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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 6 minutes ago, gmr548 said:




    I mean, in this scenario, only one side is trying to solve the problem.

    Please self-quarantine such weak "both sides" takes for 14 days, lest thet spread to our stronger "both sides" posters. 2/10.



    Sorry for your confusion.

  2. 1 minute ago, babysdaddy said:

    So politically, do the Dems support a payroll tax or do they drag their feet? 

    Politically, if it ends up not being dead bodies in the streets, and there is a payroll tax cut the juices consumer spending, that would increase Trump's odds of reelection?  I also think a payroll tax cut is a wast of time to combat this issue.  People are going to sit tight and not spend anything until there is clarity about the impact.

    If they don't pass it, Trump has an extra bogey man for the possible recession.  "We were doing great, beautiful until them damn chinese released a virus into the world and then the do nothing dems didn't even want to help you!"  

    My uneducated guess is that team Trump will propose payroll tax cuts and stimulus to certain industries. Dems will counter with mass, free testing, guaranteed sick pay for workers forced to miss work, and package of funding for continued screening and care.  Then both sides will argue and accuse the other of stonewalling and attempt to put the blame on the other side.

    • Like 4
  3. My first thought is that the cops just assumed he was under the influence because he was likely agitated and spewing conspiracy theories. Seen it many times.

  4. 5 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    ask yourself this: if trump wasn't president right now, and this was happening, who would he be blaming?

    That depends.

    If the president was a Black man, he'd blame the president.

    If the president was a white man, he'd blame immigrants.

    • Like 2
  5. I'm gonna vote for Biden if he's the nominee, but I'm not sure where all this optimism comes from regarding healthcare and entitlements. During the course of his career, his positions on both have been center-right (at best.)

    Like, I get it, he's better than Trump in a number of ways. But that's no reason to act like he's something he's not.

    • Like 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Um, Trump is the GOP now. 

    This point is why I'm not fully sold on the "don't worry about policy differences, just support whoever runs against Trump."  

    On one hand, yes I agree. Support whatever body they throw up there. Worry about policy and progressive goals later. On the other hand, you think the GOP is ever going to nominate a classic candidate again?  The days of GHWB and Mitt Romney are long gone. The next GOP candidate is either going to be a Trump child or a smoother version of Trump - someone who looks and talks like a politician, but who advances all of the worst policies and practices of the Trump administration. Is playing defense a viable strategy in perpetuity? At what point does the left lead with policy? 

    I get that these are future hypotheticals which are largely irrelevant in light of the current debate, but just something I've been thinking about.

    • Like 3
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/04/business/wall-street-joe-biden-bernie-sanders.html

    Wall St., breaking out their checkbooks for Joe.


    Now, with Mr. Biden’s victories presenting him as an effective political foil for Mr. Sanders, executives who had shrugged off the race are racing to support a candidate whom they believe can defend the social policies they are committed to without upending the economy.

    Tracy V. Maitland, the president of Advent Capital Management and a supporter of Mr. Biden’s, said he was fielding numerous calls and texts from elated friends on Wall Street and in the entertainment industry. “People think we’ve turned a corner,” he said.


  8. 25 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    And Klobs, a very high quality choice, was derided by the left. The far left is screwing up the Democrats just like the Tea Party was screwing up the moderate Republicans, until all the Republicans went full stupid.

    Just another reason why our two-party system is a joke. A Bernie supporter shares almost zero ideological positions as a Biden supporter. But sure, lets put them in the same party and hope they can agree on stuff.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    Fox News. More wonderful, trustworthy sources for Joe Biden analysis. 

    You gotta hand it to Zavala. He's trying. A Fox News video is a far cry from his usual "analysis" which is just some guy ranting in a basement.

  10. Just now, Zavala said:

    Aren't we out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? 

    Not sure what you're saying. The left has been advocating for no foreign wars for 20 years. They've been painted as the anti-veteran side because they don't decorate their belongings with red, white, and blue.

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