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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 1 hour ago, notre dame joe said:

    I'm ready to conclude that jaded Hilary voters don't cast reflections in the mirror.  Everything imagined about Trump has a worse known in their 2016 candidate.


    So what, she would have literally sucked Putin's dick in Helsinki as opposed to metaphorically like your boy?

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

    I'd say he's already started to set the stage with his base.




    Remember when the *Gary Johnson voters on this site had a good belly laugh when some raised the question of whether Trump would concede without a fight? I mean, every time a politician he has publicly supported has lost, Trump has either insinuated or flat-out stated that it was because of some sort of fraud. And we think when it comes to HIM losing an election, he's going to go gracefully?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Well in his brilliant scenario, all American Latinos are citizens of the U.S., no other countries.  So how can they deport them?  

    Both parties have very checkered pasts with regard to Hispanics in this country.  Hispanics succeed in this country in spite of the two major parties, not because of them. 

    Who gives a fuck what his "brilliant scenario" was. I was responding to you.

    Maybe you're right. Most of the viral videos of white people angrily yelling at brown people to go back to their countries are people wearing Obama hats....wait.

  4. 1 minute ago, Lobo said:

    "All of these people are American Latinos, not citizens of different countries."  See, you lost us there.  You have any idea how many millions of Hispanics in this country are citizens (whether it's dual or primary or resident) of other countries?  The only thing they dislike more than Republican bullshit is being taken for granted by Democrats.  The "you can't get to the American dream but through us" has never played that well with them.  Only good news for Democrats is the Republican agenda is even worse.  But yeah, keep assuming they are not also citizens of other countries and "selfish greedy fucks."  I can't believe you haven't been hired by a DNC consulting shop for Latino outreach in 2020.  


    Don't side with the dems! They make assumptions about you! Side with us instead! We will deport you, dehumanize you, and blame you for everything wrong with our country.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Yes, it's hard to believe that Puerto Ricans and Guatemalans and Mexicans and Argentines don't come together with all they have in common.  They all come from places in Latin America just a few miles from one another.  They should obviously work in lockstep with one particular party.  Much like Blacks from Kenya to South Central Los Angeles have the exact same political experience.  I mean, White People are the best example of this-aren't they?  Europe is only like what 10 countries?  Everyone from Portugal to Finland to Turkey bands together politically.  And then there's the Asians who serve as a great example to the Hispanics, From Yemen to Siberia, the "Asian Culture" is as melded together as anything on this planet, amirite?  

    Fair points. Of course, if I was hispanic, the repeated nods to, and the fervent support from, the white nationalist movement would give me concern, but hey, maybe that's just one big troll on the libs.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Most of you won't be able to see it through your hero workship of her, but Speaker Pelosi is incredibly uncomfortable in that photograph.  AOC looks giddy and chill.  Nancy looks like she's in excruciating pain.  

    This board's hero worship of Nancy Pelosi?

  7. 13 minutes ago, Anastasis said:


    If you want to debate me on my views on immigration policy and specifically wrt how to resource up to humanely process asylum seekers, I have laid them out in this thread.  You don't need to create a narrative of your own design out of thin air.


    Weird. A poster claims that the migrants are rushing the border. I posted an article about a mother's path to the border. YOU came after me for using an anecdote to refute his assertion.  I assumed, I guess incorrectly, that meant you sided with him.

    Let me understand your strategy here:

    1) Poster A makes outlandish claim

    2) Poster B posts relevant story that casts doubt on Poster A's claim

    3) You jump in attacking the use of anecdotes

    4) I assume that the above sequence means you support Poster A's claim

    5)You lecture me on how to properly debate on a message board and accuse me of creating a narrative.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    I think that public policy should be written largely on the basis of anecdotes. I will fight you if you disagree. 

    So ignoring the above anecdote then, you join the poster I was responding to in believing that the migrants are rushing the boarder as a strategic move to tip things in 2020?

  9. 36 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    What could go wrong?

    Don't worry. Free market will take care of this. If you or a loved one die from contaminated pork, you simply take your business elsewhere.

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  10. On 3/29/2019 at 1:51 PM, ChickenSandwich said:

    Not sure anyone is ok using tax payer money to reject 800-900,000 asylum requests from the 1million claims they are expecting each year. 

    The goal is clear, overwhelm the border and force “catch and release”. Then pray for Amnesty in 2020 from a socialist. 

