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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 13 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    San Fran gonna San Fran.  what a shitshow that place is.  announcing anything other than we will enforce the laws on the books and you will be arrested for theft and thrown in jail is completely moronic.  

    What are you talking about? No announcement was made at all. The "liberal" law was passed years ago and is a California state law.

  2. 13 minutes ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    Tried a pickup order at Mi Cocina. Placed it at 5:30 for pickup at 6:45
    Instructions were to stay in your car and it would be brought out. As I pulled up I saw 5-6 cars waiting. I looked inside to see 20-30 people waiting. I asked a guy walking out with food how long he waited. 1.5 hours.

    What a shitshow.

    That's not surprising.  Where else are all the Park cities people going to get Mexican food? A real Mexican restaurant?

  3. 28 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    LA county just shut it all down.  food medical and essential business thats it.  in an area with such a stupid high COL this is going to hurt a lot of folks

    Not all. County courts are open again tomorrow with almost zero mitigation in place. Going to be packed with cops, witnesses, families, attorneys, and defendants. It will be a zoo.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Dude that is so f’d up.  That courthouse is a shitshow of the highest order under normal circumstances.  Seriously lowest rung of the societal ladder there.  Rest In Peace, Foosters.  I’ll fire up the wreath fund.

    all joking aside, I can’t imagine a worse place to go.  And if you were called for jury duty would you have to report?  They could get right fucked if they think I’d show.

    No, no juries at least (for their sake.)  

  5. 5 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    Not sure that's the right course of action, Philadelphia.




    You think people need to be in jail during this for non-violent property crimes? To sit in jail in the midst of a pandemic and wait for the courts to re-open in . . . months?

    They're not ignoring the crime, they are citing them for a later date - which is done already in many jurisdictions for many non-violent crimes.

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  6. Can anyone comment on the reports from Japan about the positive results from this "Japanese Flu drug?"  Is this a viable mitigation option worldwide? Is this something that could be rolled out within a short time? Way too soon to even speculate?  Apologies if already discussed.


  7. 5 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    Okay, so it's France, meaning these folk have been smoking since they were in diapers, and drinking a shit ton of wine, but still, it's a data point.

    From Business Insider:

    In France, more than half of coronavirus patients in intensive care are under 60, suggesting it's not just the elderly at risk

    The worst part about this as an academic exercise is that it will be most informative once it's all fucking over. We can parse every little variable to our hearts content, provided we're still among the living. Or, you know, not living in refrigerator boxes, eating shoe leather.


    Salomon did not give a detailed breakdown of the intensive-care figures, so it's unclear how many are significantly younger than 60.

    Scary stuff, but without the above its hard to draw much, no?

  8. 42 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    Serious question, so i'm good if i walk the dog for an hour twice a day but remain away from folk and just mind my own business? Go on a run alone on less populated side streets? Outside of those two things and grocery store runs, i've been S-I-P since thursday. Since gyms and bars are closed but liquor stores are open, i'm a little confused on what the guidelines are/is allowed.

    From an article discussing the just announced "shelter in place" order from Monterey County, CA.


    Residents can leave their home for specified reasons to make sure they have the necessities of life such as getting food and medical supplies. They are also allowed to go outside to take care of pets, go on a walk, and just get outside, so long as they do not congregate in a group and maintain at least six feet of distance between themselves and other people.


  9. 20 minutes ago, Modessit said:
    41 minutes ago, bluto said:
    Am I behind or are you guys

    2 of the new cases in Dallas are critical care, a 20 and 30 something with no previous underlying issues.

     Just because the younger folks didn't have asthma or lung cancer or whatever previously doesn't mean that they weren't vaping illegal THC pods or licking toilet seats for likes.


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