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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. Just now, Tom said:



    The last tweet is very telling towards how these fascists think.  Cortez, a newly elected House member who hasn't even shown up yet should be tried for treason? Schumer?  For what reason?  In the mind of Trumpkins, anyone who doesn't 100% fall in line with God Emperor Trump is committing treason.


    People can downplay it all they want, but this type of mindset is dangerous.  I can't understand why these people don't move to somewhere they'd be more comfortable like North Korea or China.

    This post is like the Onboard bat signal. He'll be here withing a few minutes to explain why something Obama did is exactly like Trump calling for his political opponents to be jailed and tried for treason.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

    Very interesting. I wonder what Mueller gained by waiting for Trump to provide his written answers and how that tied into the charge of Manafort lying? (assuming I got those details somewhat right).


    What if Trump provided an answer that was basically a "yes, I did that", but Manafort insisted "no, that didn't happen". Manny won't be too happy if that's the reason he will spend some more time in the clink. Lie for Trump and in the end Trump screws him over anyway.

    From Reddit:


    The next question is now: Is this event one of the sources of Manafort's lies that were revealed yesterday and has Trump been tricked into telling those same lies?

    Marcy Wheeler put forth a compelling argument last night that the sequence of events is related to the "Take Home Test" Trump just filled out:

    Just about the only explanation for Manafort’s actions are that — as I suggested — Trump was happy to have Manafort serve as a mole in Mueller’s investigation.

    But Mueller’s team appears to have no doubt that Manafort was lying to them. That means they didn’t really need his testimony, at all. It also means they had no need to keep secrets — they could keep giving Manafort the impression that he was pulling a fast one over the prosecutors, all while reporting misleading information to Trump that he could use to fill out his open book test. Which increases the likelihood that Trump just submitted sworn answers to those questions full of lies.

    Manafort and Trump continued to hold a Joint Defense Agreement after his plea, likely up to the present day.

    If Trump did this - he is in reasonably deep shit. Mueller will now inform the judge of precisely what Manafort lied about as part of his sentencing. This is a requirement of criminal procedure, and it will all be in the public record. Whitaker cannot do anything to suppress it, as he otherwise would with anything else related to Trump, under the argument sitting presidents cannot be indicted. If these lies were replicated in Trump's written responses....that's ballgame.

    It's very, very difficult to perjure yourself on a take home test answered with a team of lawyers, but Trump just might have pulled it off

    • Like 5
  3. 5 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    I am shocked that you all underestimate the NCAA's response to Alabama's transgressions.

    It is perfectly obvious that because of this criminal activity on the part of Alabama, the entire Holy Cross water polo team will be disbanded.


    • Like 3
  4. 4 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Trump is the enemy of America that everyone on the right was threatening Obama would be. What's amazing is all the dipshit Republican voters who can't admit that they were lied to about Obama. They still think he was a Kenyan Muslim terrorist bent on the destruction of American democracy despite the incontrovertible evidence that he left the country better than he found it. There's a long list of things I wish he would've done better but there's no question he did a better job than either his predecessor or his successor. 

    Left it better than when he found it?? 

    May I remind you, sir, that prior to his election there were not gays getting married in my state and men weren't flashing their dingers all over ladies restrooms.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    I'll give it a shot. 

    Oh really motherfucker? You know more than me, a man who is constantly drunk and posts on the internet? Just because you're a doctor? Well I hope your whole fucking family dies you son of a bitch. 


  6. 1 minute ago, Lobo said:

    Well Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, Cruz, Bush, Miller, Hegar, Craddick, Blacklock, Devine, Brown, Keller, Hervey, Slaughter, and then him.  

    Yep, my bad.  Rob O'Rourke did finish in the Top 15 though.  

    What would you like us to do with that information?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, ndawg said:

    I really love the preposterous notion that world class cities like NYC are expensive because they're filled with socialists voting against their own interests. Seldom do we see such an impressive combination of cognitive dissonance and projection.

    See, it's hilarious enough seeing idiot Trumpkins in rural America guessing at what life is like in wealthier spots like NYC, Scandanavia, etc., and then assuming that the quality of life there must be poor -- because, of course, they're more "socialist" in those places, and obviously every meat-eating, red-blooded American knows that socialism can't work, right? But when you add in the fact that the Trumpkins are actually the ones voting against their own interests, it puts it over the top.

    Please, keep going y'all, this is great.

    Similar to the tactics about illegals and MS-13. Some grandma in rural Kansas is terrified that MS-13 is gonna invade her town, break into her house, and kill everyone. Meanwhile, I work in East Los Angeles, and if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't even know they're a thing.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    I don't know...when you think about it, GWB was responsible for many more American deaths than OBL.  Still, although the former never faced punishment for anything, the latter should have been put on trial.

    oh no what is you doing

  9. 3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    It's too bad we're not gonna let the caravan past the border.

    Here's the perfect opportunity for bipartisanship.  We'll have buses and rakes at the border. For those who are willing, they can be bused to California to rake our forests. If they survive, they get a green card.

  10. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    He was arrested, but the DA has not yet decided to charge him.  Most likely because they are doing their own investigation in to the incident to avoid looking like jackasses if this was a false arrest.

    This is correct.  I've had many potential clients who have been arrested and cited to court only to find out it was a "DA dismissal," meaning the DA declined to press charges.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Yes, we all know he was arrested.  I'm asking if charges were filed with the courts.  The police don't file charges. The DA does that. 

    (IIRC the D.A. files in L.A. County if it's a felony, and the City Attorney handles Misdemeanors).  

    The DA's are in charge of all criminal filings in Los Angeles County. However, there are 38 (I think) cities in LA County and many of them handle the filings of misdemeanors through their own City Attorneys.  Some of the smaller cities do not and the DA's still handle those misdemeanors.

  12. 1 minute ago, zork said:

    Does the video claim anything about combating global warming?  I missed that. 


    4 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    I hope you are not implying that a grand solar minimum will save us. Just in case you are:


    23 minutes ago, zork said:

    nasa, dude, not me.


  13. 12 minutes ago, zork said:

    nasa, dude, not me.

    Your position is that the 3:00 minute video linked contains a declaration from NASA that this solar minimum will combat global warming?

  14. 9 hours ago, BradInATX said:

    I've certainly become more conservative, at least fiscally, as I've moved into my 30s, started a business, had a kid, etc. 

    I also voted straight ticket dem for the first time ever.


    Conservative =/= today's GOP. The tired trope of "people age into the Republican" party won't hold up. People age into fiscal responsiblity, but we don't age into hatred and bile and creating our own self worth on being better than others. I'm not a democrat. They're pretty terrible as a party. The fact that Pelosi is even a consideration for speaker is an absolute abortion. But until anyone and everyone who supports and enables what's happening right now is gone, she and they have my vote. And I'm not alone.


    Sum sum, yall fucked, trumpkins. World is changing. Sorry you aren't prepared. Deal with it and take the loss pussy.


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk






    Right. Many people grow more fiscally conservative as they age. I don't see anything in the current GOP that would lead me to believe they are fiscal conservatives.

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