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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. I tend to agree with you. It has occurred to me that the coming generations (millennial and younger) are going to be increasingly militant when it comes to climate change. When I was a kid, global warming was this abstract thing that was going to happen in the future. We were taught to recycle and not pollute, but as far as political issues it was pretty far down the list for the vast majority of my generation. These days, kids are subjected, almost on a daily basis, to news of flooding cities, rising coastlines, states on fire, and other real and catastrophic consequences. It would be pretty smart for those in power to start really addressing this issue as opposed to either denying it or simply paying it lip service. Because there is a wave coming.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Same with the mafia boss who tells his enforcer, "I don't want to see that rat bastard around here no more."  I wasn't ordering his murder, it was just my preference not to see him! 

    No, no, no. I didnt want you to kill him. I just thought it would be nice if you took him down to the aquarium to see the fishes.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    I would definitely take Tucker's bat over Marisnick's.  Tucker actually has a higher xwOBA than Kemp.  

    Agreed. Tucker at least has good plate vision and battles. Jake just fucking swings as hard as he can at the first 3 pitches that are thrown.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    The tax cuts are still only a fraction of my “middle class Obama tax”. AKA Obama care. So it’s nice to get back some of that 500% increase we enjoyed from the previous years. 

    May rate hasn’t been raised once since Trump took office when I was averaging two a year. 

    Amazing what happens when you let people decide what to do with their income. 

    Last 10 years: OMG! The spending is out of control! Constitutional amendment!  Debt ceiling! Think of the country like a family with a credit card! We are bankrupting this nation!

    Now: LOL. All is cool. Trump's tax cuts have saved me a few grand. Fuck the debt/deficit.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, this said:

    It indeed is a tough nut to crack. As a society we do take care of them, we have unemployment insurance, food banks, section 8 housing, welfare etc. In America you have to try hard to go hungry. What a lot of Dem Socialists want to do is make them even more comfortable despite intentionally slacking at work, the opponents disagree. 

    We cannot continue penalizing(even more) the ones that do work hard for the ones that don't. In the AOC thread I did point out(with sources) how the bottom 50% only accounts for 2.75% of all the income tax generated while reeking in most of the benefit. Most of the ones that don't or can't cut it fall in this bucket. And by spending even more resources we invariably penalize the ones who make the right choices, right sacrifices and make good decisions. 

    Link to this platform?

  6. I'm holding out to see what actually happened. DV conduct covers a pretty wide spectrum of behavior.  None of which is acceptable, but some is obviously far less egregious. 

    Edit: Overall, not too happy with it though

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I suspect Manafort will get convicted.  He can always take a deal at any point before sentencing.  Obviously the deal gets worse for him as time goes on.


    Not necessarily. Prosecution has to offer a deal for him to take it.

  8. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yep, that fucking cracked me up.

    Percent who think Dems are out of step -- 56.  Repubs out of step?  57.

    How about this -- who is more influenced by special interests and lobbyists?  Dems, 31%....Repubs, 38%.

    Maybe the questions on trade will look better?  Asked about trade barriers and tariffs, 25% said they will protect our jobs and help the economy!  Oh, but wait....49% said they will raise the cost of goods/hurt the economy.  Support for Trump's trade actions is at 26%! Oh, but opposition is at 53%.  Ouch.

    At least you'll always have immigration as a winning issue!  31% say immigration hurts more than it helps!  But wait....56% say it helps more than it hurts.

    And the hits keep coming.  Read the whole thing.  For a Republican/Trumpkin to post that poll as some sort of triumph....well, it's a whole lot like this:


    Yeah, this poll is being shared all over the internet by conservatives.  


    If the best poll you can find STILL shows the GOP trailing the DEMS, that might be a bad sign.

  9. NSIAP





    The proposal, expected to be released this week, amounts to a frontal assault on one of former President Barack Obama’s signature regulatory programs to curb emissions that contribute to climate change. It also sets up a high-stakes battle over California’s unique ability to combat air pollution and, if finalized, is sure to set off a protracted courtroom battle.


    California, for its part, rejects the idea that its 48 years of ability to write its own tailpipe emission rules should end. “We have the law on our side, as well as the people of the country and the people of the world,” said Dan Sperling, a member of the state’s Air Resources Board.

    California, with more than 2 million new cars and light trucks sold last year, is the nation’s biggest state market -- on par with Canada. A dozen other states follow California’s vehicle rules, and together account for more than a third of U.S. auto sales. Colorado also plans to adopt California’s clean-car rules.

    California and 16 other states plus the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit on May 2 seeking to block the Trump administration’s effort to unravel the Obama-era emissions targets. Sperling said that number will grow as more people come to realize how fundamentally Trump is attacking the idea of states’ rights.


  10. Just now, bad_teammate said:

    Republicans think they are going to escape this man. He's going to live to 100 and be screaming about how all future GOP president's are garbage and future candidates will kiss his ring to get his approval.

    This is your legacy, conservatives. It's glorious.

    No, no, no. Its the dems fault for nominating Hillary Clinton. Aren't you paying attention?

  11. On 7/15/2018 at 3:38 PM, JimmyJames said:

    Headline: the job creators created more jobs to help their profits but don’t want to pay the employees more because the expense eats into revenue and profit. News at 11.

    and thanks to our government policy, they’re getting their wish by increasing profit without the increase in expense. More news at 11. 

    Jeff Bezos has so much money, he tells people that he doesn't know what to do with it. His solution? Fund private space exploration.  

    Meanwhile, his workers rely on food stamps and piss into plastic bottles during work because bathroom breaks cut into productivity.  

  12. 13 minutes ago, Sidney Sherman said:

    He's not wrong, millennials have a microphone to the world in their pocket at all times. They tend to make stupid announcements like this one that they will regret later.

    He said "millennials are almost worthless." Far cry from "they tend to make stupid announcements on social media." 

  13. 22 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    My aunt who has worked in Canada for 35 years and is retirement age now qualifies for only $450 a month in government retirement benefits while some undeducted Muslim migrant hostile to Western values are bilking the Canadian system for $1,500 a month in government handouts. Shit like that has Canadians rightfully bitching. This is the type of bullshit that out of touch progressives and holier than thous don’t get. The US and Canada can’t accomodate every unskilled, uneducated fool that wants to come here.

    Didn't we let you in?

    • Like 1
  14. 47 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    He will be ok with Nebraska republicans once the tariffs start fucking midwest farmers in earnest.  It is the one thing Trump can't blame Obama for that is also going to directly hurt a large chunk of his base.

    I dunno. Based on everything I'm seeing, I'm reasonably certain that Trump supporters would rather lose their job and house that have Democrats take power.

    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, sidis said:

    as incredibly insightful as your posts have been demonstrated to be over the last few years, i am interested to know why you say this.

    Some time in the last year or so futureman went from a pretty good poster with funny quips, to this weird role as an intellectually superior contrarian.  Strangely, he seems to be most upset when people are criticizing Trump.

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