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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 3 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    James Woods Retweeted Mark Dice

    College professor Christine Ford can’t remember the year her “assault” happened, but can remember that she was fifteen. Chances are she won’t be joining the Math Department any time soon.



    James Woods Retweeted NBC News

    There are hallowed American cemeteries around the globe filled with men who did the right thing, you sexist witch. Go fuck yourself.

    Dude. Are you off your meds or something? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    This is from a 60 Minutes interview in the 80s and the way you’re framing it is misleading. he didn’t have a fucking choice.  What was he supposed to regret?  Not getting himself murdered by Nazis? 



  3. 5 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    wildcat accused greggym of “Jew-baiting” by merely bringing up the name of Soros as a way to discredit the possible connection to a known leftist provocateur. Reread the posts

    Let me break this down for you since the meth has left several large holes in your brain.

    Poster A: Soros was a nazi and helped gas the jews

    Poster B: Wow, you are insane.

    Iconoclast: What, we can't question liberal politics without getting yelled at?

    That was the context.

  4. 2 minutes ago, realgreggym said:

    You are so easily baited,Thats correct. And thats exactly why he was able to help the Nazis . No one suspected that a 7 year old would do what he did. And if you weren't such an idiot, you would know that many years later he was asked if he regretted exposing Jews that were hiding from the Nazis and sending them to be gassed and he said he had absolutely no regrets.

    You're pathetic.

    You are lying again.

  5. Just now, Iconoclast Texan said:

    No it’s ok for the left to call out the Koch brothers and their evil machinations but we on the right can’t rightfully criticize Soros for all of the progressive political causes he funds. We’re nuts or batshit insane. 

    You fucking disingenuous fuck. No one is saying you can't criticize his political positions. Go right ahead. Do you think that's slightly different than claiming he gleefully aided in the fucking holocaust.

    • Like 3
  6. 11 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    My house came with solar panels.  And yes, I agree, solar panels are super dumb, because I used to love spending $250/month on electricity in the never ending Austin summer.  Now I only spend $20-30/month in the summer.  That's just dumb.


    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, realgreggym said:

    Soros was born a Jew and renounced his Judaism decades ago. But good  news for you. He helped the Nazis find and gas Jews living in Hungary. I am not peddling conspiracies. I am stating the situation. The fact is that you're an idiot and clueless  and always good for a laugh.

    You are not stating the situation. You are lying. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    He lumped the criminal justice and law enforcement systems together and collectively called them “the new Jim Crow”.  

    The headline is oversimplified and meant to be sensational, but the meaning was there. 

    I have to admit I thought he’d be a slicker speaker. When asked about the anthem and kneeling, “No it’s not disrespectful”.  Really? Of course it is. That’s the point. That’s what draws attention to it. That’s what makes it a good protest.

    That clip sounds bad on Tv.

    Actually, he said it was not disrespectful to the country or veterans.  

    • Like 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    Perfect example of what I posted up thread.  No factual basis whatsoever but convincingly asserted as fact.  Well done!  Of course your theory now calls Fienstein a liar as she publicly said she did not give the letter or disclose its contents to anyone prior to 6 days ago.

    Oh shit, GOLL is going to be so upset that he called Fienstein a liar. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Yes they did refuse to confirm because they could do so because they had the power to do so. If the Democrats had the power to do the same to Kavanaugh so be it. Bully on them. The Republicans didn’t pull out some flimsy accusation to hurl shit against the wall. 

    Ahh, I see. It's the flavor of dirt you disagree with.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Iconoclast Texan said:

    A Facebook post. Smoking gun!!!!

    I never said it was. If you bothered reading the post I was responding to, you would notice that a poster claimed the only investigation the FBI could do would be to talk to the other male alleged to be involved., and then shut it down. I was pointing out that there were persons who allege they heard about it then.  Hope that helps.

  12. Just now, David Dennison said:

    This is about Merrick Garland and political payback. Mitch McConnell is getting his just desserts.

    Yeah, I'm not sure why the GOP thinks that calling the Dems out for playing politics and getting dirty is supposed to be an insult. They refused to confirm Garland just because they could.  What, only one side gets to play the game?  You guys are going to be really upset if Dems get control and try to add a few more justices to pack the court.

  13. 6 minutes ago, realgreggym said:

    Or maybe it never really happened. Supposedly, there was one other person in the room,. Say the FBI calls him and he says that it never happened. End of investigation unless you want the FBI to get a high school yearbook and call everyone in it?

    And to answer your question about the dems vetting her first? No they probably didn't because they don't care about her. They only care about delaying the vote and it doesn't matter if she is telling the truth or not..


    Lol. There are persons saying they heard about it back when it allegedly happened. 

  14. 15 hours ago, DougO said:



    mal·prac·tice | \ ˌmal-ˈprak-təs \

    Definition of malpractice 


    1 : a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage

    2 : an injurious, negligent, or improper practice : malfeasance


    Wait, you read the definition you posted and you're standing by your claim that this was malpractice? 

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