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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 30 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

     Bottom line is that young people perceive gun violence as a pretty serious issue and that has largely been dismissed by boomers. Regardless of the merit, there is going to be a backlash to that.


    I wouldn't say its been entirely dismissed. They have suggested proactive solutions like arming college students and arming teachers and everyone just shooting at everything.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Yeah, I'm a little wary of the "big WR = Collin Johnson" comps being thrown around.  Collin shows how fun it is when they maximize their abilities, but the late 2000s Longhorns teams were full of big, slow, highly rated WRs that never saw the field.  Far from a sure thing.

    Is Darius White in that group? Goddam I was certain he was going to be a star.

  3. Just got notice that there is a whooping cough outbreak at my daughter's preschool. If any child COUGHS (no matter the severity or accompanying symptoms) they are to be sent home and cannot return until they have completed 5 days of antibiotics. 

    Thanks fuckers.

  4. 43 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    Y'all are surely are forgiving lot that sees racism everywhere. Many are willing to give the gov a pass for wearing black face and taking a pic with a guy in a klan suit because he may just be stupid but not sure if he is racist.  I have read that logic a few times in this thread.  Amazing contortions from some of you. Impressive actually. eec40227d802e065ffd0e89f4cb4173b.jpg

    You saw a lot of posters defending Northam on this thread? Honest question.

  5. If anyone in this day and age still has a desire to watch the news as a means of staying informed of what's happening in the world, then turn on PBS NewsHour every night. Not sure why you'd watch any of the other "news" shows which are solely editorials.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Johnny Sack said:

    So both sides?  

    It isn’t on this.  Your side acted like major cunts when trump won.  From the politicians and activists advocating electors not vote for Trump, to the libs in colleges creating therapy rooms and canceling classes, to riots on the street.  None of that bullshit happened in 2008. 

    Except for the tea party marches, you mean? And the hanging Obama in effigy, and the birtherism, and the racist images shared all over social media, and calling him a muslim.

    Except for that, right?

    • Like 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    I don't know why shit like this gets mentioned as some sort of acceptable alternative. Paying wages isn't something employers do as a charity.

    No I totally get it. Using a shady tax guy, I ended up paying ZERO dollars in fed tax this year. Before you all get upset, I'll have you know that I pay a cleaning lady and a gardener to come to my house 4 times a month. 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, alincoln said:

    He's 31, hasn't played football the last two seasons, hasn't played well in five years and brings massive baggage and distraction to whoever signs him.  WTF would anyone sign this idiot as their backup QB?  Maybe Carolina wants to earn some SJW brownie points after the Richardson fiasco?

    I dunno. We weren't discussing that, but yeah, I'd agree that no one would want to sign him based on the baggage. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    /Puts on blackface 

    /Goes to liquor store and buys a fifth of the cheapest gin they have and tells the vaguely ethnic clerk to go back to where he came from

    /Drives around and yells at minorities to pull up their pants 

    /Makes incredibly unclever joke and laughs hilariously to self 

    /Posts the same thing 2,000 times in a day

    /Gets insanely angry about women existing


    I have completed my training. I am ready. 


    /Claims to read historical tomes at a rate of 3 per week while simultaneously posting 24/7 on shaggy

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