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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 3 minutes ago, dilloncp98 said:

    Take this as you will, EJ said in a thread that this relates to something he recently started covering. He recently started covering grad transfer recruiting so there’s that. 

    Shane Buechele is transferring back?

  2. Just now, Brisketexan said:


    What about the tomahawk choppers, the rape jokers, and the slut catcallers.  Those guys are all cool, I guess.

    He's already addressed that. He called those actions "not de-escalating the situation."  

    But its cool. He's a neutral party just analyzing the situation without bias.

  3. 5 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    that's my main takeaway.

    also, where were the fucking adults? those kids were running rampant.

    also, i get that they were there for ap ro-life protest - great, good opportunity for a civics lesson.

    but i assume the school has a dress code. how in the hell could they let them deck themselves out in MAGA gear?

    I saw a picture taken from the school's brochure that had a picture with multiple kids wearing MAGA hats.

  4. Just now, clapclapclap said:

    Great point.  Goleta is 100 miles from LA, so that would be like someone assuming a ref living in Waco, Tyler, Ardmore, or all the way out towards Wichita Falls might be a Cowboys fan.  Highly unlikely....

    So if the cowboys are in the playoffs, any ref who lives in Texas should be disqualified?  

  5. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/youtube-red-pill-men-right-wing-hate-radicalization



    “Our relationship started normally: We went for walks, saw films, went out for dinner. Most of the ‘arguments’ we’d have would be where to go out on a date. When I moved in with him after graduation, the arguments were about who would do the washing up or the cooking that night,” she says. By the end of their relationship in September, though, she found herself having to not only try to get Craig to do his share of the laundry, but to justify why people should be allowed to speak languages other than English in public, why removing taxes for tampons isn’t unfair, and more bizarrely, why being a feminist isn’t the same as being a Nazi.

    “Nearly all the arguments came from YouTube videos he was watching,” Sarah tells me. “Because he’d work at night, he’d spend the day on the internet. He’d be watching them, and send them to me throughout the day on WhatsApp, over email, anywhere really.” During one work meeting in 2016, she received videos from him about a “migrant invasion into Britain, orchestrated by Angela Merkel and Barack Obama,” which showed Libyan refugees getting off a boat carrying large bags and shouting, “Thank you, Merkel!” played over dark orchestral music. Other videos supported Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants, diatribes on feminism “threatening traditional families” and “scientific evidence” suggesting that white people have higher IQs than black and South Asian people.


  6. 13 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    Dude deserves the chair. 

    Clicked on the link, couldn’t get more info but this part was confusing: 

    “On the night she was abducted, Jayme told police, she was asleep in her room when the family dog started barking. She woke her parents as a car came up the driveway.

    She and her mother, Denise, hid in the bathroom, clutching each other in the bathtub with the shower curtain pulled shut. Her father, James, went to the front door. They heard a gunshot, and Jayme knew that James had just been.”

    Maybe some details got scrambled with the trauma of the night or the article left them out but why did they get in the tub when someone knocked? Somethings missing


    I feel like they messed up the timeline. I assumed dad went to the door, mom and daughter heard gunshots, and then they ran to bathroom and tried to hide. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, EE2B said:

    This is directly from the state of New Jersey medical marijuana “checklist for Physicians”
    1. Certify that patient has a qualifying medical condition for medicinal marijuana,

    2. Select a 30, 60, or 90 day effective period. This time frame determines how many days a patient may purchase medical marijuana before being reevaluated. Upon expiration of the selected timeframe, you must re-assess the patient’s condition and determine whether to continue their use of medicinal marijuana for an additional 30, 60, or 90 day period.
    Link: https://www.state.nj.us/health/medicalmarijuana/physicians/checklist/

    He didn’t find a loophole, he violated the terms of the agreement he made to be able to prescribe medical marijuana.

    If your local liquor stores sales a handle of Jack to a 20 year old, are they doing any harm? Most likely not, but if they get caught they are in violation of the terms they agreed to when they obtained their liquor license. With enough repeated violations, they could lose their license and no longer be able to sell alcohol. Not much different than the “good doctor” in New Jersey.

    I don't think anyone disagrees with you that he violated some terms, laws, or duties. Just no one gives a shit.

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