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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. Yeah, I finished that Sony Partner moment so I got the rookie Griffey. I've also bought some cards as well so my lineup is pretty good overall, (84 overall rating, I think) but I can't see how I'll ever rack up the money or xp to get the 95+ players. Going to try and bang out that new Sony Partner moment for Cliff Lee.

    I also have Will Clark, and agree with your point about rolling with golds if they work. I've had 83 Steve Finley leading off for me for awhile. I keep wanting to replace him in the OF but the dude is hitting like .400

    Battle Royale always seemed like a waste of coins, but maybe I need to rethink. For 1500 coins you can pick up a decent bullpen arm or bench player, and I would never win enough games in BR to justify the cost.

  2. 1 minute ago, Asithappens said:

    So all the hand wringing about him being a kid/naive/psychologically unready are invalid excuses, imo.

    He was a man. He made a very bad decision. Maybe his mamma didn't breast feed him. 

    Who's making excuses. Both statements can be true. No one here is saying the kid should've been exonerated because of his age/maturity.

  3. 13 hours ago, Capn81 said:

    Yeah, I play franchise and DD. I am not enjoying moments this year, but I like that they tried something new.

    I cant figure out how everyone is getting lineups of all 90+.  I work and have a family so I don't get to play more than a few hours a week, but holy shit these grinds take forever. I still haven't finished the 1st inning program.

  4. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Trump is not gonna be able to resist making fun of Pete's last name in the upcoming tweeter shitstorm.  He already exaggerates the pronunciation, but I have a feeling we're gonna get into written "butt" jokes, and if we're lucky, thinly veiled references to Pete's sexuality.


    I think if he called Pete a "faggot" on stage during a debate, his approval rating would go up by 2-4 points.

  5. Anyone else here play this game? I've become borderline obsessed with Diamond Dynasty this year after really only playing offline modes the last several years. I have very little idea what I'm doing as far as collecting cards, stubs, and XP. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    This is a very good point. I struggle to come up with the list of demands I would make because they would necessarily include somehow insuring I don’t wind up in jail, despite it all. May actually be impossible. 

    Lol, that's noob shit there man. 

    Obviously you make condition #11 that you have power over every prosecuting agency in the country. Come on man.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    I'm searching for a "both sides" example but can't really come up with one. Any Trump supporters here got anything for me?

    I played this game last week. Was told that they are committing treason so what's the problem with him saying it.

    Pretty open and shut argument there.

  8. 2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    No, he accuses the people who set up a phony investigation with a fake, unconfirmed dossier, paid for by his political opponent of treason.  There are a zillion critics of his on social media, non-social media, and every other walk of life who he does not accuse of treason.  The only people he has accused of treason are actual traitors and abusers of power.


    Also can you address where you draw the line on just how much business and involvement a private company can have with the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies and still be considered a private company and not a partner of the government?

    Fuck facts, right?

  9. 16 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    The vast majority? Really?

    That’s absolute nonsense. If you would really bet your “last dollar” on that, it’s another sign of how detached from reality you are. 


    Among voters with a favorable opinion of Trump:

    -65% think President Obama is a Muslim, only 13% think he’s a Christian.

    -59% think President Obama was not born in the United States, only 23% think that he was.

    -27% think vaccines cause autism, 45% don’t think they do, another 29% are not sure.

    -24% think Antonin Scalia was murdered, just 42% think he died naturally, another 34% are unsure.

    -7% think Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of JFK, 55% think he was not involved, another 38% are unsure.

    Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,222 registered voters from May 6th to 9th. The margin of error is +/-3.2%. 80% of participants, selected through a list based sample, responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet through an opt-in internet panel.


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  10. 46 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    If their political ideologies were reversed Facebook would be out of business for censorship.

    Instead, hate is so strong for Trump good people become morally bankrupt while Blinded by hate. They then project their insecurities as attacks against those they don’t agree with. 


    historical parallels to these types of decisions generally didn’t end well. 

    The president of the United States, who you wholeheartedly support, publicly accuses his critics of treason and calls for their imprisonment.

    Read that sentence again and reflect on it.


    Also, can you please address where you draw the line on what a private business can do regarding refusing service or access to consumers.


  11. 4 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    That Gallop poll is interesting in that the overwhelming majority of people believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester. I've been led to believe that the majority of Americans are pro-choice up to birth. 

    Really? You thought a majority of Americans supported aborting a 9 month old fetus?

  12. 19 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I hope this is right. However, I was pretty sure all those educated suburban white women who were secretly not super conservative would cross over and vote for Hillary and that didn't happen. Maybe they really truly didn't think abortion rights were at risk, but if that's the case, they haven't been paying attention for the past 15-20 years. The lunatics have been running the GOP asylum for some time.

    My one bit of anecdotal evidence is this 50 something 2x Obama voter who was just so sick of this PC nonsense and snowflake bullshit that she pulled the lever for DOTUS.  We all told her she was crazy. She would roll her eyes and say things like "oh, you guys are overreacting.  You millennials always make mountains out of molehills."  

    She now admits she was mistaken and can't believe that Roe is in danger.


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