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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 41 minutes ago, retread said:

    It would be amazing to watch the bumper cars of neurons in his skull trying to read a teleprompter after a weekend of golf.

    "May God bless Lee Trevino."

    Edit: Nevermind. Trevino is Mexican.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I love "purports to attended SMU". Like people are coming on here posting as much as I do lying about where they attended college.

    Do you also want me to point out my buddy in the picture who attended Tx St that is also a huge Horns football fan? 

    Actually, yes. We're going to need you to do that.

  3. 6 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Be careful not to swing the pendulum too far out and generalize. This is used by bad actors to justify hate on a larger group than intended.

    This problem is an antisocial problem which resides mainly in young white men whose life is built around the internet. They don't have parents to force them into social situations. Being grown up into communities that sound appealing to teenagers who hate the real world. They build up a false reality within the internet, able to feed on unlimited knowledge from any silo they feel comfortable with, reinforcing any bad idea they may have. In a way it's like a dog that you don't socialize when it's a puppy. When they get older and capable of destruction, they are afraid and lash out in typical social situations. 

    I tend to agree. There was an excellent article I read a few months ago (of course I can't find it now) wherein a mother chronicled her normal, well adjusted son's descent into the alt-right. He got out just before it was too late. This was a normal family, loving parents, siblings all normal.

    Scary shit

  4. 6 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    Every time I see pictures of Trump stopping by a wedding I think about the scene in Caligula where he fucks the bride before the husband can and verifies she was a virgin. No doubt this is Trump's fantasy when he does. 

    No doubt its the fantasy of these grooms too. 

    • Like 3
  5. 21 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    I made it through about 6 posts.  That is unbelievable.  They really live in a different reality.  Reason number one billion I told my son he can go to any college (even OU) except A&M.  OU would be hard to pay for also so he would have to have a really good reason for that one.

    Lol. There are numerous posters on this board - Texas grads I assume- who feel the same way. It's just that they've gotten sick of getting shit from the sane ones.

    I know lots of young UT grads who swallow the Fox News talking points. 

    This is a problem everywhere. Aggy can't account for the majority of white people who are going to pull the lever for Trump in 2020.

  6. I believe programs, including Georgia, have stuff going on behind the scenes. I'm not sure which is worse though: believing that no schools play dirty, or thinking every school plays dirty except for the mighty University of Texas, who just happens to land top 5 classes despite it's self-inflicted handicap.

    I mean, if that's your position, then you have to give it to Herman. Maybe the greatest recruiter ever.

    • Like 1
  7. GOP playbook:

    Spend 8 years of dem presidency calling the president every name in the book for "bankrupting our nation." Spend hours and hours on television explaining why this profligate behavior is destroying the country.

    When republican gets elected, throw up hands and say, "well no one really wants to fix the problem and there's not much we can do.  Oh well, if only."

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, Tom said:

    Carter was before my time.  I was born in the 1980's. But I've heard my entire life how terrible of a president he was.  I've  believed it for decades and always thought of him as a great, kind man but a poor president.  Kind of comparable to Charlie Strong as a coach at Texas.  

    Now, after hearing the way the right talks about Obama as being just as bad for the economy and everything else while living though it and knowing it's bullshit, I'm questioning everything and am skeptical whether Carter was half as bad as the right made him out to be.  

    wait till you read his "malaise speech."




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