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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 1 hour ago, lemonlime said:

    Sadly this.  

    The trump admin is just going to ignore any subpoenas from the House.  The courts including the Kavanaugh scotus will side with trump.  And when the economy tanks because of trump's tariff dipshittery and overheating from the GOP tax cuts, they'll just blame the dem House for any problems and their band of Fox News watching sycophants will believe them.

    Can't wait to see the Gary Johnson voters rush to this site to explain why Trump ignoring the subpoenas is permissible because something, something Obama.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    The coastal elites have the media, entertainment and newspapers to vent to. That is a release on the pressure valve of pent up anger that the smaller states don't.

    Hey, sorry we passed these laws based on biblical teachings that prohibit you in California from doing X, Y, and Z. But hey, you have a newspaper in your city you can go complain to. 

  3. Just now, Huckleberry said:

    That's the entire point of the Senate you doofuses (I wish it was doofi).

    Complain about the House. Right now there are 1,050,493 Montanans and one Representative while there are only 529,820 Rhode Islanders per Representative.

    Yes. I'm aware of that. We're precluded from voicing criticism because that was it's intent? 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Ricky Butler said:

    Um, did you watch last season? That was the best tackling team in a long time.

    Oh, so sorry. The tackling issues that have plagued us for the better part of the last decade have resurfaced. 

    Is that more to your liking? 

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Stros said:

    Illegal immigration. Did you forget the first part?

    You can call it whatever you want. The fact remains that most of what you are calling illegal immigration is not a criminal act.

  6. 4 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Ok.  Well you should walk that walk buddy. From now on I think you should ask management of every establishment you frequent what their political leanings are. 

    If you’re an attorney (seems you may be), do you take clients that are Trump supporters?

    I'm sorry my position seems to have upset you so.  Thanks for the tip on how I should continue to enforce my personal beliefs and values. But just to be clear, for the third time. I'm not sure why my desire to not befriend or interact socially with people I believe are supporting a racist, nationalist, and authoritarian leader means I cannot spend money anywhere without vetting the place.  But anyway, nice chat.  

    And yes, I'm sure I've taken clients who are Trump supporters. I would have no idea unless they volunteered. Again, not sure how that has anything to do with my desire to avoid Trump supporters in my social circles.

  7. 3 minutes ago, NameWithHeld said:

    How?  If they are born here they can be shipped back with their illegal parents.  How is that actively punishing the children---they wouldn't no the difference.

    If this is serious, fuck you. If not, fuck you for trolling.

  8. Just now, GRHorn said:

    Either you live a Howard Hughes like existence, you live in a very far off place, or you walk past a Trump supporter everyday without thinking about it and nobody growls at anybody  

    How far are you willing to take this? Will you go to a different gas station based on the owner’s political leanings? Do you have a business? Would you take money from a Trump supporter? If you’re an employee you might take a paycheck from a Trump supporter. Should you cash it?

    I'm sure I walk by Trump supporters everyday. I work in the same courtroom with a bailiff who is a huge Trump supporter. I interact with her in order to conduct my business. I'm not sure how that is at odds with my statement that I have not interest in interacting, chatting, grabbing coffee, or  befriending Trump supporters.  And yes, if I felt a business owner's views were way out of line, then I would consider not giving money to them. That's called boycotting. People from both sides of the aisle engage in that on a pretty regular basis.

  9. Just now, GRHorn said:

    That’s a shame. I feel bad for you. Why let politics interfere with so much of your life? 

    Do you have a business? Would you do business with Trump supporters since they’re irredeemable?

    It doesn't interfere with my life. I'm not close to a single person who supports Trump. Thanks for feeling bad for me, though. Notice I did not say "conservatives" or "republicans."  I'm perfectly fine with that.

  10. Yeah, I'm at the point where if I meet a Trump supporter, I want nothing to do with you. No interest in chatting, grabbing coffee, watercooler talk, etc. If, at this point, you are still in the tank for Trump after everything he has said over the past 2 years, you are irredeemable. 

    • Like 4
  11. So POTUS just stated that by ending birthright citizenship, he would be keeping the "criminals and drug dealers out of our country."

    Any of the remaining Trump defenders want to give that a shot? If you're not too busy losing your shit on the Don Lemon thread. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, realgreggym said:
    53 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I bet Alan Dershowitz is regretting some of his previous statements supporting trump tonight. He’s smart enough to know that trump’s rhetoric on the caravan mob full of mooslems played at least a part in this tragedy. Trump has supported Israel unconditionally which Dershowitz supports but there is a cost when you lie down with dogs. Shit becomes real when 11 innocent people die for no good reason. 

    This is beyond retarded even for you. Dershowitz voted for Hillary and has said time and time again that he doesn't support trump. What he is saying that there should be no special counsel investigation because its unconstitutional and the same with impeachment. He also recognizes that if this crap continues, one day the situation will be reversed and the repubs will do the same to the dems. This opinion has nothing to do with his support of Trump and as far as Israel is concerned, Dershowitz has supported Israel long before he even knew who Trump was. 

    Oh, really? One day the GOP is going to get a special counsel to investigate a Dem president and try and dig up everything they can to impeach him? 


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