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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 19 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Our poorest of the poor have iphones and 3 hots & a cot.

    They ain't revolting any time soon.


    Love this thread.  Everyone conveniently ignores their own 401K and what drives its growth.


    Those other guys...they're the fucking devil.

    You think the path we're on is sustainable vis-a-vis inequality?

    Edit: Actually, nevermind. I'm not really interested in rehashing the argument that has been discussed on these boards for years. Agree to disagree.

  2. 43 minutes ago, F250 said:

    This is lame but not nearly bad as all of the John Kerry gaffes regarding sports, hunting and fast food and definitely not as bad as eating fried chicken with a fork.

    Harris should be criticized for the fights she waged in the drug war and not some pathetic attempt to appear 420 friendly.

    No shit. Can't think of anything more disingenuous than a tough "law-and-order" DA trying to attract leftists/liberals. And there seem to be a bunch in this field.

  3. 19 hours ago, ztejas said:

    What is the point you're trying to make? That 18 year olds wouldn't take advantage of the rule change Hmbre proposed?

    They are ALREADY taking advantage of a more strict set of rules. You might as well get rid of the 1 year of sitting out transfer policy. 


    ok, cool

  4. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Backing Hitler and invading another country has consequences.  Don't do both and then bitch about the result when you lose after you failed to finish Hitler's goals.

    Backing Hitler?  Do we apply the same standard to, you know, Germany?

  5. Just now, jeevsie said:

    This is not the standard the NFL uses for meting out punishment.

    Right. I was responding to the poster who claimed that ordinary people like you and I would not get a second chance like this person. My point was that our employers would likely never find out about the conduct in the first place because news organizations aren't interested in what I do at a casino at 2 am.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    Ugh. POs shielded from the realities the rest of us common folk face because he can football.  

    Well, to be fair, he was never charged criminally, correct? If so, I'm pretty sure us common folk wouldn't have had any repercussions from an incident like this either.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    Long term, my hope is that he doesnt get the waiver. The immediately gratified fan in me wants him to get it.

    There has to be some sort of protection for schools for coaching turnover because it happens at every school and there is nothing any school can do about it. The nature of that turnover is different if the staff is being deceptive. For what it’s worth I dont believe Helton was being overtly deceptive. I think he was just naive that Kliff was going to actually coach there on his sinking ship as the hottest coaching free agent on the market. However, I have no doubts that Kliff lied to the McCoys when he wasn’t 100% solid in staying.

    Protection for the schools and the adults but not the students.

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Zavala said:

    The hot as fuck during the summer and daytime and pellets in the ass crack beats a mudhole for us down in the swamp below Houston. That shit is a miracle. I've also played on the old style turf, and can confirm it's like playing football on a concrete basketball court. Wearing regular shoes playing football feels crazy.

    Texas should just keep getting the latest and greatest artificial and tweaking it. After the nightmare of Texans and their patch together field I dont trust the real stuff.

    Amazing. Doesn't trust grass.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Just now, GRHorn said:

    No, let them print your dick pics. Come out and say, “hey those were private pictures, isn’t this terrible that this can happen to people?” Then move on. It’s not about Trump, numbnuts.  


    Please explain how this is the better approach? So in both cases, the world finds out about his dick picks, but in your scenario the blackmail and extortion remains secret. And that's better how?

    • Like 4
  10. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Dollars are dollars.  We the people already spend trillions on healthcare.  All we're discussing is flow.

    John Q. Public currently (2017 data) spends $3.5 trillion on healthcare, a total of $10,700 per person.  As a percentage of GDP, it's around 17%.  The countries listed spend around HALF of that, both in per person and as a percentage of GDP.

    WE ARE ALREADY SPENDING A METRIC SHITTON ON HEALTHCARE.  What we're discussing is a way to get more bang for our buck in terms of 1) individual access, 2) reduced costs (profit is a big element in healthcare costs, for example), and 3) the broader social (and thus economic) benefit of having a population that misses fewer sick days, and doesn't go bankrupt if they do get sick.

    Percentage of GDP.  Per capita dollars.  What doesn't work for this population is the wackadoo system we have that manages to be the worst of both worlds.

    Sorry, didn't you hear? We are not ethnically homogeneous so single payer wont work.

    • Like 6
  11. 1 minute ago, Jhawk said:

    Stop.  That's not what was said at all.  No one likes it.  But the vast majority of the population recognizes that that's just part of the fucking world.  No one should harass women and no one should use "fag" as a derogatory remark.

    The point of the post is that not one person in this country expects perfection out of politicians.  Politicians have used "less than perfect" as a weapon against each other and now they are finding out that they can't live up to the standards that THEY put in place.  If you only picked out harassment and the word "fag" out of my post then you are part of the 0.0001% I mentioned.  If you're living perfection then why don't you post your name and city of birth and we'll dig for the dirt on you.

