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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 13 hours ago, BNB said:

    I'm all about the jobs, and building up the middle class.  Everyone doesn't need an iphone and a big screen tv.  You strive to get those things and be middle class.  

    But  this hit me...

    Most notably, it requires that 40% to 45% of car and truck parts be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour. The goal is to level the playing field between American and Mexican auto workers and to incentivize manufacturers to build more in the United States.

    God, I hate this argument.  TV's cost a few hundred bucks. Smart phones can be had for less than $100.  These items are not the territory of the middle class. Just for reference, a 17 inch TV cost $180 in 1955. That's about $1,600.00 today with inflation.

  2. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    You're lying. 

    Oh, you mean the guy who thinks 9/11 was an inside job, democrats run secret child sex slave parties in pizza parlors, and Donald Trump was elected to sweep the pedophiles out of power, may not have a grasp on the facts.

    Knock me over with a feather.

    • Like 2
  3. Am I the only one reading between the lines when listening to GOP politicians and conservative commentators and picking up the veiled threats that sexual assault allegations are going to be brought against any future dem nominee?

    Like, wouldnt you want to keep that to yourself?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Horndog said:

    Then subpoena them to testify.


    Here's Graham's thoughts on them:


    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday dismissed the credibility of two men who have claimed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Christine Blasey Ford may have mistook Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for them during an alleged sexual assault in the 1980s.

    "One’s crazy as a loon. I don’t believe the other one. I’m not going to play this game," Graham said on "CBS This Morning."

    “You don’t believe either of these men who said they attacked Dr. Ford?” anchor Norah O'Donnell asked.

    "Yes, I don’t believe that," Graham responded.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    The free market. Dixie Chicks were not fired by a large corporation attempting to virtue signal their alleged moral superiority. This is exactly how Roseanne should have been handled, via the free market. If you don't like what she said, don't watch the show. Don't like what the Dixie Chicks said, don't listen to their music or go to their concerts. I don't need some corporation telling me what I can or can't listen to or watch.

    I didn't say that, the British government did. And again, it isn't four years ago, it's ongoing. 

    This was your quote:


     Because part and parcel of identity politics is that you must destroy anyone who doesn't toe the line.

    Now tell me how this doesnt fit the above:


    Country stations across the United States have pulled the Chicks from playlists following reports that lead singer Natalie Maines said in a concert in London earlier this week that she was "ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."

    Station managers said their decisions were prompted by calls from irate listeners who thought criticism of the president was unpatriotic.

    Ok, so in one instance, public backlash caused a corporation to cancel a show. In the other, public backlash caused corporations to blacklist an artist. 

    Yeah, I totally see the difference between the two.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    In the UK, grooming gangs are operating around the country, raping young girls. The police, mostly, refuse to prosecute. Like the Catholic Church, the British government refuses to stop covering up the rapes.


    These abuses were ignored by the police specifically because the abusers were dark skinned minorities. Add is muslim, and you top the victim hierarchy. Not wanting to be perceived as racist, these criminals were allowed to continue. Even after Rotherham, even today, they are continuing to groom and rape young girls. It's estimated that at least 100k victims were ignored.


    Yale is under investigation for being racist. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-opens-probe-into-whether-yale-university-discriminates-against-asian-americans-1537980075

    Roseanne had her career destroyed because she made a joke. Because part and parcel of identity politics is that you must destroy anyone who doesn't toe the line.  Because, you know, tolerance.

    You may not have heard, but recently two assholes went to a Starbucks, refused to order anything, bragged about how much money they make, and got kicked out in accord with store policy, which was race neutral. It was national news. It was alleged that Starbucks was racist, and they had to shut down for a while to conduct "diversity training". Thankfully, Starbucks is now the world's urinal.

    If could go on for hours. 

    Identity politics is (1) ridiculous, (2) incredibly harmful, and (3) pervasive amongst all of our major institutions. 

    Tell me what it was when the Dixie Chicks' careers were destroyed for making a statement about President Bush? What would you call that? 

    Honestly, for a grown man who I'm sure fancies himself a rugged individualist, you sure are a fucking crybaby.

