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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 14 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is so perfect.  If he ever, for some reason, came to Austin for a speech, my plan was to sneak in a huge version of this and get as close to the front as possible.

    Well, then you'd have the president of the United States calling on his supporters to take you outside and rough you up.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    it's better than having him sit in front of a tv, playing video games all day. even if he doesn't "make it", i'm sure this type of discipline and work-ethic will carry over to other parts of his life. 

    Yeah, there's no middle ground between the two.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    You don’t need to worry about those types.   They are too scared shitless that somebody will steal their Jim Bakker buckets and Alex Jones supplements to leave their bunkers.   They are the least of your concerns.  

    No Donny, these men are cowards.

    • Like 7
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  4. 8 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:


    I can't vouch for the accuracy of that account.... But screw the media for once again presenting something out of context in order to more easily propagandize one of their pet issues.


  5. 14 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

    So wait...we have video of Hunt assaulting the lady, and the NFL does nothing.  However, Zeke gets a 6 game suspension without any proof whatsoever, just the ex-girlfriend's claim.

    Is that correct?  

    Eh, kinda. A person's account of what happened shouldn't be characterized as "no proof whatsoever."

  6. 1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:



    Just forget about it. He was calling people "soy boy" days before anyone called him a Nazi. He's a liar. He's been crying on this board for days about he only called people "soy boys" because everyone was being so mean to him and calling him a Nazi. That's a lie. He's a liar. And a coward. Move on.

  7. 10 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    You're going to look stupid here.  There are others but I am not going to spend the lengthy time it is going to take to dig them out of the threads.  


    That is so weird. Because you can search the term "soy boy."  You first started calling people that back on 10/26. Before anyone called you a Nazi. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    The folks there that were losing by a lot ended up losing less.  I’m talking about ones where leads switched.  

    I'm not an election expert, but I think it happened because they counted all the ballots.  Weird, huh.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    LOL that was in response to being called a nazi racist over and over.  No one seems to bring that up.  Weird.  Also, that was like 2 days but carry along.  You act like it was in a vacuum.  

    Weird, I just went back and i see you throwing around the term a bunch, but no one calling you a Nazi.  Got a link?  


    Oops, just remembered that others have asked you to provide links, but you've yet to do so.  

  10. 7 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

    Personal attacks.  Nice.

    jesus christ, are you 7?


    You spend weeks calling everyone who disagreed with you "soy boy." Do you not remember?

  11. 21 minutes ago, Smax said:


    poor conditions in your home country doesn't give one the right to ignore our laws. There is a process in place, follow it, those that believe their need needs trump our laws should not be allowed to enter and stay in this country.

    Living in the US is not a right, it's a privilege

    So they should apply for asylum under current laws?

  12. Just now, crash_davis said:


    and deficit and fiscally responsibility which is one of the key tenets of conservatism is no fucking where to be seen with this admin.  

    No, deficit and fiscal responsibility is not one of the key tenets of conservatism.  I can tell you that being a vegetarian is a key tenent of my being, but if I eat meat everyday, it's not.

  13. 4 minutes ago, horn4life said:

    What I would want to ask all of our proud flag waving Donald Trump supporters is a pretty simple question.

    Why do you think both the President and representatives of the Kremlin have the exact same inaccurate story regarding Trump's intention to build a Trump Tower Moscow?

    When the President himself has now completely changed his story and admitted the deal was in the works, and there was nothing wrong or illegal about it.  Then why lie about it if you are Trump? Even more intesestingly why lie about it from the Russian side?

    These are super simple question that you will find nearly impossible for our proud flag waving Donald Trump supporters.  Instead you will hear a bunch of gobbledegook that makes no sense followed by... but I still support Trump!  I also want to know which lie our proud flag waving Trump supporters prefer to believe.  That Trump was lying when he signed his name to a letter of intent?  Or that Trump was lying about having any intent or desire to build a Trump Tower Moscow? 

    I would also be curious about who the fuck would be so damn gullible as to believe that Donald J. Trump had no idea about the dangling of a $50 million penthouse to Putin?  I mean the guy is so cheap he set up a fake charity with his kids to save his own cash.  Exactly zero chance a guy who won't pay his contractors did not have any knowledge about a $50 million or even a $5 million penthouse tease to Putin, zero chance.  But not to worry!  Our proud flag waving Trump supporters will (as always) find the least likely, least plausible and embrace it as bedrock fact to explain how alternative reality works... it just won't make any sense to those of us living in current reality...


    TexasHammer gave us some insight yesterday. Basically, his position is, "so what, only people convicted are not named Donald Trump, but even if he was, all I care about is the economy, the deficit, immigration, and NK arms reduction." Of course, he's gonna be bummed when he finds out Donald really hasn't done anything on any of these fronts.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    The "random person" comment was directed at Jerome Corsi. 

    So I've got this crazy question, bear with me, OK? If I care about taxes, immigration, the economy, the deficit, North Korean disarmament, or any of a myriad of things that the government does on a daily basis, how does anything that has gone on over the last week have an impact on those things? Because a normal person would likely conclude these things have no impact. 

    If Trump did illegal things I want him in jail. You guys keep saying shit like "Jerome Corsi lied, see I told you" or "Cohen committed perjury" and I'm just like "ok whatever man". Do you see the disconnect?

    Also, I do enjoy the living in your head rent free. The sky is quite colorful.


  15. 16 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    What has happened here my goodness.

    Troll came back and most lack the self control needed to refrain from engaging him.

  16. 8 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    In the Southwest?  How does that help his core "bring the factory back" voters in the Midwest?  If someone from Bethlehem, PA can't be bothered to look for a job in neighboring NJ, they sure as shit aren't going to move to Arizona or wherever to work in a steel mill.

    Gonna really burn up the MAGA crowd when they see that over 50% of the workers at the SW plant have Latino surnames. 

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