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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. On 4/9/2020 at 10:57 AM, Newy25 said:

    Doesn't the data overwhelmingly support his position?  Since when does using the data that we have collected mean someone is clueless? 

    Yes, the data does overwhelmingly support his position that for a lot of people, CFB should be about young, unpaid men taking on a tremendous risk so others can make a shit load of money.

    • Like 6
  2. 2 minutes ago, Treefidy said:

    I guess I don't really understand herd immunity.   If the average person of some new virus infects 4 others but once 50% of the population gets it then they can only infect 2 because the other 2 already had it?  (Oversimplification for sure, but the basis?)   So rate of infection drops significantly the more peop,e get it.  But then what?  It slows down until everyone has had it or it simply disappears never to be heard from again?  

    I'm not old enough to have have the polio arm scar, but it was my understanding everyone got that vaccine and polio disappears forever, except it came back recently on a limited run?  

    Honestly, my understanding is rudimentary. This wiki article explains it better than I could



    Also, note this from the above:

    "Once a certain threshold has been reached, herd immunity gradually eliminates a disease from a population. This elimination, if achieved worldwide, may result in the permanent reduction in the number of infections to zero, called eradication. Herd immunity created via vaccination contributed to the eventual eradication of smallpox in 1977 and has contributed to the reduction of the frequencies of other diseases."


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  3. 7 minutes ago, Treefidy said:

    Or go get the vaccine yourself and don't worry about the anti-vaxxers?   As long as you and yours are protected why really give a fuck what other people do.

    i will get this vaccine though I have never had a flu one.  I've been lucky and maybe had the flu 4-5 times in my life, I know people who get the vaccine every year and damned if they don't get one of the other strains every season.

    That's not how it works. Many people are unable to get vaccinated for whatever reasons. Those people rely on enough of the community to get vaccinated in order to reach the minimum threshold for herd immunity.

    So, that's why people give a fuck about anti-vaxxers. 

    • Like 7
  4. 12 hours ago, NIUHuskies said:

    Coming from a Facebook post:


    I'm convinced this Chinese virus was designed to destroy the American economy, and perhaps to take us over when we are weak. At the very least it was designed to destroy freedom. It affects the older people with underlying health conditions more than younger people. Why? Because the younger generations have been brain washed, the older people who didn't partake in the hippy shit aren't fucked up mentally enough to just bow down to the Communist agenda. Kill off enough of the older people who still have any sense, and the Communist Democratic party wins. This disease was created by Democrat Elitists with intent to destroy America, and I'm very scared it may work. Communism is so close to winning, and true Freedom is about to die. When you fuckers who think Socialism is the answer are at my doorsteps begging for food, just know I'll just as soon piss on your head as help you.

    I guarantee at least 10% of this board believes in that or something similar.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Post Oak said:


    @Wulaw Horn

    Kiddos better today?

    Yea man, thanks for asking. She's still under the weather, but much better. Nothing as frightening as Wulaw's kid, but I had never seen her shiver like that before. Loud teeth chattering and couldn't even get her PJs on until we wrapped her up and she stopped shaking. Fever hit 103.4.

    I don't think its Covid-19, only because it would mean an asymptomatic carrier (who almost certainly would have had to have been me) passed it to her. Of course that's possible, but I think it's more likely she picked up something random in the garden or dirt or something. 

    Kinda hoping it actually is the virus IF the worst has already passed.

  6. 1 hour ago, Assman said:

    These stay at home orders aren't going to amount for shit until retail/home improvement/other shopping entities start making changes.  People are getting bored at home and just walking around stores for hours and that isn't going to stop the spread.  I realize shit happens and you might need a pipe fitting in a pinch, but you shouldn't be allow to browse the fabric aisle at Hobby Lobby just because you're tired of home schooling your kids. 

    They should completely shut down all "non-essential" retail now, and "essential" stores need to limit the amount of people in the store at one time.  This would not only limit close contact, but would discourage people from leaving the house just to browse.  Grocery stores would be the only exemption from this.

    Agreed. I've been impressed with what I'm seeing in my area. I haven't been to the grocery store in weeks, but driving by, its apparent they're not fucking around. Only allowing small groups in at a time. The rest wait in line outside 6 feet apart. In the store, they have regular breaks to sanitize equipment and change masks and gloves.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Post Oak said:


    Any update bud?

    Thanks for asking dude. She had a rough night, but looks and feels much better this morning. Fever is mild and she's peppy and happy. Looking like just a random bug ( knock on wood.)

    Gotta say though, last night was the first time the weight of all of this hit me. Couldn't sleep. Stupidly was reading news and anecdotes from hard hit areas at like 3 am in bed. I've been going into work among a high risk population and the thought that I did (or could in the future) bring this home to my family really tore me up. For the first time, I felt totally helpless and inadequate in light of what's happening. On the surface, I've been confident and reassuring to my wife who is not handling this all that well. To be fair to her, ever since I've met her she's always had a real, arguably illogical, phobia of pandemics. Literally, her greatest fear coming true. And, despite constant reminders to myself that our age and medical history put us at low risk, the fear always creeps back. My daughter has had a history of respiratory issues that have led to a few trips to the ER and nebulizer treatments. That's pretty normal for toddlers, so I don't think it means much, but you know, fear tells me otherwise.

    The good news is that because of her fever, HR has directed me to telework for the next 14 days. The colleague I closely interacted with yesterday was also sent home for 14 days. She was pretty thrilled.

    I should clarify that despite all of that, I feel incredibly fortunate in all this. Both still employed, financially safe, thus far have remained unscathed by this.

    • Like 6
  8. Just now, Hate said:

    Can't the Governor step in here?  I assume this isn't a Federal Court.  Speaking of which, are Federal Courts open?

    Yes. Our presiding judge has said the only way he is closing the courts is if the Chief Justice of the CA supreme court or the Gov orders it. Only 2 parties that can order state wide closures. Their respective decisions up to this point, have been to let each county decide how they want to handle it. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Hate said:

    Is the courthouse still open?  If so, how crowded is it and are they taking any special precautions?

    Still open. Here now. Finally closed it to the general public on Tuesday, which means far less people. I did a stint in a felony arraignment court the other day. At least 15+ public defenders (many over 55) talking to defendants in cages from a foot away or so. Zero social distancing. Zero masks. Zero sanitary products. The presiding judge has made his bed. He's willing to let people die to keep the courts open. The Union reps from the Sheriffs, Public Defenders, and DA's have jointly sent multiple letters to the presiding judge demanding that the courts be shut as the current state will almost certainly result in sicknesses and deaths. They haven't responded. 



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  10. http://bannerhealth.mediaroom.com/trending-now-at-banner?item=122999



    A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks. Within thirty minutes of ingestion, the couple experienced immediate effects requiring admittance to a nearby Banner Health hospital. 


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