    Edit: Not sure if you've been following the news lately, but the entire world is replete with horror stories of systemic child abuse, sexual assault, and rape committed by individuals and institutions. Of course, you find one from 4 years ago where it seems muslims or brown people are the main perps, then you flatly state that they are only getting away with it because they're muslims. How fucking convenient.

  7. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/07/09/arizona-vigilante-michael-meyer-veterans-patrol-arrested-amid-pizzagate-style-conspiracy


    Local and federal law enforcement debunked the claims, saying investigators went to the site and found nothing more than a former homeless encampment. But rather than putting the situation to rest, those findings prompted Meyer and his group to dig in even more, locking the gates to the private property and declaring that they were engaged in a “standoff” with authorities.

    Local police eventually coaxed Meyer and Veterans on Patrol to leave the property but made no arrests.

    Since then, Meyer and other members of Veterans on Patrol (VOP) have posted dozens of videos to Facebook, saying that they’re going after child trafficking cartels in the middle of the Arizona desert. In a recent post, Meyer described it as an ongoing “chess match” with cartels.


    Meyer, who is not a veteran himself, has been arrested multiple times in recent years


  8. 4 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    If you go to TexAgs, its just a bunch of guys beating off daydreaming about shooting up a Whole Foods in the war against liberals.  It is truly insane.


    What are the odds we are headed for another civil war?

    Representative highlight

    When is violence warranted?

    Representative highlight


    Side question:  Is the TexAgs politics forum representative of Aggies?  Or is it just a concentration of the dumbest of them?  Because I honestly would not send my children to that school - purportedly ranked in the top whatever - if I knew that their brains would function that poorly after their education there.

    I think its representative of a majority of aggies. On a related note, I've always wondered how our Trump/New-GOP posters reconcile the fact that their political views align with aggies. I mean, as UT fans and alums, everyone is acutely aware of the ignorance and stupidity that defines aggy, and yet politically and ideologically you are identical. Would be enough to give me pause...

  9. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I know Trump and McConnell will whine that Dems are using (making up) this Kavanaugh issue for political gains.     And why shouldn't they leverage a situation for their own goals?  Are they saying that they wouldn't do the same?   They're doing it as well.

    Refuse to hold a vote?



  10. 9 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    People laughing at him is probably the only thing that actually bothers him.

    This is why I've said all along that the WH press corps shouldn't get angry and confrontational when the WH trots out various persons to lie to their faces. They should just routinely laugh as SHS and the others as they try and feed bullshit to the American people. DOTUS would fucking lose it.

    • Like 6
  11. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    That's perfect. Political obliviousness is hilarious. They don't understand how badly they are losing.

    Yeah, similar to that poll from last week that showed Republican voters think the "blue wave" is a total fiction created by fake news media.  

  12. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Every time I hear some lame ass charge the democrats have made when they've done exactly the same shit, yeah.  I still sit on the right side of the aisle, I mean seriously why would I wannna to sit with a bunch of losers ?

    Yeah, that's it. You're just fairly comparing both sides. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Ragnarok said:

    Ford places Ms Keyser at the party.  Ms. Keyser, a lifelong friend, says she never met Kavanaugh and has no idea what Ford is talking about. Your response to that is: Well, she's not really a witness then, is she?

    I don't usually bother responding or even reading anything on this board since it turned into one long boring lefty circle jerk, but this thread, well, it's been worth reading just for gems like that above. And that it is victim shaming to point out that Ms. Ford seems to be able to fly when she wants to.  You need to learn what victim shaming is. It's the NY Times, after Patricia Bowman accused William Kennedy Smith of rape,  "reporting on her speeding tickets, partying in adulthood and even dredging up an unnamed woman who claimed Bowman showed a 'little wild streak' in high school."   Or James Carville, tallking about Paula Jones,  saying that you never know what you'll find when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park



    This poster is hilarious. Makes sure to constantly remind everyone that he's above the fray, and just hates finding himself in this forum participating in the same arguments as everyone else. 

    • Like 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    James Woods Retweeted Mark Dice

    College professor Christine Ford can’t remember the year her “assault” happened, but can remember that she was fifteen. Chances are she won’t be joining the Math Department any time soon.



    James Woods Retweeted NBC News

    There are hallowed American cemeteries around the globe filled with men who did the right thing, you sexist witch. Go fuck yourself.

    Dude. Are you off your meds or something? 

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