    Here's a good example of this. Mother from Honduras clearly gaming the system to overwhelm the border to set things up for 2020:



    We fled Honduras to the United States because we feared for our lives. I grew up in the capital, Tegucigalpa. In the past few years, my neighborhood has become one of the deadliest in the city. We had had run-ins with the gangs in the past. On Oct. 18, gang members came to our house looking for my partner, Kevin.

    They showed me their guns and told me, “If you don’t leave in 24 hours, you know what will happen to you.” 

    I knew what they were capable of. When my eldest daughter was 2 years old and I was pregnant with my son, their father was murdered and his body dismembered by gang members. Even after he was killed, we got death threats. We tried moving to another town until things cooled down, but the gangs found us there and extorted us.

    The death threats started again after Kevin and I got together and our daughter Grethshell was born. People who are deported from the United States as he was are targeted by the gangs, because they are presumed to have money. With the new threats, I grabbed the little money we had, around $80, and filled the children’s backpacks with clothes for them and a doll for Grethshell, who was 15 months old. 


  11. 12 hours ago, Monster said:

    That was a fun and informative tangent.  I wanted to add a few things to add to the original conversation.... 



    0aKfaIg.jpg?2  65uxQQL.jpg?2

    Consider the late 1990’s early 2000’s.  Growing up during this time, my TV told me to distrust Muslims.  All of the major networks agreed, Muslims want to kill me and my family.  And I have to admit, as a young adult, I was influenced by the TV and started to fear these ‘dangerous people’ who I’d never met.  My hillbilly brethren started to openly hate Muslims, despite having never met one.  When we eventually went to war, destabilizing Muslim countries, killing or arresting their leaders, we did so with full approval of my friends and neighbors and the rest of the American people…who’d been watching those same anti-Muslim TV shows. 


    And now my TV is telling me I should distrust Christians.  I’m being told they are detestable, deplorable, racist villains who deserve ridicule and hate.  I can see from your responses, that, once again, many of those around me agree with the TV's message.  And I wonder, where are we going with this? 


    Images from 'Happy-season 2'  - Nuns being blown up in a park, accompanied by comical music.   


    Look man, if Jack Bauer chasing down Muslims on a fictional TV show is responsible for you and everyone you know fully supporting the invasion of another country, then we cant help you.

  12. 30 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No, it's sufficient evidence to indicate that a crime has been committed, or probable cause. But a prosecutor doesn't want to bring an indictment without sufficient evidence to convict, in most cases.

    I think that's a little lower than prima facie, but as a practical matter, the prosecutor would want at least prima facie, which, for the peanut gallery, means enough to meet the burden of proof without considering anything from the defense.

    Maybe in the world of white collar crime. Certainly not the case with local DAs

  13. 1 hour ago, GSU&UT said:

    @bad_teammate Kind of curious at your take on this, I love Chapo but they get hyper-idealistic at times and I do not have the time to read this dissertation piece about Pete. Seems to me like a huge criticism is that he worked for McKinsey & Company which I am unfamiliar with.



    There are some valid points in there.  If progressives are going to attack Harris for her time as AG and DA, then Pete should expect the same for his time at McKinsey.

    • Like 1
  14. 39 minutes ago, Dolemite said:

    Well, we know that constitutionally the prez can't obstruct justice but the wording was clear that Barr didn't consider the constitution. 

    Definition of obstruction of justice.



    Says matter of factly that presidents cannot obstruct justice per the constitution.

    To back up his assertion, cites Wikipedia article that shows President Clinton being impeached for obstruction of justice.

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  15. 4 hours ago, victory88 said:

    lmao... turf toe did not prevent Malik from going in the 3rd round.  He needed to get stronger and get off blocks better.  He made a bad decision.  So did Deshon Elliot, so did LJH.  Those guys put 1 season of good film out with glaring weaknesses and assumed they would go early in the draft.  They listened to stupid fucking advice.  Not sure how these policies are written but I would imagine he would need to prove that he would have been taken in the first round if it wasn't for turf toe?  Where is he on the Bengals depth chart?  I don't remember hearing/reading about him whatsoever last season.  Guys that are 1st round talents get taken regardless of a turf toe injury.  If Dexter Lawrence, Ed Oliver, Josh Allen, Nick Bosa, Devin White etc had turf toe... none would make it to the 2nd round let alone the 3rd.

    Yeah, that senior season would've really helped LJH bring down that 4.8 40

  16. 1 hour ago, yoladu said:

    What has happened to you, man? You are better than this.

    Trust fund Johnny? Nah, he's always been a pretty shitty human who never misses an opportunity to remind everyone how much money he has, who he knows, and how important he is in Houston. Why, just last week at the Country club, I ran into....

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