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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 4 minutes ago, AtticusFinch said:

    It's not an altered video.  It is just a close up of the altercation.  Further, revoking a press pass isnt a good argument when there are a hundred other members of the press reporting on the daily activities.  There is no constitutional requirement that the WH even give briefings.  This whole thing is stupid and a publicity stunt by CNN

    Why are you lying? It was deliberately sped up.

  2. 2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    We need to go back to Shaggy and note every single poster who said Trump wasn't an authoritarian and call them out constantly until they answer about this one. This shit may call into question Florida right now and you know he'll try to incite his supporters into violence if he loses in 2020. This may be one of the scariest things he's done thus far.

    Shaggy? Shit, two weeks ago I was told that I was virtue signaling - whatever that means - because I said I have no interest in befriending or socializing with Trump supporters. There are still a number of posters on here who think what Trump is doing is no different than Obama. 

    • Like 1
  3. 50 minutes ago, NorLa Horns said:

    ya know. ya got a point.... to a point. but the fact that in quite a few articles about Brus recruitment, they are talking about the USC alumni and their base and what they can offer after football. its in the articles. look if you dont believe me. and when youre talking life after football when it comes to california, yes, I think pointing out the miserible state of the state is in is a topic worth discussing. 

    the fact that tons of californians are leaving the state due to the things I said is relevant. and the fact that the destination a lot of those californians leaving the state is Texas is also relevant. 

    or it could all be 17 year old bullshit, and all they really do want is pussy and parties

    This is a fucking regarded take. 

    • Like 3
  4. Just now, Bat Guano said:

    Seems like security guards can't stop a determined shooter.

    All this tells us is that we need MORE armed guards in public.  I'd say establishing a ratio of one armed guard for every 10 citizens in a public space should do the trick.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Eastwood said:

    The more important question is what percentage of the population do not have a line that Trump could cross. If the percentage is near what his approval rating is, then we may well be on our way to Civil War 2 or the splitting of the country into 3 - 5 different regions. If it's moderately less than his approval rating, we may still be in for a round of violence or two, but my thought is that the moment that modern comforts become endangered, people will back down to preserve their current way of life. It's easier to circle jerk on FB than it is to accept the rationing of supplies, of which, btw, bandwidth will be one of.

    I think that number is easily 30%.

  6. Just now, Captainant said:

    It doesn't have anything to do with anything, just commenting on the whataboutism of the day. It's not right to terrorize a man's family because you disagree with his opinions. Full stop. My comment about comeuppance is that in a petty way, I see it as him reaping what he's been sowing. Carlson has been a big part of the decline of our discourse so it's the chickens coming home to roost.

    To reiterate: I don't think that sort of behavior is ever ok. 

    I know. I wasn't really referring to you. We're seeing a lot of this in general. The White House or the POTUS does or says something despicable, and his minions rush to the internet to post links to some random individual doing something abhorrent.  

  7. 3 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    THANK YOU for posting the source that validates the claims being made. Yeah, that's real fucked up and folks shouldn't do that. But also, I don't really feel all that bad seeing it happen to carlson, as he's egged on people doing similar things. It's comeuppance, but it's still not right.

    I'm not really sure I see what this has to do with anything? That's a shitty thing to do. Should be condemned.  What does this have to do with the behavior of the POTUS and the White House?  Do we not have different standards?  It's like, "yeah, the CEO of our company just went on a meth binge and took a shit in the middle of the conference room, but so did that homeless guy outside, so what's your problem?"

    • Like 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    That’s why Houston and Harris County outlawing the proposed robot sex doll brothel was so fucking stupid. Men have sexual needs and desires and someone was proposing to run a business to satisfy those needs without committing a crime or being complicit in human trafficking. How moronic can people be 

    Read this to yourself a few times. If you cannot see how fucking insane this sounds, you're too far gone.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, yoladu said:

    yeah, but why not a week ago? 2 weeks ago? a month ago?

    Because the fake news media has convinced the american people that its a righteous investigation. Had he done it before the election, the fake news enemy of the people would've whipped voters into a frenzy and perhaps cost the GOP Senate seats.

  10. 33 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    You got to understand this about progressives: They are morally driven by their care nature, and they are poor at systems reasoning.  Ideas are emotive primarily and hardly explored.  This is why women are drawn to it.  For example, minimum wage increases are good because poor people making higher wages feels like a good idea.  The actual economic effects are of no interest to them.

    That's why Hugo will answer this with an emotive quip and lack of explanation.

    This is amazing. You were asked to critique Warren's platform, and you respond that women and progressives are emotionally driven and lack the ability to articulate ideas.  Give yourself a trophy for this one.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, NowThis said:

    and Trump? 

    Beto really needs to move to the center, be more like a Bill Clinton w/o the pervy scandals and he'll do much better. A conservative Democrat (not necessarily Bill C.) would be ideal, or actually a liberal Republican would be good for the nation.  Beto needs to get tougher on immigration and needs to fine tune his healthcare message by saying he's going to cut defense. Wny massacre millions of people across the wordl, destroy their already pathetic nations, and at the same time loved ones die here due to billions going to war machines. The military is bad for people everywhere, it's excessive by 2x or 3x. Slash the mofo. 

    Why would it matter what his positions are? We just saw the GOP run entire campaigns lying about what Dem positions are.  GOP ran ads against Dems claiming they were advocating open borders, taking away social security, wanting to model our country on Venezuela, and removing protections for pre-existing conditions. No matter what the Dem positions are, that same message will be broadcast. About 40% of the nation will believe it.

  12. 1 hour ago, lemonlime said:

    Sadly this.  

    The trump admin is just going to ignore any subpoenas from the House.  The courts including the Kavanaugh scotus will side with trump.  And when the economy tanks because of trump's tariff dipshittery and overheating from the GOP tax cuts, they'll just blame the dem House for any problems and their band of Fox News watching sycophants will believe them.

    Can't wait to see the Gary Johnson voters rush to this site to explain why Trump ignoring the subpoenas is permissible because something, something Obama.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    The coastal elites have the media, entertainment and newspapers to vent to. That is a release on the pressure valve of pent up anger that the smaller states don't.

    Hey, sorry we passed these laws based on biblical teachings that prohibit you in California from doing X, Y, and Z. But hey, you have a newspaper in your city you can go complain to. 

  14. Just now, Huckleberry said:

    That's the entire point of the Senate you doofuses (I wish it was doofi).

    Complain about the House. Right now there are 1,050,493 Montanans and one Representative while there are only 529,820 Rhode Islanders per Representative.

    Yes. I'm aware of that. We're precluded from voicing criticism because that was it's intent? 

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