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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 1 minute ago, babysdaddy said:

    Imagine, for one moment, a conservative just ten short years ago, trying to argue that tariffs, trade wars, and protectionism are all well and good because the other countries will be hurt too.  

    Can you do it without falling over?

    • Like 3
  2. 16 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Fuck you too, Upperwestside. Have you ever lived anywhere south of US? I have, so sorry about the situation of your “work friend”, but your anecdotal story is just that. Would you like to hear the stories from my peers that grew in the Ivory Coast, I have plenty? They hack you up with machetes there, too. 

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I have reproduced. Several times. Which is how I KNOW I wouldn’t endanger my children 1 second past what was “needed”. Mexico is safe-ish, at least compared to the rest.  

    The kid didn’t have to go in the cage, and never should have. Obama and Trump both seemed ok with it, if you need the reminder. Trump amped it up and doing it as a fuck you is the just the coup de grace, among being petty and shitty. You won’t get an argument from me on that.  

    "How dare you attempt to argue with anecdotes. As you can clearly see from MY anecdotes...."

  3. 22 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    I'm not arguing a thing but merely pointing out your post about military bases is pointless.  Schools: unarmed; military bases: unarmed 

    You:  We've had mass shootings at military bases.

    Well, OK. 

    Serious question. There were armed police at Fort Hood right? They responded and engaged the shooter, correct?

  4. 4 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:

    The premise of your question is confusing. Are you asking me if I treat my shotgun like a child treats a doll or like a tool I use to protect my family and property from those who wish ill will against me?

    ah yes, a tool. love to go down to the drill range to practice drilling things

  5. 1 minute ago, HRSchenker said:

    Emasculate gun ownership in an attempt to make men feel bad for owning a shotgun. Add this onto the purposeful confusion of young kids about their gender and you've got yourself a plan that just might work.

    Calling a gun a "toy" is emasculating?  

    • Like 1
  6. There are people on this website - university of Texas grads, presumably - who think that a private business should be able to exclude persons on racial grounds, but are upset when Twitter bans people for their political opinions.  

    Really amazing stuff.

    • Like 4
  7. 9 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    yeah, once the 40th person got indicted, can we please stop talking about fisa warrants and "how this whole thing got started"?

    if you find a cache of explosives and weapons grade narcotics in someone's apartment, i'm not asking any questions about probable cause. 

    I care. I care a great deal. But I've yet to see any evidence that the warrants were primarily based off insufficient or incorrect information.

  8. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Did the government step in and shut it down or are you one of those that doesn’t understand how the free market works? 

    He's someone who thinks that private companies should be able to discriminate on things like sexual orientation, but not political opinion. You know, like a genius.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Discard political motivations within the FBI for a moment.  If it is demonstrated that the FBI conducted surveillance on US citizens using a thin justification bolstered by privately funded politically motivated information sourced from Russia, does that bother you? 

    Oh, you've started lying too? 

    • Like 4
  10. 48 minutes ago, Enchubben said:

    I think most republicans don’t see guns as the cause of the mass shootings, but rather as the outlet or tool to accomplish their feat.

    Personally I think more resources need to be spent to identify the root cause of why these things happen and how to identify those individuals and get them help prior to an incident. 

    Im surprised there hasn’t been more of an effort to reduce violent video games, movie and tv content for younger kids. I’d be supportive of that even as a conservative that typically likes less government and regulation.

    If you'd like to waste money on studies, why not examine why kids in every country play violent video games and watch violent movies, but in only one country do they then go shoot up schools. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, NWBuck said:

    Donkey sauce for e'rybody

    Football: The Meal - Warm, broken hamburgers, served in a clear plastic bag enclosed in a larger, black trash bag. Thrown at you from 40 yards.

    • Like 1
  12. On 5/2/2019 at 4:05 PM, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Protesting an oil company declaring eminent domain to seize private property for their pipelines to export oil/gas out of the country? You could be charged with a crime on par with attempted murder.



    JohnnySack just came in his pants (very expensive pants)

    • Like 1
  13. 53 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

    there we go....personal attacks and complete lack any real interest in this report is the default position of the morons doubling down on this losing proposition, to the further decay of the Democratic Party's chances at ridding the country of Donald Trump.

    Taking your lead from your media stooges who won't let it go either, because so much of their emotional psyche was wrapped up in this farce actually working as some sort of salve for their butthurt from Nov 2016 ...you are now Kavanagh-ing Barr, who is actually doing his job and scaring th shit out of you, because he is not on Lynch's tarmac and WILL now investigate the investigators.

    The post was in response to the "not enough attention is being given to the Mueller report" idiocy, while it is clear that NO Democrats are interested in that report at all anymore as it doesn't contain shit that they hoped it would.

    And to listen to any complaint from them or posters here about "redactions" at all is hilarious from the same crew who LOVED redacted Lois Lerner "investigation" reports and had a fucking parade when Holder flipped off Congress and their "subpoena" to show up and testify.

    Ok...." less redacted"....still not interested in reading even that because they know that it won't help their cause at all.  None of this is to verify that our President wasn't a foreign asset, as we were assured here and everywhere....a cause of celebration for any true American....you are crushed that he wasn't....but you knew that all along, you hoped that this two year "investigation" conducted by a political hit squad would turn up something, at least..and to attempt to neuter half of his first term, hoping that it would stop all Executive Branch successes.

    You'd think that at least one "outraged Dem" would be at least a little interested in gleaning from the parts that were unredacted.  No.....not one.

    Nope, nothing....just that you really, really, really wanted there to be something.  There are some parts still not privy to even Congressmen the private viewing setting.....THAT must be it!...THAT is where the poison pill is! 

    Libtards doubling down on a 7-2 off suited and doing the same shit that brought us this Orange headed moron in the first place and doing it again.

    Enjoy Barr's look into the folks who weaponized the Justice Department for political gain, "Strock Insurance" or whatever the fuck y'all support as a means of proper governance.

    We all suffer, but at least y'all continue to lose and lose and lose.

    Well done.

    Sir, this is a Specs.


    Oh, hi Tom.

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