tank up ? 

    Step 2: profit

    Screen Junkies - Let Me Sell You Something

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  8. 6 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    CNN dig deeper hole. All the article quotes are how grateful they hospitals and doctors are for receiving the medical equipment and all CNN is sticking with is Musk is full of crap and we were right.

    Uh, no. Musk went after them when they CORRECTLY reported that the CA governor had no idea what Musk was talking about. Good reason too, as he never sent them any ventilators. 

    Musk said the following:


    Perhaps you are unaware that Twitter has a search function? The hospitals *themselves* acknowledged receipt of ventilators.

    So, Musk was full of crap.

    I get that you hate CNN, but Musk was wrong. If I promise to send a bunch of PPE to hospitals, then send a bunch of paper towels instead, is it unfair to accuse me of not sending PPE?

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Point them out please.

    There are 2 pretty strong theories about where this came from. China being the epicenter is not being disputed. Did it come from wet markets or an accidental release from a lab.  Those are the 2 front runners right now.

    Point out the lack of evidence?

    Look, I'm not saying it didn't come from a lab

     Only that at this point there has been no evidence that is has. The entities pushing the lab theory, as far as I'm concerned, have an agenda to do so. Just as China would have an agenda to hide that fact.

    Theories are great. Theories without proof should not guide the discussion and should be dismissed until evidence can be provided.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Jimbaround said:

    Is it a conspiracy theory that the Chinese were researching how the virus acts in bats and they had shitty safety procedures?  How is that a conspiracy?  Seems more like negligence to me.

    If the evidence of a fact is limited to investigations by the Epoch times and random YouTube videos, then it's safe to call it a conspiracy theory until additional evidence comes out. 

    I haven't been following this that closely, but what you're saying sounds like established fact. Is that the case?

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