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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

    Ah, and so that's Trump's fault for being the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish President in modern times.  Clever bastard. Amazing how many ways Trump finds to stir up hate.

    The most pro-Jewish President ever has supporters who organize torch parades chanting "jews will not replace us"

    • Like 6
  2. 2 minutes ago, AtticusFinch said:

    Pretty much every time she talks about Trump.  Which is every time she opens her mouth.  It doesn't matter.   People are like children getting upset every time someone opens their mouth

    Then should be easy to link comparable statements where Waters calls for violence and paints her critics as enemies of America. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, cabowabo said:
    23 minutes ago, 'stache said:
    Presidential pardon.  He was set up by deep state.  Something something George Soros.  Trumps approval among republicans goes up to 97%.

    Kind of like what Hillary would have done to the Scalise shooter?



    Like clockwork. Maybe give texags a try. You'd fit right in. 

  4. Just now, SmokeyTheBear said:

    +1 Magabomber

    Too easy for the Trumpers to minimize the importance if it was tied to Qanon. 

    They're going to minimize regardless. A week from now, 40% of the country will believe that this was false flag, dem operative, or innocently framed guy. All part of Dem conspiracy to take out dear leader. The remainder of the GOP who are not insane, won't back those theories, but will flood the internet with "but Holder!" "but Obama" and "but Kathy Griffin!" 

  5. 14 hours ago, Anastasis said:


    Based on limited research I don’t think that actual individual persecution is required. The eu terminology suggests that only fear of persecution is required. I think I might have a fear based on political opinion angle here. Otherwise I am going to have to rely on good looks alone, which won’t get me very far. 

    Is this supposed to be funny or are you trying to make a point?

  6. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    I am not sure what to tell you if you think that Texas' economy (or Texas' anything else for that matter) is emulating Venezuela. 

    Hmm, no one said that, but while we're on the subject, walk us through what happens in Texas when O&G prices plummet. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Kyle said:

    This is what scares many - independent thought. While I have not thought much of him or his music and think he's a megalomaniac loon, I admire anyone willing to express publicly a diverse opinion and face the fascist wrath of his peers. Again, I make no value judgment on the content, but I appreciate anyone willing to not just parrot the simpleton party line on any issue or any party (group, organization, etc.) Free speech and independent thought no matter how inherently correct or incorrect terrifies many.

    He's a mentally ill person who makes music people like. Really not any deeper than that.

    • Like 3
  8. Just now, hayden_horn said:

    did yall not know that here are also LITERALLY no-go zones in london where the metropolitan police won't go, and where sharia law rules by fiat?

    I'm actually surprised we haven't seen Breitbart-type articles claiming that LA and SF have huge "no-go" zones controlled by MS-13

  9. Also, you people realize that California is a pretty large region with towns, cities, rural, and urban zones, right?

    It's like saying, "man, the United States fucking sucks! I spent a day in Times Square and, boy, I just dont know how anyone could live in that country!"

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Johnny Sack said:

    Nah. Spend a couple million on a 1500 square foot dump in San Fran where you get a nice long commute and get to step over needles and piles of shit from street people.  

    California is wonderful if you’re a one percenter.  

    I think its a great place. I'm not a one percenter. I dont step over needles and piles of shit. What am I doing wrong? I mean, besides not intentionally going to skid row to hang out with homeless people?

    Take a break from the "california is one large pile of needles and feces" pieces written by persons who live in Plano.

    • Like 5
  11. 10 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    I just read here that accusation is in fact, evidence. 

    Do you have a learning disability? A person's sworn testimony is evidence and is enough to convict. If you are still having trouble with the concept, I can try and break it down further but I'm not sure there's much more I can do. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    They could not find anything or anyone to support her testimony. I assume you do not believe allegation alone is enough to prove guilt? 

    I've seen dozens of persons convicted of crimes based on testimony alone. And that's with a reasonable doubt standard.

  13. 28 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Almost every day I truly find it mind boggling what's happened to the Republican party over my lifetime. We've gone to basically my all time most respected politicians in Bob Dole, HW Bush, John Warner and McCain, to whatever this assembly of idiots is today.


    Its basically a smorgasbord of stupidity that's lapped up by brain dead upper middles like Johnny Sack, mouth breathers like Iconoclast, and those who dont actually pay attention to anything.

    Calling Johnny Sack a member of the upper middle class is probably the most offensive thing you could say to him. 


    He spent years on TOS making sure everyone knew damn well he was upper class. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    This is why this board is fucked.  7 negs?  If you’re that big of a pussy who has to neg on the political board because a post angers you, consider a shot of bleach.  

    You will get you echo chamber.  The bizarro Texags politics board now.  Dumbfuck groupthink for both.  

    Lol. gets so angry over people negging on a message board, tells posters to kill themselves.

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 minute ago, TtomTerrific said:

    didn't the Rachael Maddow vs. Megan Kelley wars of yore settle this "hot chick" vs the quintessential libtard debate long ago? Janet Reno meme here. 

    and "legal opinions won't be respected?" 


    He is demonstrably more qualified for this spot than the token waste of space Sotomayor. 

    Sorry that he is innocent of all the baseless, specious claims of "rape and assault" that were manufactured for him by those who spend most of their time lobbing specious claims of racism and homophobia against their other political opponents as a matter of course. 

    You wonder why some of us are here to for the schadenfreude?

    Rage on, you crazy diamonds... hell of a strategy y'all have working here. 

    Hell of a week to quit drinking.

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