    But you would agree that at some point, a line can be crossed, correct?  At some point, a politician's behavior or conduct can be so abhorrent that all agree he should not be the elected face of a constituency, right?  The question is, where is that line?  Is the line moving too close to benign, harmless behavior? Perhaps it is.  I can see the arguments there.  But you also should agree that conduct can be perceived totally differently depending on the person viewing it. Do I think that every kid who donned blackface in the 70s at UNC is some KKK loving, segregationist? No. Do I think there's a fair chance some, if not many, of them are perfectly normal men who harbor no ill will towards minorities, and in fact may have minorities in their families at this point? Sure.  But I'm white. I know white people like that. 

    I guess I just dont see it as having moved too close to that line yet.  


  12. 3 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    This shit started a long time ago and it wasn't the people who demanded it.  It was the politicians who did in an effort to get the people to get pissed off about it.  Bush 1 started with the lies about taxes.  How can you lie??  He's out to a very suave Clinton.  Repubs are pissed and go after Clinton.  Sure his dealings were shady but no one cared about perjury or whitewater because the repubs were too busy saying "HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE????"  Ohhhhhh the moral outrage while John McCain is banging his sidepiece.  They did some damage but not enough to win an election.  A key lesson for Dems.

    Bush 2 comes along and the dems pull out the deception of his service but lose because Gore is a fucking mess.  After 4 years of war though and an undesired invasion of Iraq to cure his daddy's mistakes they have what they need.  "HOW CAN YOU KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE FOR OIL???" Not a chance in hell repubs were going to win 2008.  But with that, Barry comes along and it is just fucking open season.  Say what you want about the merits of his birth, his religion, or his politics, the repubs were all in and he and his team was all in as well.  That was a historic election in many ways.  One because we elected our first minority president.  But also because EVERYTHING became fair game in politics.  Minorities defended political stances claiming racism was why people didn't believe them or give them the benefit of the doubt (which is very true in some cases), white men screamed that they were being marginalized, women have no fucking clue what to do but they know they will be sent back to servitude if they don't get exactly their way, and the only group that was above ALL of the noise was the politicians. 

    Ever notice that?  When Barry said race is playing a part in his presidency he never called a senator or congressman racist.  He said it was the citizens.  When Hillary didn't get elected she never talked about not having the support of men in the senate or congress, she said that all males are misogynist.  When Kerry was questioned on his Vietnam stance and military alignment he didn't attack anyone but the citizens on that.  It is weird how the politicians, the only people with a microphone in their face 24/7, were able to make all of us the worst people in the world but we never hear a peep about David Duke who was a congressman and a close ally of the clintons.  We never hear about current elected officials and their days of blackface.  We only hear about people who threaten these politico's jobs.  Those people are the enemy, not my fellow politician and I'm certainly no enemy of the people.

    So who is it that has been demanding moral perfection?  I still say fuck and sometimes even "cunt" at the office.  I call my homosexual friend "fags" sometimes when we're joking around.  I have tossed around the word retard more recently than 1990.  Fuck I sent a dick pic to a chick across the country just last night.  Citizens have called for fairness, not moral perfection.  The LGBTQ community wants to be recognized and have equal rights under the law.  That's awesome.  The AA population would like to stop being subjugated by the militarized police.  A Very fair ask.  The feminists want to be able to make a wage like a man does.  No problem with that.  As a conservative I see nothing wrong with these asks and I also see none of these groups saying "You have to live your life by the 10 commandments but you better never step foot in a church.  You also better never curse or make an advance on a woman, and you damn sure better have an equal amount of black friends as you do white ones.  Oh yeah, you better start kissing dudes too because I don't see a strong history of you supporting gay rights."  Not one of these groups has said this is how it has to be and the citizens that do are ALWAYS in the minority.

    The politicians have created this culture and now they are pissy that some of them are having to live by the rhetoric they spread across the country.  The did this to themselves. 0.0001% of this country WANTS moral perfection.  Those people just happen to be radicals and politicians.  I'm glad they're getting fucked and if Teflon Don went down because of his comments it would have been well warranted.  But the truth is, no one gives a shit but the holier than thou politicians.  It is their only weapon because they have realized that the country is pretty much on cruise control at this point and they can't come up with a policy that actually helps EVERYONE.

    Fuck em all.  Sleep in the fucking bed you made.

    The fact that you think only politicians get upset when people call gays "fags" and when women are sexually harassed is just fucking mind blowing.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  13. You're discussing the overpopulation debate from a depleting resources angle. I think the others were discussing it from a destroying the earth angle. Different discussions.

  14. 3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Wait til the press gets a hold of Old South pics. Elected KAs are probably scrambling.

    Shit, my brother was in a fraternity not named KA at Texas in the early 2000s. They made some pledges go blackface for parties.


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